#ttc number 2. Hi all , so im 11 days late now ! i had a hycosy on the 29th june and bled after and now im 11 days late , im quite regular sometimes a few days here or there but never this late. ive spoken to the hospital who have said that the bleed i had wouldn't have been af as too soon after the one before that.. they have also said i might be pregnant as it is very common to fall after a hycosy. my dh has low sperm count due to medication he is on but its not impossible for me to fall.i was told im not ovulating but i didn't do the blood test on day 21 (didn't know i had to) so i think that's why it didn't show in my results so i could still be ovulating but given false result as i didn't say it wasn't day 21. ive got really tender nipples (hate that word lol) and cramping with lots of white creamy cm. sometimes i think ive come on but when i wipe its just cm ! if i am pg i would be 8 weeks ?? im having Mostly BFN with a few really faint ones but not sure ! has anyone had a similar outcome with a result in pregnancy ? or just advice ? thank you baby dust to all ! x