Weird thing this cycle though, I normally have AF then it stops and I have a day of dry then watery for a few days and the ewcm.
But this cycle I had AF then day 5 it stopped.
Day 6 7 and 8 I had white sticky stuff (thats not happened in the 11 months we been trying) then day 9 ewcm and this morning ewcm(loads) and now snotty which means ovulation has happened.
On googling cm during a cycle it said
Stage 1 AF
Stage 2 dry
Stage 3 white sticky and that means the egg is maturing.
Stage 4 watery or ewcm.
So for all these month I've completely skipped stage 3. Which is probably normol as well. But how strange. Was hoping it meant I was having a text book cycle but now early ovulation I'm not so sure.
Just done another opk still positive, slightly lighter tho.
Oh please let it be ok.
All I want is a blaring BFP and a healthy little baby.
No more losses.
Sorry to go on ladies its just worrying but there's no point in worrying its not going to change anything.
I will do my temp again in the morning and the next morning but will stop when i get a clear rise and just hope and pray everything will be OK even with a early ovulation and if we have fallen it sticks.
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