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13 weeks with spotting and cramps, terrified!!!


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Aug 25, 2017
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First off, thank you for reading and responding. I am currently 13 + 2 weeks pregnant. 4 nights ago I felt a bigger discharge than usually and ran to bathroom to find pinky blood mixed in with it. I completely freaked and had my Fiance send me an uber to get home, I truly thought it was the start of a miscarriage as I had just went through a miscarriage 4 months ago. About 2 hours later I find more blood on the tissue, this time a darker red and about a tablespoons worth. I waited until morning to see my doc who sent my directly to get an ultrasound (had not had any since falling pregnant). She saw the baby, who to our surprise was measuring 12 + 6 (we thought we were 11 + 2), he was moving around looking healthy and happy. Ultrasound person found no bleeding in uterus, just a decent sized fibroid behind the placenta. Her exact words were "baby's fine... for now."

As reassuring as that was, I've still been spotting brown since Tuesday (3 days ago) and had some cramping Wednesday night and Thursday. Haven't had any since, but am still spotting brown. And I'm worried that my symptoms have lightened.

Last time the baby died at 8 1/2 weeks but I didn't pass it until 12 1/2 weeks. Feeling worried that I might lose it. Has anyone else had a similar experience and can relate? Don't wanna lose 2 babies in a row!!
I am sorry you are going through this it's hard not knowing what is going on. I had several bright red blood bleeds the last one was 14+3 I didn't have much in cramping more gas pains but every time they scanned they found nothing. She said no blood in uterus is good and told me not to worry about it unless it's like a heavy period with severe consistent cramping but obviously everyone is different. If your concerned absolutely call your OB with changes in how your feeling and let him/her know your concern and they should get you back in or consult with you. They are there for you! Good luck x
Thank you for your response. It is reassuring. Since then I'm still discharging brown every now and then, once a day at most. No more menstrual type cramps, but lots of other pains, including a sharp one that ran along my right side, from under ribs down to my right hip bone, that had me doubled over. I have my first hospital appointment a week from today, which the GP told me would be able to help more in investigating the possible cause for the spotting. Figured I'll just take it easy until then and hope for the best. Think my last miscarriage has me particularly paranoid.
Hope things are ok and you feel a bit less anxious.
I've had bleeding in all of my pregnancies (and actually much more in my healthy pregnancies than with my mmc). It's very typical to get some bleeding around the time when the placenta takes over hormone production (which makes sense with your symptoms going). With my daughter, I had the same around that time, but with heavy, gushing bleeding. All the was fine though. The bleeding came from my cervix and had nothing to do with baby, but the changes in hormones can irritate the cervix and cause blood vessels to burst if you're prone to that. I had a mc before this pregnancy, but even with this one, I've had quite a bit of spotting and bleeding (again from my cervix). I had about 2 weeks of it around 8-9 weeks, including some days of heavy bleeding. It's just one of those things, and it often doesn't mean anything so I wouldn't be too concerned if things seem to be lightening up. I'm 16 weeks now, though I continued to have a bit of spotting on and off until several weeks again, and all is well. Hope you continue to feel better. Just be careful because sometimes the more you mess with it, the worse it can get, so assuming baby seems fine otherwise, more scans and exams will often cause the bleeding to flare up and get worse. I found just leaving it and avoiding anything that might irritate it (sex, etc.) helped to settle it.
Hi i too have had this through this pregnancy. I had a bleed in week 5 14-16 weeks pretty constantly. It was how you described. I bad two private scans. Baby is fine. Im now 23 weeks and had no bleeds for 6 weeks. It seems like it could be perhaps my cervix as there was never anything showing. If baby is doing well then its not looking like the bleeds are bothering baby.
I have a doppler so i can listen in for comfort but obviously i always report bleeds to medical professionals.,

Just wanted to say i understand x
After my miscarriage I'm also extra paranoid and convinced something bad will happen, so you're not alone there.

I hope they find some answers for you, the waiting is horrible. There is nothing that you can do to change the outcome of what will happen, all you can do is hope and rest. Pleas update us x
I hope you got some answers and that it's still going well :)

Just noticed this thread, I'm not as far along but have daily bleeding and spotting...every day. Baby is fine, also for now. No explanation can be given to me but they won't do an internal speculum exam.

Good luck!
Brown is encouraging as it's old blood. I saw my OB recently because I have a low laying placenta which can cause bleeds, though none yet. He said he always recommends that women come in immediately for any bleeds. He says it doesn't necessarily mean there is a serious issue, but it's much harder to figure out the cause of the bleed if you come in after it's stopped. Go get checked hun x

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