WTT for #1 thread


WTT & Preparing for #1
Sep 13, 2011
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This is the thread for all those WTT for #1 :cake:

Although most of us know each other, give a brief introduction for yourself! :hi:
I'm BeeLT

DH & I have been together for 2 years, we got married this past summer. We're very happy.

We have two dogs, who are goofy.

We live in the mountains in Idaho (USA) and are very outdoorsy. I like to crochet, cook, and read. We don't have a tv.

I have leaky gut syndrome, which causes lots of health issues including food allergies. It's getting better. It's the original reason we were WTT. I have anxiety issues which tend to make things interesting. DH is a great support system.

I teach online university courses, and this semester I got a reduced course load (not sure why, I have great reviews!) so our WTT has been pushed further into the unknown time line because of tight finances. Maybe soon, maybe not.

We're super excited to have kids. We're learning everything we can while we're WTT.

I've fallen in love with BnB and I thought it would be nice if we could have a thread just for the WTT for #1 ladies (and guys if there are any). :hugs:
I'm Mrs Gruffalo :)

I've been married to Mr Gruffalo for just over a year, and we've been together for 3 years in November :)

We live on the South Coast of England, not far from the sea, but miles from both our families. We bought our home around the same time we got married (and moved in together for the first time the day after the wedding!). We were lucky enough to be able to afford a nice three bed house, so we have a spare room ready for LO :)

We're currently WTT as DH is a bit nervous about money (though I think he's crazy to worry- we have lots of savings!) and would like to reach our 2nd anniversary before having a LO around. I'd like to start NTNP at Christmas, he's thinking the summer, so we're provisionally going to around Easter *fingers crossed*

I'm excited about the idea of becoming a mummy, but obviously nervous too! :D
Woohoo!!! :happydance:

I am mrsswaffer or Rebekah, known as Bex to my friends. ;) DH and I have been together 10 years and married for 1 year 3 months.

We live in Canterbury, Kent (UK), in a rented 2-bed flat. I'm a Newly Qualified Nurse, and have been in my first nursing job 6 weeks now (it has gone too quickly!)! DH is training to be a teacher, and will hopefully qualify in June next year.

We're WTT #1 until October next year, when DH has got his first teaching job and I've been in my job a year. :) We both want to be stable in our careers, and independent financially. Our parents are very excited about the prospect of grandchildren, but they don't know our plan, so it'll all be a lovely surprise when we do fall pregnant. I can't wait!

This month is my first month off the Pill, and I'm currently charting my BBT on FF (it's all very exciting!!), just to get to grips with my cycles so it'll be easier to predict my ovulation date and next period etc. I've not had a normal period off the Pill for 8 years!

I love love love BnB, and have made some really lovely friends so far. :hugs:

EDIT - I forgot to mention that we'll be NTNP from April 2012, hopefully. :D
Hi ladies! My name is Theresa. DH and I have been together for about 10 years-ish, married for 1.5 years. I'm very nervous to become a mom but very excited as well! DH is going to be a great dad. We've been wwt because I was laid off of work this time last year and have only been working part time since. Well, I just got full time job and DH is in a nice job so we will officially start trying in January but are NTNP right now. I am so excited to get that BFP!
:happydance: I like this new thread, just for us WTT#1s!!

I'm Everdreaming, I'm 21 and my OH is 33 :) We're currently both in our second year training to be nurses! We live apart, which is a main reason for WTT, but I'm currently attempting to convince him that living together is a good thing :haha:

Currently the 'discussion' date for TTC is 2014 :cry: but we'll see how things change in the next few years :) Hopefully we can NTNP from mid-third year of training, so if I was to miraculously fall pregnant straight away I could still complete the course.

I've just started charting on FF as my Dr doesn't think I ovulate, and I have a few other gynae issues, coupled with OH's :spermy: troubles I'm super concerned about waiting too long to try, especially with him being older. Here's hoping we can try soon.. :coffee:
Hey All!

I've been with DH for 5 years and married for 2 and a wee bit years! He's 25 and I have 6 days left of being 23! We have a lovely 2 bed flat, 2 jobs each - out of fun, not necessity!

Our reason for wtt were that we're still young, didn't have the right income and reason after reason after reason until the perfect timing! We sat and talked about the 'perfect time to have a baby' and worked out that by the time we thought we could be ready...we'd be in early retirement! :haha:!!! So we agreed on next August! (this was a few months ago!)

Now I sit here knowing that hubs wants to start in January and I have convinced myself that I want a Christmas baby! That's Christmas 2012! Eeek!!

I can, at times, feel ready but then (like tonight) have a major freak out about everything... (I know that initial costs of prams etc can be dealt with but then I remember that a pack of nappies is about £10 and then you need the wipes too! And its a constant need! But we have now sorted that out!) I can justify spending money on the baby but why do I need to get maternity clothes!? Can we really afford for me to get things like that? etc etc etc... And I know we can, I just freak out now that I know its going to happen!

Hubs isn't worried at all and I think that his lack of talking about things makes me a little worse! Lol...But hey... they are my neurosis!

And that's my introduction! :wacko: I'm not always this crazy! :winkwink::shhh:

Anyways! Its number one and I'm allowed...right! lol!

Thanks Girlies!

Hey all,

Im 25 (nearly 26), OH i 24. We live in Birmingham with our two dogs and a cat.
We have been together 4 years this xmas. Married last year, and actually just this week we hit our house deposit target so in the next few weeks ill kick stat the ball rolling there.

Were wtt mainlt due to the house deposit and we also want to save up and upgrade our car to an estate. We have said we will ttc from april but recently things have been going well for us, so might be able to push that forward and start in Dec/New Year.

OH worries about how much he works, as its unsocial hours and most week he does 60+ hours but to be honest the only time that will change is when he retires :S

Thats me, probably missed loads out but looking forward to ttc in the next 6 months :D
Yay! Hi ladies (and possibly gents, lol!). I'm dontworry AKA Jess.
My OH and I are both 21 (he'll be 22 in Jan). We live in California (USA) with our huge fur-baby, Crook. We love to read, watch new movies, and have deep intellectual conversations over Thai food! :p

We are WTT because we'd like to be married before we start popping out babies (this is more of OH's preference, though I understand and respect his reasoning!). We will be getting married in late January of 2012, so as soon as we're in the clear there, we can start trying. We are VERY excited about trying and hope it happens rather quickly for us, but we will take what we get! :p

I'm hoping for a girl (secretly, shhh!), and OH wants a boy of course.
I'm Medzi - but my name is Meghan. DH and I have been together for about 7 years and married for 2. We live in Alberta, Canada and have a cat named Oswald and a fish named Mog! I have always lived here but DH is originally from Pittsburgh. I am 27 (28 in December) and he is 29. He works with computers and I do public relations.

We are WTT due to my kidney disease. We are both ready, are pretty well off financially and although we just rent, our place is nice and big enough to add one more :) I have my appointment with a Internist who specializes in medical disorders and pregnancy on November 10 and we will see what happens from there. Could move on to TTC or not - we will see!

Thanks for starting this thread BeeLT!
I like this thread!

I'm Lee 21, my OH Steve is 31, we've been together 4 years and live in a lovely rented flat in Essex (UK) with our two big cats.

We're WTT for number one for several reasons and I can't figure out a timescale which is difficult :(

We're waiting for me to finish uni (which is in April), and to be in a full time job for long enough so I get maternity pay. Steve wants to pay off his loans which will take about two years, once that's done it will take 18 months to save for a deposit on a house... then I guess we'll go from there.

I worry a little as he's older than me and secretly hope we have a lil accident. Altho chances are slim as the doc put me on Cerazette lol.

BnB has been my lifesaver and I thank all you lovely ladies on here and look forward to gettin to know you all as we patiently wait for our first LO's
Hi everyone, I am new to BnB. Glad there are other women out there as excited as me about starting a family!

Both me and my other half are 22 (nearly 23). We are not married yet although we have been together for 6 years this xmas (living together for 5 years).

I just finished my degree, and am working and my other half is completing a PHD (with funding). I am ready now, but my OH says he is in the crucial years of his work and so we are looking at starting after he has finished his PHD and got a post-doc position. That's three years from now and I am getting incredibly impatient!

We are hoping to move to Canada at that point also, so that could be interesting...

Nice to meet you all x
:hugs: :hugs: I love this thread. Welcome to you all!!!! :D (And, feel free to add me on Facebook so I can add you all to the secret WTT group! Message me to make sure I know you're from BnB.)

I'm so excited about possibly starting TTC next year!! DH isn't thinking about it at all right now though, because he is still at uni doing his teacher training. He told me last night that this next year is going to be hard for us, because his course is very demanding and he's a worrier at the best of times! He's worried he won't be able to make it as a teacher, but I know he will. He didn't believe he'd do well in his degree last year, and got a First, so that shows how low on self-confidence he is.

I think by the time he's half-way into his course (it's a year long), he'll be more confident and relaxed about the prospect of being a primary school teacher, so I'll probably talk to him properly about TTC then, and see where he's at. :)

I am still charting my BBT, and am loving finding out about my natural cycles! Let's hope this month's is as normal as it can be, just coming off the Pill!! :D
Great thread :D

I've been hanging around here for several months now so a few of you know me already, but here goes :)

I'm Kate, 30, been with my husband (also 30, just one day older than me) nearly 8 years, married for almost 15 months, and still in a state of honeymoon-type-bliss :haha:

We are WTT until next summer-ish, and it's mainly me holding back. I'm charting and taking preconception vitamins in preparation, though! My husband will be quite happy to start whenever I give the go-ahead :D

We have just bought our first house (yippeeeeee!) and just waiting to move in, which was one of the main reasons for waiting, and now we need to build our finances up again to provide a little cushion for maternity leave and baby stuffs.

Also, I want to see how some stuff at work pans out, there's a potential restructure in the air that could have pretty serious implications, and in the spring I may or may not get to start some training that I have desperately wanted for years. I want to get a good way into that before getting pregnant, and it'd be great to have over a year's experience in that before going off on mat leave (as it'll be more difficult then for me to be sidelined in someone else's favour).

So, we'll see what happens with that, and hopefully we will be TTC in mid-late summer of 2012. We'd like two children, ideally a boy and a girl, but obviously we'll be happy with whatever we get!
Hello everyone! I'm teacup. My partner and I have been together for almost 3 years and we live on the south coast UK. We are WTT until we are married and after I have finished my big project at work. I am 25 and OH is 35, we currently live together and have been since 7 months into our relationship. I have been broody since August and had not really thought much about TTC before then - this forum is helping me through those broody times! :flower:
I am so glad to be in this together (in the fun yet distant, internet connection, sort of way).

I had a nice response typed out with specific things for specific people but then something went wrong and it didn't post and then BnB wouldn't work right (this was last night). So in an effort not to drive myself crazy, I'm not going to try to recreate it.

I'm 25 & DH is 31. We're both worried about the possibilities of age related fertility issues. I kind of want DH to get his :spermy: checked as part of our preparations while WTT. But the closest fertility clinic is 2.5 hours away, and they say the "sample" has to be delivered within an hour or 45 minutes, either way too fast for the sample to be produced at home. I think our insurance covers the testing though. So I plan to bring it up in the next few weeks.
Not to be crude but.. Do they not provide a suitable place for him to procure a "sample" at the clinic? :wacko: What a pain that it's so far away! Unless he has had anyproblems in the past, age related :spermy: problems aren't that common at 31 are they? Not from what I've read up on, but then eeryone says something different :dohh:

:howdy: to all those who introduced themselves :D I'm glad we have our own little corner!
I don't know! Isn't that horrible? I know I could call and ask, but I'm afraid of sounding like some punk kid making a prank call..."yes, I'd like my husband to get his sperm tested...how does this work?"

I don't know. It's probably not a problem. Just a precaution. Or me (us) trying to control something not completely controllable (TTC).
BeeLT - I'm sure they have received a call or two similar and have probably been asked every question in the book. I would just call and be honest. Say something along the lines of "we are new to this and live 2 hours away. we really want to get this done, what are your suggestions?" They might have a lot of suggestions or options.

I worry about ttc b/c my sister has been battling infertility, I was on BCP for about 10 years and DH has been struggling with his weight his entire life (bad genes apparently). We joined a fitness center a few weeks ago but haven't been very good with going on a regular basis yet. lol. We are both 28 so I was told not to start worrying until we have been actively trying for over a year or I turn 35. It's just so hard not to. DH is optimistic though so that helps! :)

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