1st born was BFN at 4 weeks past DPO, BFP at 7the weeks... could it be again?


New Member
Dec 15, 2013
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I will try to be a specific as I can.
History: After I had my son (8 1/2 years ago) i had irregular periods. I often went months without periods, but there was always blood in my uterus when my doctor did exams (she said it was internal uterus bleeding and my uterus always felt like it was bruised) accompanied by severe pain. After many specialists could not diagnose me I did trial and error on different hormone treatments and birth controls. In 2010 I finally went on Lupron (my doc described it as a temporary menopause). After having the max amount of rounds I decided to live with the pain and irregularities and be done with any type of birth control. I started getting periods they started to get closer together. I have a period tracker and as of May 2012 my cycle has always been 29 days, not once since has it been off.
I have been with the same man for 4 years. We are not trying, but we do not take any preventative action. we do not use the pull out, he has never been able to cum during sex or oral with me or anyone. We were together the day after I was supposed to ovulate (and I did have all my normal ovulation symptoms and assume I did). Having just ovulated never crossed my mind because of his "issue" and we havening done it many times during me being fertile, and to my knowledge he did not cum that time either. Due to busy schedule and living 40 min away now we had not been intimate since.
Fast forward my period was 2 days late. I also did not experience pms symptoms as I always do around a week before (water weight, painful cramps, ect). it was more watery (pink, brown, and red) with no clots. It was lighter than normal and by evening was only spotting while I wiped which lasted for another day and a half (which I usually have heavy bleeding and clots by mid afternoon the 1st day until the middle of the 4th and the 5th is usually just the brown old blood then I'm done). For 2 days nothing then for 3 days I had the spotting on and off again when I wiped. After the 2nd day of spotting I took htp got bfp. Two days later and as of two days ago I have only got bfn. I should have ovulated 3 days ago, but with my period 2 days late it moved it to yesterday. I have none of my regular ovulation symptoms (I always get cramping, heavy cm, ect).
Here are some other things going on. During the 8 days of on/off bleeding I had severe cramping (worse than usual), nausea, and complete loss of appetite, however I would suddenly feel so sick and starving that when I forced myself to eat something warm I felt a little better. After those 8 days my appetite was normal, no cramps, and no nausea, however I then got very bloated and very gassy. About 5 days ago my appetite increased immensely. I wake up in the middle of the night or in the mornings hungry (and actually immediately find food!) And eat nonstop throughout the day (which is so drastic for me others have commented on it). Yet, many people are asking if I have been losing weight. I have to pee a lot. I began waking up in the middle of the night about 3 days ago, have to run to the bathroom first thing in the am and go at least 3 times more than I ever have before although my fluid intake really has not changed. Since the first day the bleeding started I either have a headache or a migraine every day that does not go away with rest, over the counter meds, prescription Migraine meds or prescription pain meds. I am not only overly exhausted, but I fall asleep instantly and sometimes not intentionally (sitting up, ect) which is rare as since I was about 2 I have had a sleep disorder and even with prescription aides have always taken at LEAST an hour to fall asleep, have always been a light sleeper, felt better with less sleep and can't sleep through a full night.. There are days now that I am only awake long enough to get ready, go to work, pee, or eat... I can sleep hard for 12+ hours and am still exhausted. My sex drive has increased. I become aroused at the most random times, especially in the middle of the nights and mornings. Also rare for me as being "turned on" is something that I have always associated with love and 98% I only get that urge when I am with my other half. I feel like I am being seduced multiple times a day! ;) Also... MOOD SWINGS! For 3+ weeks (and oh yes people remind me it has been for 3 weeks LOL) I am asked if I am sad, mad, or why I have a bad attitude, or what happened to the happy fun girl (very outgoing person I am a PR/marketing/sales manager and a bartender). Then randomly I get the oh she is back or so happy you are happy again comments. I personally have noticed I get irritated around people, zone out/lose interest when they talk, feel snippy one minute, then overly happy the next. I have also been crying, usually if I am upset I can hide it until later, now I can't fight the urge OR stop crying and half the time I don't know why! I know this is a lot of info. And yes I know GO to the doctor (my doc of 10 years just left :(, and although I have always had a secondary she is so overly booked from all the new patients that I can't get in until Jan! I know wait another few weeks to see if period comes, or retest... but I need to vent and I need some opinions. I don't know what to think of the situation.
Why strong positive then negatives?
Why a period with no clots, and spotting on/off for 8 days?
Why no pms symptoms and now no ovulation symptoms?
Why all the crazy new symptoms, especially if I am NOT pregnant?
I do not "wish" to be pregnant, though I would not be angry or scared about it... I really haven't been too obsessed or worried about it either but the last few days I have really questioned things (especially when others make pregnant comments). I chalked my funny period up to stress or irregularity, the BFP to an strong evap line or false positive, after the negative I moved on... After the symptoms increased I retested, and am confused. I am supposidely 32dpo... Normally I would think its negative and thats it... But I know it IS possible to get BFP late, and this worries me, along with possible complications. I was irregular from the start of my periods, when I moved on my own I became regular and was on the same cycle as my roommate for about 6 months (yes... uterus' really do talk and bond LOL). We joked about me missing a period that I was pregnant, I chalked that up to me being irregular again. When I was 2 weeks late my roommate forced me to test, it was negative. I thought nothing more of it. I had a seizure and ended up in the hospital 3 weeks later, and found out I was almost 7 weeks pregnant... looking back I had always thought I had no symptoms and wouldn't have never known unless I went to the hospital... but I remember I DID experience exhaustion, increased appetite, ect... I always just chalked that up to being young, stupid, and having fun... hmmmm... thoughts? Maybe this is something totally different!?

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