10 things about you

1. I'm 35 years old
2. I've recently had a mc which has left me heartbroken. Yesterday was given the all clear by gp to try again.
3. I am a good listener
5. I'm new here and so glad I found Baby and Bump
6. I'm feeling hungry :munch:
7. I love New York
8. I don't get enough sleep
9. I have a good sense of humour
10. My favourite color is green
1. i'm 28 yrs old
2. i'm deaf
3. i love fords
4. i used to live in new zealand
5. i am currently waiting for my oh to get home lol
6. i am getting married on the 9th october 2010
7. i get grumpy easily
8. i have three gorjuss kiddies
9. i am hungry lol
10. i miss my family
1. I am 22 years old.

2. OH and I conceived the night we decided to actually ttc.

3. I have a little dwarf hamster called Jean.

4. I can't drive!

5. I can speak 4 other languages.

6. I'm a medical researcher, as a hobby... :dohh:

7. I used to be part of a professional choir that sang with an orchestra.

8. I'm completely atheist.

9. I met my OH doing what we both do best... winding people up :D

10. I like talking about myself... :D

1. I love my name : Emma Jade.
2. I LOVE mayonaise & cheesey chips !!!
3. My DOB is: 11/7/92
4. I'm learning to drive \\:D/
5. I've known my gorgeous OH for around 8 years, and never thought i would end up being his soul mate <3
6. I love writing letters
7. I have 3 brothers, 0 sisters.
8. I'm the second youngest child, and believe we will have the first grandchild.
9. I love singing even though i'm scared i'm not very good at it hehe.
10. I love it when my OH pulls me against him on a morning so he can snuggle me :cloud9:

1. have four sons and one daughter

2. I burn water

3. I dislike the color purple, wearing silver, and long skirts

4. married 10 years

5. I used to wear green contact lenses

6. my husband is from cuba

7. I have not seen snow in almost 5 years

8. I am chewing gum right now

9. I can pick up objects with my toes

10. all my kids were born on mondays
1. I am 26.

2. I have 5 sisters, but I only know 4 of them.

3. I passed out singing in front of over 1000 people and had to be carried away before I got the chance to sing my solo part.

4. I passed my grade 8 for treble recorder, but haven't played in nearly 10 years and don't think I can remember how.

5. When I was 21 I left the UK to be an Au Pair in Switzerland. I was escaping an abusive relationship that I'd been in since I was 16.

6. I met my DH at 4am when he helped me up off the floor.

7. We got married in March 2008, up a mountain.

8. I speak French.

9. I worked in the economics department of an international bank, yet I only just scraped my GCSE maths after retaking it.

10. I wish I had more motivation.
1. I love Polka Dots

2. I am 25 Years Old

3. I want to have (or be expecting) our first child within 12 months.

4. I love dogs

5. We are planning to get married in Florida next year

6. 5 years ago my OH was twice my age!

7. We've been together 7 years

8. I hate my job and long to be a SAH mum

9. Wham 'wake me up before you go go' was number 1 in the charts the day I was born

10. I love my OH very bery much :)
Hi im Danielle and heres 10 things about me.......

1. I put more effort into thinking what i want to do in life, than actually doing it.

2. I love my husband and my son more than anything else in my life.

3. I love the internet.

4. I love shopping-charity shops are my fave!(apparently im meant to be embarrassed about that haha).I get a buzz from a bargain!

5. I have big lips-& my husband loves them.

6. Im an avon rep and it feels like christmas once every 3 weeks in this house-DELIVERY DAY WOOHOO!

7. I dream of having another baby but am not ready/willing to go through the whole nappies/sleepless nights/smudgy prints/lack of money scenario again.

8. Im absolutely addicted to handbags and at one point had over 250.

9. My grandad is a vicar.

10. My husband couldn't come up with a decent random fact about me when i asked him for one!
1. Im 24
2. Im married
3. Im due to have my first baby in March 2010
4. I work full time
5. I love classic VWs
6. Im afraid of flying in an aeroplane
7. i have 1 sister
8. I love christmas way too much
9. I drive a VW polo
10. I love to go camping in our campervan
1. I was born 5 days before Christmas.
2. I passed my driving test first time.
3. I asked my OH to go out with me.
4. My thumb got trapped in a door and fell off when I was 11.
5. I have had glandular fever.
6. I am a student pharmacist.
7. I have an addiction to Oreos.
8. I'm obsessed with Christmas!
9. I nearly drowned when I was 5.
10. I want to be a midwife but I'm too scared to change course.
1. I am 24 years old.

2. My favourite foods are beetroot and spinach.

3. I met my DH in Chicago's, a club in Canterbury.

4. I love animals and want to live on a farm.

5. I used to own horses but haven't ridden in 6 years :(.

6. I love driving, exploring and camping in the car!

7. I have one tattoo and want another.

8. I have a step brother who doesn't know we are related.

9. I can put both my feet behind my head.

10. I wish I had the time, money and freedom to travel more.
1. I'm 27 but still get asked for ID when buying alcohol
2. I love to cook and bake
3. I'm addicted to the crappy daytime soap 'doctors'
4. My OH think I'm a terrible driver
5. I have size 8 feet
6. I gave birth to my daughter with no pain relief whatsoever
7. I have curly hair that I've straightened every single day since I was 11
8. I'm a very adventurous eater....
9....but I'm banana-phobic
10. From the age of 8 until I left home at 22 I lived with my mum and her female partner
1. Im 18
2. Im a useless cook
3. Ive been with my OH 2 years
4. I have a dog called Brandy
5. The film marley and me made me cry
6. I love CSI
7. Ive been ran over
8. Im the most accident prone person
9. I want a tattoo but im to scared
10. I love eating at Frankie and Bennys
01. I'm 24 years old and still get asked for ID for just about *anything*
02. I continue to dye my hair even though I know the colour will never take/last
03. I think when my OH farts is funny....
04. I used to be in the Army Cadets
05. I can't swim
06. I love the sea and water but I seriously panic if I'm anywhere where my feet can't touch the bottom
07. I'm a perfectionist
08. I can't make friends easily
09. I'm a gamer
10. My OH bought me an electric guitar for my 18th and I still haven't learnt how to play it....
1. Im 21 in 4 1/2 weeks time
2. I am engaged :D
3. I love horses, but haven't ridden in over a year :(
4. I want to go to uni next year
5. I have a tattoo on my right wrist that means 'strength'
6. I have been in the mental health services since I was 15
7. My hands and fingers randomly itch, it's really weird lol
8. I couldn't live without the internet
9. The first thing my OH said to me was "What the f***k?" lol
10. I've got a hamster called Mrs Jingles
1) I self harmed for 5 years, I've now been self harm free for about 2 years.
2) I get stressed when there are lots of people around me, e.g crowds, busy places
3) I'm an 18 year old mummy and it's just perfect :)
4) I have a phobia of injections and feel sick when my daughter has hers, but I would never leave her to have them alone.
5) My mum and I have a rocky relationship, though it's been much better since I moved out.
6) My best friend has the same birthday as me (year and all), we both have a sister called Hayley, two of our grandparents have the same first name (on the correct sides, i.e paternal/maternal) - we only met a year ago at work.
7) I met my OH in a park and our relationship moved very fast.. but we're still as in love with each other as ever over 2 years down the line (having lived together for over a year)
8) My daughter means the world to me, her smile is infectious
9) I hated my school years, and dropped out after doing my AS levels.
10) I'm desperate to drive, but am terrified of doing the exam.
1) I met my OH on a dating website and we moved in together 2 weeks later and have only spent 2 nights apart since.
2) I am allergic to amongst other things, bananas.
3) I had my DS with no pain relief at all.
4) I moan i never buy myself anything, yet when i have money i only buy things for other people/the house and not myself.
5) I am addicted to Ebay and im sure the postie hates me for the amount of parcels he brings to me.
6) We get takeout that often that when i ring for it the Man knows who i am, what i want and where we live without me having to tell him.
7) I have health anxiety and will at some part of everyday worry about having a bad illness and/or dying myself and the same for my DS and DP.
8) I have never attempted to drive a car yet have had a provisional for over 2 years.
9) I have dreamed about Gavin, the man off the Autoglass windscreen advert.
10) I live in Wales, I was born in Wales, I have mostly Welsh family, I did Welsh in primary school and high school..yet i cant speak fluent Welsh.
1. I'm 17 years old
2. I conceived my son at 15 and he was planned
3. I am left handed
4. Before having my son, I was screwed up, I had depression and paranoia, Harry's been the best medicine for that.
5. I have a step-brother who is seven, yet my mum and dad are still together.
6. I would rather get run over than go near a pigeon.
7. I got kicked out of ICT lessons in my 2nd year of GCSE's at school because I was better at ICT than my teacher. I never did get to do a GCSE in it and that would have been my best grade :cry:
8. One of my favourite people in the World is my ex's mother.
9. I have a rude sense of humour and am often mishearing words for something rude.
10. If you wind me up enough, I sound like an ambulance siren.
I cant remember if i posted in this thread lol!.

1. Im 20 Years old.
2. My full birthday is Thursday June 29th 1989, 2:50PM
3. I suffer from Emetophobia - Which is a fear/anxiety of vomit
4. I Have been with my OH for 5 months now :cloud9:
5. Im in my 3rd year of college, but not on the same course. Im now on my second year of business administration.
6. My parents have been married for 25 years
7. My older brother is 23.
8. My star sign is Cancer
9. I smoke way too much, but im quitting next year :)
10. I love weekends because i always get a double barcardi and coke which takes me back to my underage days :laugh2:
1.My name is Kellie.
2.Im 22 years old.
3.Im from Northern Ireland
4.Having my first child on 9th March.
5.Been with my OH for just over 4 and a half years.
6.Craving ham and salt and vinegar crisps sandwhichs.
7.I miss rose wine.
8.Im looking forward to Christmas.
9.I have asthma.
10.I have brown hair.

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