I have a few pics here to guess from 13+3 scan done yesterday, some classic side profile ones and a couple that the sonographer threw in so i could 'go home and guess for yourself.' I asked him not to tell me his thoughts as we think we want a surprise at this stage, but he did say he saw something. I asked if he uses the nub theory and he giggled... Then at the end I asked if he uses the 3 line theory to identify girls and he looked slightly confused. So you don't really see any 3 lines in the pics but since he didn't seem to be familiar with it, I don't think that definitely means its a boy either. I don't know if I see the nub on the side pics...Argh so confused!! Would LOVE to hear any guesses from you lovely ladies and if you are a sonographer would love to note that in your reply. Thanks so much. PS the last 2 pics are the potty shots which he threw in.