2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

I'm sure you'll find something awesome to help decorate his room. We are not doing a nursery, instead we are having baby spend time in our room for the first few years. We set up a pack n play in the guest room for naps when he/she gets bigger and we have a bassinet in the living room as well. As for decorations, I have black sticker decorations of trees, butterflies and birds in our room. I figure black goes with our furniture and bedspread. I really want to make a ceiling mobile with black animal cutouts but I have no motivation.
Today was a really lazy day. Hoping I can motivate myself to deep clean the kitchen tomorrow so I can start cooking the freezer meals this weekend and next week.

I plan on keeping up on the trimming/shaving as much as I can so I don't look like a total Yeti once I go into labor. I am sprouting new chin hairs each day..WTH!! Thank goodness DH doesn't mind. He actually will grab my tweezers and pluck them for me since I am blind as a bat now. I can't wear my glasses anymore and I didn't want to get a new prescription that wouldn't last. I am really hoping my eyesight goes back to normal after baby is born. Ohh..I do plan on getting a manicure/pedicure after valentines day. It would be nice to have pretty feet if I end up in stirrups at all, not that it matters. lol
Who has dr appointments this week? any ultrasounds? I meet up with my endocrinologist on Friday to take a look at my blood sugar values, fingers crossed that I won't need to go on insulin just yet. Also, DH gets back into town Saturday so that will be nice. I am now starting to really miss him. So glad he won't have more business trips til the end of March.
DH teases me about my facial fuzz. I try to keep up with it, but I always forget...

Eyesight is supposed to go back to normal. I'm coming up on eye exam time anyway, but have to put it off. I'm glad my eyes aren't actually too bad. I have a weak, mismatched prescription, and without glasses, I think I have a harder time with them not quite matching up than with the actual vision trouble. I can tell mine aren't quite right anymore, though.

Glad your DH is almost back! Does he travel a lot for work? Mine does overnight jobs now and then, but they're all up to him and in the city, so he could get home in an emergency. Even that was tricky when he had a week of overnights in January.

I have appointments every week now, but mine already passed this week. I'm really hoping we get good news from this ultrasound and can go back to one appointment on our appointment days instead of the two we've been doing lately.
My husband is an instructor for the Navy. He travels a lot to different places to teach and to audit people on whether they are following protocol. It starts to get really busy over here in March up to September than the overseas travel picks up. They get to go to Nova Scotia and to Scotland. His boss took over his travel that was scheduled for the first week in March. If we make it to the end of February they will induce shortly after so I am thankful his boss took up the trip because I would have had a fit if he was gone.
The funny thing about it all was he transferred from a vessel that did tons of sea time. The last year we were there he was gone 8 out of 12 months. We picked this job because we thought he'd be home more but he will travel almost as much as he did at his previous job. So he will miss a lot of baby milestones but it's a sacrifice to support our little family. We keep telling ourselves it's just a few more years...
This little one will be starting 1st grade when DH retires from the NAVY. We're hoping to have another baby after this one before he retires but we will see. His schedule makes it really hard to plan a pregnancy. I'm really hoping he won't go back to the same type of job he left..it's very stressful and he'd never be home. I want him around because, well..I am selfish and love being around him.
anyone else having swollen ankles/feet? Mind seem to swell the moment I stand up. Looking forward to having my body back.
That sounds so difficult :( Do you have a good support network locally?
I haven't had any noticeable swelling, but a lot of numbness in my hands, like Twinkie said. It's mostly when I sleep with my hand under my pillow (which I always do since I'm restricted to only left-right side sleeping). It takes longer than regular pins and needles to go away, and I'm not doing yoga like I did in my first pregnancy to strengthen my joints. Yes, it will be nice to have something that resembles my old body back!
The only swelling I've had was on very hot days, and my hands occasionally swell now if it's too hot in the house or I did too many dishes. I was eying a shoe sale on Zulily today, but I just know if I start buying shoes, all of a sudden the fabled foot swelling will start and my feet will never go back to normal.
Not feeling good at all this morning. I've had a headache all night, and now I'm starting to feel sick. I've had Tylenol and a hot shower, and I don't think it did much. I'm supposed to work today, but don't really know if I can.
Looking forward to having my body back too. I'm not overly swollen yet, but last time I really ballooned up in the last couple weeks. Not looking forward to that! I'm just tired of walking like a pregnant woman lol.

Bucherwurm, I hope you feel better! This has been an awful season for colds and flus!
I'm still trying to meet new people but it's difficult because I'm not very trusting of new people. I joined a group for birth connections here in my county and we have monthly meetings. So far I've met a few ladies that are nice but they just had babies so I don't really go visit them. So as a support network, it's nilch. All my close friends and family are in Washington state and no one is planning on coming out for the birth. If my husband ends up getting deployed and I go into labor I can post a message on the birth group FB page and i'm sure midwives and doulas would show up just to support me. They are nice but it's not the same as having DH.
Thankfully though, everyone at his work knows we are high risk and can have baby anytime from V-day to the first week of March.
Where are you located now, Mamasquirrel? It's hard being in a new place without any friends and family. We moved here 6 years ago and only have a few close friends. It's also more difficult if you don't work I think. It's just harder in general to meet new people as we get older I think, especially if you're shy! Have you looked on FB for mom groups for your neighbourhood? They can be really helpful and supportive! Hopefully you can find something nearby.
I'm down in Florida near cocoa beach. I've joined a few groups for new moms but they don't have meetups that often. I even joined a group just for military spouses that live on the same base as me and they only post things about missing animals and base events. The post a lot about the local bar venue and my DH and I don't drink so that's out the door. I tried being friends with the neighbors but the women all work. =( So, You are defin right, working makes it easier to meet new people and make friends. I decided not to work because of how sick I was when we moved here. I had Hyperemesis gravidarum for the first 22/23 weeks of this pregnancy. Then after that DH said to just work on getting the house put together and now here we are, lol. I joined a "diaper club" and will be going to that after baby is born. It's supposed to be a support meeting for new moms.
I've lived in this community for my entire life and don't really have friends. I moved to a tiny village just outside of my hometown (only 10 minutes away) and I don't really know anyone. Hopefully having a baby will attract some mommy friends.
We should all just move close together and start our own little community :haha: Wouldn't that be great! Everyone going through the same milestones and issues together to help one another out! At least we have bnb, but sometimes you need that friend physically there. :hugs:
We should all just move close together and start our own little community :haha: Wouldn't that be great! Everyone going through the same milestones and issues together to help one another out! At least we have bnb, but sometimes you need that friend physically there. :hugs:

I vote for Florida! I would love to get away from this cold and snow :)
I think baby is trying to make me feel better and not worry about her. Even though I'm not feeling good today, she has been moving a lot. Seems like extra after a couple of quieter days the past couple of days. Of course, maybe it's the extra sugary treats I've had so far to make myself feel better. :haha:
I'll move to Florida! Coco Beach is kind of north right? Near Orlando as opposed to south near Miami? Because I need the cool days still!
I hope you're feeling better soon, bucherwurm.

It really is so hard to make friends. I grew up here and I still have very few local friends. I'm liking this commune idea ;)

I've been entertaining myself watching the mama drama on facebook today. I'm going to a natural parenting convention later in the month (assuming this baby doesn't show early and get in the way). I'm in a facebook group where moms have been chatting about the event, and it's been nice to get an idea of what to expect, but all of a sudden it's nothing but crazy people. One mom tried (very respectfully) to get some opinions about bringing her too young to be vaccinated baby, because measles has hit our county and this convention is bound to attract a lot of anti-vaccine families. Even though everyone was civil and respectful, the admins deleted her post because people were whining that she dared to even question the safety of all the babies at this event. And now tickets are sold out, people are trying to buy them for more than market value, people who waited to buy are whining that people who are selling theirs aren't searching out the first person to post in search of tickets, and so on. It's nothing but "Waaah, I didn't buy a ticket in time despite the multiple warnings that it was about to sell out, and now nobody is being fair about selling me a ticket!" I get the frustration, but you know, maybe a little understanding that you had a chance to buy and passed it up and nobody owes you anything? It can't be easy to wade through over 100 comments in the "in search of" thread to find out the earliest request when people aren't updating and deleting when they've found tickets. I'm a little afraid of how selling this ticket will go if I can't attend... I've always heard that moms in big groups get catty, but this is something else.
I hope you're feeling better soon, bucherwurm.

It really is so hard to make friends. I grew up here and I still have very few local friends. I'm liking this commune idea ;)

I've been entertaining myself watching the mama drama on facebook today. I'm going to a natural parenting convention later in the month (assuming this baby doesn't show early and get in the way). I'm in a facebook group where moms have been chatting about the event, and it's been nice to get an idea of what to expect, but all of a sudden it's nothing but crazy people. One mom tried (very respectfully) to get some opinions about bringing her too young to be vaccinated baby, because measles has hit our county and this convention is bound to attract a lot of anti-vaccine families. Even though everyone was civil and respectful, the admins deleted her post because people were whining that she dared to even question the safety of all the babies at this event. And now tickets are sold out, people are trying to buy them for more than market value, people who waited to buy are whining that people who are selling theirs aren't searching out the first person to post in search of tickets, and so on. It's nothing but "Waaah, I didn't buy a ticket in time despite the multiple warnings that it was about to sell out, and now nobody is being fair about selling me a ticket!" I get the frustration, but you know, maybe a little understanding that you had a chance to buy and passed it up and nobody owes you anything? It can't be easy to wade through over 100 comments in the "in search of" thread to find out the earliest request when people aren't updating and deleting when they've found tickets. I'm a little afraid of how selling this ticket will go if I can't attend... I've always heard that moms in big groups get catty, but this is something else.

They really do get catty, unfortunately. Moms are just so passionate, and we can't help but care for ALL babies lol. On the old forum I was on, there was always a lot of cattiness regarding breastfeeding/formula feeding, bedsharing etc. It was a little scary. Mostly moms just need support from other moms.
I honestly think that meeting people will get easier once little one is here. I plan on joining meetup groups and a mommy n me class on weekends so DH can get some rest. I also plan on getting a zoo membership so I can go walking there as much as possible to show little one the animals. I am hoping it will encourage me to keep active. Of course the main goal is to start walking once baby is about a month old. I want to get back to what I used to look like and feel like. Being on fertility medications has really turned me into a marshmallow. =)
MrsK: Hope Teddy will sit still and let you go to the event. Also hoping that it's not full of wackos for your sake. I think people will complain about anything. Also, I would say it's not safe for infants if there is unvaccinated children around but that is my personal opinion. I will refuse to take my little one to areas where they can catch something that is totally preventable.
So I finally got motivated to leave the house and grab some supplies. I am hoping I'll be in the same mood tomorrow. Kitchen is now sanitized and I have all the cookware ready for the big cook-off. Now all I need is the ingredients. =-) Hooray for semi-productive days.

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