Hey hon. My DD had/has CCAM, while it is present throughout her lungs the upper lobe of her left lung seemed to be worst affected, she had 3 collapsed lungs in the first few weeks of life, resulting in them deciding to do surgery to remove the top half of her left lung. After surgery she had a lot more energy, no more collapsed lungs and chest tubes. She was in intensive care for a week as she struggled with fluid retention while on morphine. She needed oxygen support until she was 8 months old (low flow, fairly easy to manage but taking the tanks everywhere is a pain). We've had synergis injections for the last 2 winters to help her fight colds, she's just got her first proper one and I won't lie, it's hit her lungs hard and she permanently sounds like shes been running, but the important thing is she's able to fight it and she's here with us when we were once told to take her home and enjoy the short time we had with her. If you want to pm me please feel free x