11 week old and still bleeding?


Active Member
Jan 8, 2010
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Hi all,

Well as the title says my dd is now 11 weeks old - she was born via the sunroof - and i am still bleeding!

Its not heavy heavy but its enough that i have to wear a pad still everyday, if i didnt i would be throwing my knickers away. Its bright red and I think it smells a bit "funny" I have finally managed to get an appointment with my GP which was a miracle in itself but jsut wondering if anyone else has experienced this?

Oh I have been on the pill since DD was 6 weeks and I tried taking the pack back to back to see if that stopped the bleed but no nothing!
Hi hun, just to let you know that when I had my DD#2 I bled for 13 weeks (not too heavy, but red). I needed a scan just to check everything had come away properly, which it had, and then it just stopped! It's better to just get checked out x x
Sometimes when women bleed for longer than 8 weeks they might have a piece of the placenta still inside the womb, which will cause you to continue to bleed. I would atleast call your Doctor and see what they say.
Thanks for your replies.

I went to the GP on Wednesday she said my womb was bulky and still raised and that I could have an infection. Im currently on two different types of antibiotics. I was also sent for an scan just in case they had left anything behind ie placenta but thankfully it was clear.
Anyway, since yesterdsay the bleeding has slowed down which I hoping means the antibiotics have kicked in and are working if so I must of had some kind of infection. I have a review next week (well if I can get an appointment that is!)

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