1st time posting in here-looking for some advice :)


Mummy of 2!
Dec 4, 2009
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Okay so little bit about me and my background-Im 28 had 2 previous children and this is the background to them- My past two births were both at hospital and both induced one in 2004(due to high bp at 40+6) and one in 2010(due to waters being gone for 24hrs 40+3) both lasted 10/11 hrs in length stuck on a bed constant monitoring throughout and both ending in epidurals and my most recen(2010)t I had a retained placenta. I was under consultant care for 2010 too one due to bmi of 37.

So fast forward to this pregnancy-

This time around Im under consultant care again for bmi which is 37 again and also because of the retained placenta which resulted in me going to theatre for removal, and here comes the but......but I really want to have a homebirth.

The consutant has already said to me in my first app "you can't have a homebirth due to those 2 factors" and you need a GTT(glucose test) again. I refused the gtt straight away and said my last two babies have both been 7lb ish so I don't want it this time thank you very much. Which they didn't like but said ok. Then I came away from appointment feeling a bit down as this is prob going to be my last chance to have a baby so I would really like to birth the way I choose, which is to go for a HB, and I feel like I have been told NO!

So I have decided this morning that I need to do something about it, I think my first step is to let the consultant know Im aware of the risks etc and get him/her to sign me off back to midwife care isnt it?

What do I do if he doesnt agree? Is that when I need to contact AIMS or do I just contact the head of midwifery at the hospital? I have the template letters ready that AIMS suggest using to say I will be having a homebirth regardless and I appreciate risks etc and would appreciate their support in sending a midwife to my hom when in labour, will that be enough? :shrug:

Feeling quite emotional atm about all this so any support is welcome :)
your consultants wrong, you have the right to choose where you labour and birth, even if it goes against their policies. consultants seem to rearly be ok with HB as it is anyway, i was shocked when the one i was under last time said brilliant and wished me all the best.
but anyway all you need to do is write a letter to your head of midwifery stating your intentions that you WILL be having a hb and expect a mw to attend, they have a duty of care to attend no matter what consultants say, so definatly go for it. just cause you had a retained placenta last time doesnt mean it will ever happen again, especially when your not having drugs pumped into you etc.

i was induced with imogen for the same reasons as your second and things were so much better with freya, i was transfered half hour before she was born due to meconium in waters but i was at home right up until that point and i can not recomend HB enough to anyone, i cant wait to do it again (minus the transfer lol). you'll get so much support from the ladies in here. xx
Thank you so much, so I don't need to go and see the consultant anymore if I don't want to? Do I need to let them know Im not coming anymore or would the head of midwifery let them know? They have made me an appointment for 32 weeks and 36weeks for growth scans and then to see them afterwards(this is based on the bmi thing) I had the same in my last preg and tbh they were way wrong, told me baby was going to be really small and then big) and then when she was born she was a perfect 7lb 2oz so totally average! So that's putting me off having them too!
you dont have to see anyone you dont want to, just ring the secutary and cancel. they might give you the chit chat of how important it is bla bla bla but if you really dont want to go stick to your guns, especially if theyve scared you in the past saying your gonna have a small or large baby and you know now its all rubbish and just shows drs dont always know best. xx
I had a BMI of more than 37 with my last pregnancy AND a history of diabetes in the family (was tested in both pregnancies and didn't have it) and was still allowed to have a home birth.

I was told of the risks but went ahead anyway and there were no problems whatsoever. I had a 4 hour labour with no pain relief and came away with a 9lb 13.5oz perfect baby boy.

Stick to what you want hun. I think they have to try to convince you otherwise as it's protocol and they're covering their butts but you have the right to labour and birth where you choose :)

Keep us updated :)

Thanks very much :) Have made the first steps and arranged an appointment with my midwife to let her know I wish to have a homebirth against medical advice and to ask her if she can arrange for the supervisor of midwives to come and see me and discuss it so I can sign the waiver form etc. Nervous but hopeful :)
Hiya will do! I got a call this morn to say my midwife was off sick and they didn't know when she would be back yet so they have cancelled the app they made me on 12th and have said one of the CMW will come out and see me this Tue to discuss it and to arrange for the SOM to come out and see me. So will let you know what happens after speakking to the CMW :)
Hi there, dont you just love these consultants who really believe in patient led care! I too am under a consultant, my first was very small for dates so they wanted to keep an eye on this one. Which I am pleased about becasue I really feel 1st time round it was overlooked and wasn't picked up until my 36 wk app.
Anyway I want a HB this time round and have been a bit naughty, I have not told my consultant yet, only my midwife. She was well up for it and wrote it in my notes. I have had a growth scan this week and have 2 more at 32 and 36 weeks. If all is well I will be dicharged from consultant care and I thought well they dont need to know my intentions from there as it will have nothing to do with them.
As I say its in my notes and the doc didn't say anything...he prob didn't read them. Regardless of if they knew and approved or not I would be ready to nod and smile and say thanks for the info but I know what I want.
The midwife has a plan of action if my next scan is all hunky dory(i.e booking my home visit etc), if the one after that is not we will re asses.
If your feeling a bit down about it I would advise speaking to the midwife, hopefully she is a supportive one like mine and she was fab about planning mine.

I suppose what I am doing is keeping my options open, staying with the consultant until right at the end so I will know the baby's growth is ok.

No one can make you do anything you dont want to and you have the right to a HB if you want one and they have to suport you with your decision, they do have to give you the facts and advise you, but like I said just nod and smile and say thanks! They have done their job by telling you the risks.
I know a few ladies who have written a letter of intention to the head of midwifes and this has worked a treat, no more quibbling the HB plan was set up straight away. So I think thats a good way to show your serious and have considered the risks.

Good luck hun, keep us informed x
Thanks for the advice, I have/am going to say that I will go for my growth scans at 32 and 36 weeks and should anything change at those then I'm willing to listen again and take on board what they say. But for the moment I would like to be supported in my wishes for a HB and would appreciate the midwife making me the appointiment with the supervisor of midwives to discuss it all and the risks etc and to let them know I'm fully informed and aware and it's my choice.

Roll on Tuesday :dance:
I went for a growth scan at 36 (I think) weeks. The post is on this forum somewhere, haha, and was told baby was already over 7lbs...... :haha:

I didn't know whether to believe them or not as my first was only 7lb 6oz but lo and behold, he was 9lb 13.5oz when he was born....

Both of mine have been 7lb 8oz and 7lb 2oz despite being told both times they would be 9/10lbers :haha:
Yeah, I'd read posts from a lot of people saying they were told their babies were going to be big then when they were born they were 7-8lbs so I thought I'd be the same. Haha. I made the MW weigh him twice as I was convinced her scales were wrong :haha:


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