♥ December 2021/January 2022 Due Dates ♥

So happy for you. Lovely pics and that video is adorable. Hope the blood results come back quick for you and you can relax and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy then.

@realbeauty86 how are you doing?

Thanks hon I have already been waiting over 2 weeks but they didn't have enough blood so now more waiting.
All my scans have been great so hoping that's all a good sign.

Yay yay and yay for the 3+ hon new u wud get it at some point and there it is.
Makes u feel so much more better seeing that doesn't it hon.
@erher congrats and welcome!

@Suggerhoney congrats on a healthy baby boy. How sweet! hope your other tests come quick. Im guessing since he has a prominent nose and the nt measurements came back normal everything will be ok. I hate they cause such unnecessary stress for pregnant women!
Hi ladies

Just thought I wud keep my promise and let u all in on the gender.
My scan went well and she said baby looks perfect.
Baby was waving so cute.
She took 2 viles of blood, I had the Harmony test done 2 weeks ago but they wanted more blood so that was done today.
We had a high risk screening results for down syndrome so I've been very worried.

Hopefully we will get the results quickly and all will be good.
She said baby looks perfect in the scan.

My hospital screening came back 1 in 33 chance of Downs and 1 in 74 thousand and something for Edwards and Pataus syndrome.

We decided to go for the Harmony test which is non invasive and will give us a yes or no.

Please baby in ure prayers ladies that the bloods come back all good.

All scans have been perfect and NT that's the fluid at back of neck was only 2.0 mm at 12+6 which is well within the normal range so hoping it's just My age throwing it off.

Just want baby to be healthy.

We are team
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So happy. Just need good blood results now.

Hope ure all doing good.
She also checked my placenta because of the bleeding I've had thankfully its prosteria and high up.

Here's a little video of baby waving

That little wave!!! Congratulations on team blue. I will keep you both in my prayers xxx
Hi everyone! Hope you’re all doing well!
@Suggerhoney what a lovely ultrasound! I’m hoping you get soon good news soon<3

Has anyone been vaccinated while pregnant? My midwife won’t see me until 8 weeks, so I’m stuck with loads of questions until then.

Here’s my test from today. Still not as dark as I hoped, but I guess it’s pretty good for 13 dpo-ish. Bean must have implanted early.

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Hey ladies...
firstly, congrats on team blue @Suggerhoney and I’m sure those test will come back and baby will be just fine. He looks healthy and lovely so I hope you aren’t as worried anymore.

@Tasha36089 glad your mind and worry can ease now. It does us no good but easier said than done lol

Afm... I had to take a little break or breather. I was literally snapping on everyone in site. My fiancé and mom were like teaming up against me because my stress is stressing them out. Like my mom knows why I’m so worried but he’s a man and he doesn’t understand. No matter how much I explain he doesn’t get it. But my stressing is taking away from his happiness about the baby. That kinda made me feel bad because I’m not doing it on purpose. I wanna be happy also, it’s just hard when you’re scared to lose another....

It’s crazy cuz back when I had my son, I wasn’t trying and I didn’t know half the stuff I know now and that pregnancy went by like a breeze. I wasn’t checking hcg levels or worried about symptoms. Hell I didn’t have any symptoms lol. Now that I was ttc, I notice EVERYTHING and it sucks... I was driving myself mad. So, I took a breather and sat in my room alone. I prayed and asked God to just help me relax. Whatever will be will be. I can’t speed time along to see if there’s a problem. All I can do is wait one day at a time and try to be happy. I know what a miscarriage looks like and they can’t see ectopic or a healthy pregnancy til later so I’m ok for now. Seeing all those high hcg levels were bumming me out and I’m still spotting. Still dark brown so I’m not worried and I took another test and it’s still good. I don’t have many symptoms besides body aches... at night my back feels like I bench pressed 200lbs but I think that’s when I’m busy throughout the day. I also still cramp a little but not too back. I can’t sleep for shit. It takes me so long to get to sleep even tho I feel so exhausted. That’s about it. Appetite has been weird. I’ll make food and pick at it. I wanted Mexican so my guy went to get it. I’m waiting on that now lol. Anyhoo. I scheduled a dr appt for later. When I know they can see something or hear a heartbeat. Unfortunately I can’t get in til May 10th (which I’ll be 9 1/2 weeks) now but they’ll call me if they get something sooner.

I’m doing what I can for now anyway... taking prenatal and resting. So... patience is all I can have now lol still hoping they call by the 29th or I’ll call them lol

sorry about the book I just wrote lol :shock:
Hey ladies...
firstly, congrats on team blue @Suggerhoney and I’m sure those test will come back and baby will be just fine. He looks healthy and lovely so I hope you aren’t as worried anymore.

@Tasha36089 glad your mind and worry can ease now. It does us no good but easier said than done lol

Afm... I had to take a little break or breather. I was literally snapping on everyone in site. My fiancé and mom were like teaming up against me because my stress is stressing them out. Like my mom knows why I’m so worried but he’s a man and he doesn’t understand. No matter how much I explain he doesn’t get it. But my stressing is taking away from his happiness about the baby. That kinda made me feel bad because I’m not doing it on purpose. I wanna be happy also, it’s just hard when you’re scared to lose another....

It’s crazy cuz back when I had my son, I wasn’t trying and I didn’t know half the stuff I know now and that pregnancy went by like a breeze. I wasn’t checking hcg levels or worried about symptoms. Hell I didn’t have any symptoms lol. Now that I was ttc, I notice EVERYTHING and it sucks... I was driving myself mad. So, I took a breather and sat in my room alone. I prayed and asked God to just help me relax. Whatever will be will be. I can’t speed time along to see if there’s a problem. All I can do is wait one day at a time and try to be happy. I know what a miscarriage looks like and they can’t see ectopic or a healthy pregnancy til later so I’m ok for now. Seeing all those high hcg levels were bumming me out and I’m still spotting. Still dark brown so I’m not worried and I took another test and it’s still good. I don’t have many symptoms besides body aches... at night my back feels like I bench pressed 200lbs but I think that’s when I’m busy throughout the day. I also still cramp a little but not too back. I can’t sleep for shit. It takes me so long to get to sleep even tho I feel so exhausted. That’s about it. Appetite has been weird. I’ll make food and pick at it. I wanted Mexican so my guy went to get it. I’m waiting on that now lol. Anyhoo. I scheduled a dr appt for later. When I know they can see something or hear a heartbeat. Unfortunately I can’t get in til May 10th (which I’ll be 9 1/2 weeks) now but they’ll call me if they get something sooner.

I’m doing what I can for now anyway... taking prenatal and resting. So... patience is all I can have now lol still hoping they call by the 29th or I’ll call them lol

sorry about the book I just wrote lol :shock:
I’m sorry you’re feeling so stressed. I get it honestly. My partner keeps going on about how happy he is and making plans etc (his first child) and I feel like telling him to shut up. Not because I’m not happy (I am) but I don’t want anything to go wrong. So badly I want everything to be ok.

just an FYI with my second child I spotted from 3weeks 6 days (day after pos pregnancy test) til about 9 weeks. Stopped and then started spotting again for a few weeks on and off. They said I had an erosion on my cervix which was causing it. But I never let myself relax because of the spotting and light bleeding. It is scary when you see bleeding but it is very common x
I’m sorry you’re feeling so stressed. I get it honestly. My partner keeps going on about how happy he is and making plans etc (his first child) and I feel like telling him to shut up. Not because I’m not happy (I am) but I don’t want anything to go wrong. So badly I want everything to be ok.

just an FYI with my second child I spotted from 3weeks 6 days (day after pos pregnancy test) til about 9 weeks. Stopped and then started spotting again for a few weeks on and off. They said I had an erosion on my cervix which was causing it. But I never let myself relax because of the spotting and light bleeding. It is scary when you see bleeding but it is very common x
Thank you. It’s good to know it’s more common now. As long as it isn’t crimson I’m cool lol. Will be nice for it to completely stop tho.
And I get what u mean about the happiness lol and wanting him to shut it. I feel that way. Like wait til I’m at eased and then let’s go all in lol. it’s weird when everyone’s so happy... when the one carrying the embryo is going nuts and scared. But seriously thanks for chiming in. Hearing the normalcy of what I’m going thru def calms the nerves
Sorry @realbeauty86 its so tough after having experienced loss to not stress. The guys no matter how sweet just cant understand the hormonal, emotional and physical trauma it causes us. I had a bad miscarriage 2.5 weeks before I found out I was pregnant again with my son. I was still grieving/recovering when I was having to come to terms with being pregnant again. I never fully relaxed that entire pregnancy. And it was flawless.
Sorry @realbeauty86 its so tough after having experienced loss to not stress. The guys no matter how sweet just cant understand the hormonal, emotional and physical trauma it causes us. I had a bad miscarriage 2.5 weeks before I found out I was pregnant again with my son. I was still grieving/recovering when I was having to come to terms with being pregnant again. I never fully relaxed that entire pregnancy. And it was flawless.

aww... sorry you went thru that :hugs:

I’m gonna try to be happy from here on out. Calm lol. I bought a pregnancy pillow. My body at night is so sore lol (not happy times lol)
moments of getting hot as hell...
i can’t sleep even tho I’m exhausted and my FACE is breaking out. I wanna cry lol
I guess these are symptoms lol yay
That little wave!!! Congratulations on team blue. I will keep you both in my prayers xxx

Thank u so much hon. Prayers definitely appreciated.

Hi everyone! Hope you’re all doing well!
@Suggerhoney what a lovely ultrasound! I’m hoping you get soon good news soon<3

Has anyone been vaccinated while pregnant? My midwife won’t see me until 8 weeks, so I’m stuck with loads of questions until then.

Here’s my test from today. Still not as dark as I hoped, but I guess it’s pretty good for 13 dpo-ish. Bean must have implanted early.

View attachment 1097181

Thanks hon. That's a great line for 13dpo.
Congratulations. This was mine IMG_20210121_185630.jpg

Ures looks just like my 13dpo test.

Hey ladies...
firstly, congrats on team blue @Suggerhoney and I’m sure those test will come back and baby will be just fine. He looks healthy and lovely so I hope you aren’t as worried anymore.

@Tasha36089 glad your mind and worry can ease now. It does us no good but easier said than done lol

Afm... I had to take a little break or breather. I was literally snapping on everyone in site. My fiancé and mom were like teaming up against me because my stress is stressing them out. Like my mom knows why I’m so worried but he’s a man and he doesn’t understand. No matter how much I explain he doesn’t get it. But my stressing is taking away from his happiness about the baby. That kinda made me feel bad because I’m not doing it on purpose. I wanna be happy also, it’s just hard when you’re scared to lose another....

It’s crazy cuz back when I had my son, I wasn’t trying and I didn’t know half the stuff I know now and that pregnancy went by like a breeze. I wasn’t checking hcg levels or worried about symptoms. Hell I didn’t have any symptoms lol. Now that I was ttc, I notice EVERYTHING and it sucks... I was driving myself mad. So, I took a breather and sat in my room alone. I prayed and asked God to just help me relax. Whatever will be will be. I can’t speed time along to see if there’s a problem. All I can do is wait one day at a time and try to be happy. I know what a miscarriage looks like and they can’t see ectopic or a healthy pregnancy til later so I’m ok for now. Seeing all those high hcg levels were bumming me out and I’m still spotting. Still dark brown so I’m not worried and I took another test and it’s still good. I don’t have many symptoms besides body aches... at night my back feels like I bench pressed 200lbs but I think that’s when I’m busy throughout the day. I also still cramp a little but not too back. I can’t sleep for shit. It takes me so long to get to sleep even tho I feel so exhausted. That’s about it. Appetite has been weird. I’ll make food and pick at it. I wanted Mexican so my guy went to get it. I’m waiting on that now lol. Anyhoo. I scheduled a dr appt for later. When I know they can see something or hear a heartbeat. Unfortunately I can’t get in til May 10th (which I’ll be 9 1/2 weeks) now but they’ll call me if they get something sooner.

I’m doing what I can for now anyway... taking prenatal and resting. So... patience is all I can have now lol still hoping they call by the 29th or I’ll call them lol

sorry about the book I just wrote lol :shock:

Thank you hon.
I do feel more positive but there is still anxiety about the blood results. I read in another forum that apparently only 50% of babies with downs show on a ultrasound.
I don't know how true that is but that makes me worry.
I guess all I can do is wait and hope.

I'm so sorry ure still having spotting hon I really hope it stops and gives u a break soon.
Sending positive vibes ure way.
Sorry you've been stressing @realbeauty86 , it's never easy to not worry even without having had a loss before. I hope it gets easier as the weeks go on, and it'll be May before you know it :)
Your symptoms at the moment sound just like mine, with the backache and cramps, not sleeping etc!

Also congrats @erher, sorry I missed that before

Hope everyone else is doing ok. I find I am getting mild headaches more, but only seems to be in the afternoon onwards?! I read it's likely due to hormones so just something to bear with I think. Back to work tomorrow after a week off as well, not looking forward to it! Even though I work from home, I'm just frustrated with my job lol.
Sorry you've been stressing @realbeauty86 , it's never easy to not worry even without having had a loss before. I hope it gets easier as the weeks go on, and it'll be May before you know it :)
Your symptoms at the moment sound just like mine, with the backache and cramps, not sleeping etc!

Also congrats @erher, sorry I missed that before

Hope everyone else is doing ok. I find I am getting mild headaches more, but only seems to be in the afternoon onwards?! I read it's likely due to hormones so just something to bear with I think. Back to work tomorrow after a week off as well, not looking forward to it! Even though I work from home, I'm just frustrated with my job lol.

I’ve been having the headaches also. I usually take a Tylenol and it helps. I have to go find regular strength tho, I never knew there was a such thing lol. I’ve only ever bought extra strength.
I’m not working, I wonder if I want to or not... some days I miss it and then I get lazy lol sorry your job sucks. At least you can be comfortable at home. I may try to work in a couple months ... just to help with getting things for baby. I’m hoping it’s a girl, that’s what I want and my sister has a1 year old so naturally I would get a lot of items from her
Does anyone have a constant pressure on their bladder which isn’t relieved when urinating? Think I may have a bladder infection (doesn’t hurt when I wee though!) it’s so frustrating and been like this for atleast the last 5 days!

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