To make a long story short, my now ex I guess has been lacking in the job department since I got together with him. In 2009 we had our first baby a beautiful little girl. I thought maybe he would change. You know with the mounting expenses that babies come with. He didn't. He would work great for 3 or 4 months and then boom his work ethic completely disappeared. Well in September my OB put me on bedrest at 8 weeks. This did not help our finances in the least as I was the main income. I thought okay well now that I am not at work maybe he will start going everyday when he sees our finances. Nope he didn't. So now I am living with my sister (both my parents are passed) while he stayed in the city to work and I come to find out he hasnt been working at all. So I made the bold decision to leave him 3 days ago. I am at my sister's house when I should be in my own house getting a nursery ready for the new little one one the way. I should be excited and anticipating april to come. Instead I am a ball of emotions second guessing if what I did was the right thing or not. Even tho I already know the answer but its hard and I have been crying off and on I cried so much yesturday I got a migraine and a bloody nose. I guess I just need reassurance that this is the right thing to do. Oh to boot I live in a small town 40 mins from the city and the only person I can really talk to about this (my sister) also has the same man problems so how can I bring it up to her?