I had my mw appt today - she didn't take bloods though since she said when we move house the midwives at the new hospital will want to do all that again. I am sure I'm not anaemic, though, I've had it before and I felt so grim!
she said I was measuring right on track, but didn't give me the actual measurement - when I did it the other day I got 29cm. blood pressure is still fine (amazingly, I thought it'd be through the roof with the stress I've had lately) and everything looks good.
getting stressed now, though as we should be moving house next week and I will need to register asap at a new GP and choose a hospital. because I'd like to go to a birth centre, I don't know which hospital to go with - the two options both have birth centres but I was told today that my local one (St Helier in Sutton) gets used as an overspill for the labour ward, and the implication was it'd be potluck if there was a room available when I needed it. the other hospital (Mayday in Croydon) has a separate dedicated birth centre, but again no guarantees of getting in... and from what I've read online, if I had to go to the regular labour ward, I'd prefer St Helier. which is closer so I know I'm going to get pressure from my husband just to go there, even though the other is only 20 mins away by car, but I guess that's traffic dependent.
argh. I don't know what to do. also, does anyone know how it works if you do go to a hospital that isn't your local one? do you have to go there for regular antenatal appts as well?