Im on my second round of femara. I havent had any follicle tracking ultrasound in the begining of my cycel. I ovulated on cd11 according to opk and confirmed later with temp rise. Went in for a ultrasound on cd15 to check my uterine lining and to see if my follicles really popped. Well the gyne said i have a follicle 17mm. But how can it be on dpo3? I continued with opk but they are now negative so i dont think i well surge twice. Now im dpo7. So what was that 17mm "follicle" coukd it had been the corpus luteum or just left over follicles that just didnt pop? I saw just a regular gyne and i got a feeling she didnt really know a lot. And se said it wasnt possible to see in ultrasound if i had ovulated. Maybe she missed my corpus luteum? She had hard time getting a clear picture on the us of my ovaries that hasnt happend with anyother gyne i seen in a short time.