Hi my LO is 12 weeks old and has silent reflux and possible milk allergy she has been put on 30mg of prevacid by a pead that the doc refered us to as all else has failed gaviscon, ranitidine, omeprazole 15mg and now this, she is also on neocate, since the milk and meds her poo is full of mucus, her symptoms are only fussy and screaming wen feeding, she is only taking about 12-15oz a day as its too painful for her to take anymore than about 2oz per feed. We're are back seeing the pead tomorrow but I'm so down as nothing is helping her we are currently thickening her feed with cow and gate carobel as she gulps and spits up wen not thickened, i tried without the carobel yesterday and it was a disaster as I'm worried she could be allergic to it due to it having a bean in it closely related to the soy bean not that I know she's allergic to soy but the mucus in poos is throwing me, xx