1st time Clomid use- Visual Disturbances ???


Mom of one TTC #2
Apr 11, 2012
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Wow, This is not a first for me, (try Concerta about 10 years ago) that I have had mild visual disturbances from a med. :nope: I am on day 5 of Clomid..Night 1 was fine, Night two I thought the light coming through our bedroom door was way wider then it should be...door was closed..Night 3 I woke up my hubby yelling "Holy s..t!!" because I saw strange lights in our room. WTH!:shrug:!? I know that Clomid can cause insomnia and such, but hallucinations?? wow. I did try to do some research and they have had a few cases, but these women had more then hallucinations happening...they were hospitalized infact. My issue happens in a split second and then it's gone and I go back to sleep with out any issues. Am I alone?? Im not freaking out since I have had reactions with meds before, but still. Concerta I am not surprised as it is for ADHD and works differently then Clomid in pretty much every way. This is my first trip with Clomid..I have no idea what to expect and no idea really on how it works...if it works..etc. Some of the statistics are not so hot :cry: Keeping fingers crossed though and dealing with the strange side affects! Thanks for listening to my long, drawn out post.
Hi there,

I'm so glad I found your post.

I am on my 6th clomid cycle, and as its my last they have doubled my dose to 100mg.
Lat night I woke up to the exact same thing, black balls of light floating across in Front of my eyes, so I can into the living room, and every movement I made, I had what I can only describe as tracers or tailbacks from the movements. I also had a few other minor "hallucinations" and also the flashing dots like before you get a migraine, I'm so glad I'm not alone! I was really starting to freak myself out!!

I also like you have been on Meds before that have caused hallucinations, but they were anti psychotics (yeah, that makes sense!!)

On all my other clomid cycles my only side effects were mood swings, nausea and hot flashes, so this is a new one on me.

I there is not a lot of info out there on clomid hallucinations, but is is a deffinate side effect, it is more common in over 30 years olds, and out of 486 patients, 4 have sensory hallucinations

Hope you feel better soon. And please let me know how you are
Thanks for your reply!! Im so glad Im not alone. I only had those two episodes, but last night I pretty much got NO sleep! Im on cd10 today (and cramping...is that good?? so clueless:wacko:) Other then that Im doing well! Im excited to start this whole process and see where it leads.

Did you see that those 4 women were also hospitalized?? Maybe women with our mild disturbances don't report them? I will def. be sure to tell my OB about it, she will prob. laugh (she is really nice and understanding) and ask if it bothered me enough to stop etc. Nope, honestly that is the only side affect so far that has bothered me. The Metformin is much more invasive and destructive to my system. :dohh:

Lots and lots of :dust: to you!! Im so glad I found this site!

Sorry it's taken a while to reply, I had a really crappy night again last night. Im on CD5, 4th day of clomid, and I had the 'hallucinations' again last night, and also I did not manage to get to sleep until 5am (UK time)

Maybe the reason we are not freaked out enough to be hospitalised is because we have had 'hallucinations' before with medication, so we know nothing is going to hurt us, and we know how to handle the situaton?

If this was the first time in my life I had hallucinations, I probably would be straight back to the hospital!! On my patient information leaflet I got with the clomid, it does say a side effect is psychosis.

Yes, cramping is normal, I have it on and off throught my cycle.

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