sorry to butt in ladies
i have a 4 year old her fathers family didnt no she was born untill she was 2 weeks old when they finally rang an my mum brokke the news to them, then her father didnt see her till she was 11 weeks old clearly cos he cudnt be arsed he was in an out of her life 4 the 1st year then sice then i havent seen or heard from him ( hk god hes a total prick ) i had contacted the csa for money an was gettin £5 a week which bearly bought her nappies so i aved the money up an in october i got a letter statin the new rules from the csa (tht i could stop gettin money from him)
so i contacted them an aked for the payments to stop i wrote a letter to the nobhead(ellas dad) with a postal order in with all the money tht i had received sayin to him to cnt be arsed to even write a letter to see how your daughter is so i dnt want her to have your money take it bac an spend it on wht u spend ur money best on ( drugs ).
the point is sorry i had a rant i think if the fob is not intrested in our children then i think our children better with out them at the end of the day we dnt need fob's to help us carry them 4 9months as long as our children have the love an attention of us thts all tht matter ( thts my rant am sorry to go on an on xxxxx