Hi ladies
Just thought I wud keep my promise and let u all in on the gender.
My scan went well and she said baby looks perfect.
Baby was waving so cute.
She took 2 viles of blood, I had the Harmony test done 2 weeks ago but they wanted more blood so that was done today.
We had a high risk screening results for down syndrome so I've been very worried.
Hopefully we will get the results quickly and all will be good.
She said baby looks perfect in the scan.
My hospital screening came back 1 in 33 chance of Downs and 1 in 74 thousand and something for Edwards and Pataus syndrome.
We decided to go for the Harmony test which is non invasive and will give us a yes or no.
Please baby in ure prayers ladies that the bloods come back all good.
All scans have been perfect and NT that's the fluid at back of neck was only 2.0 mm at 12+6 which is well within the normal range so hoping it's just My age throwing it off.
Just want baby to be healthy.
We are team
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So happy. Just need good blood results now.
Hope ure all doing good.
She also checked my placenta because of the bleeding I've had thankfully its prosteria and high up.
Here's a little video of baby waving