♡ January Snowdrops 2019 ♡

Miss is this your first? I can't remember...subsequent pregnancies have gone faster for me, especially this one, holy moly!

Also you may find you're totally ready because most women get to a point where they're just like I'M DONE GET THIS THING OUT OF ME

Yup, my first time making it out of first trimester.

LOL, I'm sure I will feel that way, I just don't feel like I'm ready for the labor part. They gave me this hard to read sheet full of different labor positions I'm supposed to be practicing, and I haven't really... oops
Eh, everyone does it different anyway. Plus if you get an epidural they make you lay down. When you're in the process of laboring i've found your body will kind of guide you on what you need...obviously it's good to read up but classes and books only help so much.

Hmmm I may be alone in that thought process :haha:

I had back labor which was horrible...but I will say a birthing ball really helped take the edge off. So thag is my suggestion haha
Once again I'm not getting notices for this thread :growlmad:

Linzi, my heart is so heavy for your loss. I can't even imagine. Such a relief to hear Abel is doing well. My thoughts go out to you all :hug:

Nova awww glad Cleo is on track! What a long journey...I hope you can hold her soon.

Cuddle I hated to think it butvwas wondering if she might have been the victim of sexual abuse based on your description of her sudden change in behavior, including not wanting to be touched. I'm actually a bit relieved to read it's actually a bully. I hope that bully gets taken down a notch! Your poor girl! Ugh and i hope bully's parents open their eyes. I hate when parents are in denial about their kids' behavior.

I was worried about that too, but fortunately it's just a bully who is laying hands on her and making her really anxious, not to say that it is great but a far better alternative to a more serious possibility. I haven't had a chance to talk to her teachers as we've both been sick with a cold, but I am hoping with the break from school things might balance out and the teachers will have worked with the bully during our absence.

Other than that I really hope everyone is doing ok.
I hope everyone is ok, too! I am wondering if, like me, they aren't getting notices of the thread updating. It's been very quiet in here!

I'm ok, my legs are hurting, starting to swell already:(
glucose test for me on thursday, had a growth scan couple of days ago (because my two boys were small when born) and shes measuring nearly 32 weeks! (i was 28+2). should be around 2lb and shes 3lb 2oz
Wow wrig! That is pretty big!!! Strong girly there ;) I love big babies. Both of mine were over 9lbs, so maybe I'm biased ;) are they suspecting GD because of her size?
Yeah I think so she’s just massive lol I hate fasting tho I’m grumpy after not eating for 3 hours let alone 12! Ahaha
That's cool W8tingforbaby! Wish I could have one of those too.

Im trying to sleep just really uncomfortable my stomach /baby feels ALOT heavier than last night I just can't get cozy. Plus my hands are just burning and numb due to my carpal tunnel. Seriously considering medical leave from work.

Im sitting up here bored but can't get to sleep and getting up at 4am to work is going to be rough
gigglebox: sometimes I get notifications for the thread and sometimes I don't :shrug:. I think it might be a problem with the new site because this isn't the only threat I noticed this issue.

NovaStar: I'm so glad baby Cleo is doing well! I can't wait till she gets off the ventilator so that you can finally hold her :hugs:

cuddlebugluv: I hope you and your little girl feel better soon :hugs:. I also hope that things have been sorted out with the bully issue. I'm so sorry you have to deal with that especially with her being so young. I don't even know what I would do if I found out one of my girls was being bullied. Probably something that would end up getting me in trouble.....

Wriggley: what a strong healthy precious little girl you have!!

W8tingforbaby: what a precious little photo of your sweet baby boy!! I'm kind of jealous because I can't afford to get a 3D/4D Ultrasound this time around.

MollyMoon: I'm so sorry you're having trouble sleeping. That must be really rough especially having to wake up at 4 a.m., I don't think I could do that. I've also been having trouble sleeping sometimes minus the carpal tunnel. The soft memory foam mattress I have for my bedroom seems to be a lot more comfortable for me than a firm type of mattresses.

AFM: nothing new here other than I'm waiting for the results of my 3-hour GD test. I was on the borderline literally at 140 (140 was the cutoff) for my 1 hour test. I'm really hoping that I pass this time. If not I don't really mind, I don't really eat that many carbs anyway. I attached a photo of the 3D/4D Ultrasound I had with my second baby Ava. I figured I would share the before-and-after photo for those interested in getting one.

Lexi- I’m so sorry.

Nova- I’m glad to hear she’s doing well!

Well... 45 more days until my c-section. Little dude is measuring in the 99th percentile and my amniotic fluid is measuring in the 99th percentile so I’m really effing miserable and want this baby out now. My arm is still broken and they gave me a removable brace/cast that only goes over my bicep but I find it extremely limiting and painful to wear- it’s so tight around my bicep that I can’t bend my arm or use it at all. It’s a really dumb idea. I get why I should wear it (to keep the bones in place) but the doc also wants my arm to let gravity line the bones up... so I’m only wearing it when I drive or I’m out doing things because I don’t trust anyone else. Other than that, it feels okay- the muscles in my arm are weak from not using them so I have a long way to go. I’m able to shower by myself now and get dressed, except for my bra- I can’t reach behind my back yet.
I passed the diabetes test (yay), so I don’t know why baby girl is so big. I am starting to be awoken for a few hours every night as she moves around a lot and makes me pretty uncomfortable.

This weekend my local family threw me a baby shower and my mom flew into town to surprise me, that was really nice!

Do the moms in this thread use backseat mirrors to view baby in the car seat while driving?
Ers glad the healing is coming along but sheesh you sound miserable! Casts are so annoying. At least you can remove it to shower...here's hoping you won't need it much longer. Will you need physical therapy?

Miss glad you passed your gd test! Hey sometimes we just make big babies ;)

Kiwi what a cute set of pics. How okd was she in the ultrasound?

Had appointments today, babybis measuring ahead but only by a week and a day. I will have one last ultrasound early January to check my c section scar. I am scheduled for my c section 1/24 but I may delay it because it's my dad's bday...I'm having a huge debate about it.

Also found out my bloodwork showed my platelets are low. This might mean I will need to be under general anesthesia for the birth :cry: I am so upset by this prospect but the alternative if a spinal numbing agent that carries the risk of permanent paralysis with this condition...I am having a hard time with this news.
ER: :hugs: :hugs:

Miss: congratulations on passing your GD test!! I agree with giggles, sometimes we just make big babies.

giggle: she was around 30 weeks at that ultrasound. Is the risk higher than normal? I think the epidural carries the same risk, just a very low chance.

AFM: In a few days I'll be 32 weeks. I'm so huge!!! I hate being short sometimes. :( This baby boy has really filled me out. It'll fall off after he's born though, thank goodness for breastfeeding <3.

Wow you are like the definition of "all belly"! I'm glad bf'ing helps! I hope I have success with it this time. So far I'm 2 for 2 on failing, each time for completely different reasons.

That reminds me, I'm going to need a much better pump this time. Anyone have any suggestions? I am open to them except for medela.
Have you looked at spectra? from what I hear it's a really good brand.
Nope tbh haven't done any research really. I have a pump in my amazon cart buy it's mostly due to it being inexpensive :blush:
My doctor recommends the Spectra. My friend recommended the Freemie hands free pump.
Ugh restless leg syndrome is so annoying. I've been even getting it in my arms. I find it so hard to initially go to bed almost like I have insomnia, even though I know I'm really tired. I had it with my girls but not this bad. With this baby boy it was the first indication that I was pregnant lol. I only seem to have it when I'm pregnant.

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