2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

I don't have a birth plan. I don't know if the midwife will bring it up or not. We haven't talked about birth preferences, only birth place.
I'm hoping baby just comes right on time. I'm planning on working until the end of the month, so if I get a buffer week of nothing to do, that would be nice. I really don't want to go over, though.
I have a plan written up and I asked my midwives when they want it and they said at my 36 week appointment, so 2 weeks from now as my 34 week one is tomorrow.

I have been having some pain in my lower back/hips area as well as my pubic bone. I am starting to wonder if this little guy is going to come early... As long as he stays put for at least another 3 weeks he can come whenever. I am expecting him to be late though. My mom was induced with me a week past her due date and DH came ontime.
Teilana, the hip and pubic bone pain could just be a combination of the baby starting to get really heavy and shifting positions. I swear sometimes this guy bounces his head on my cervix every time I try to walk more than a block...

I really want to go to knit night again this week, but DH is at work til late, so I'd have to take the bus. Normally not a problem, but I can think of at least one block between me and the bus I need that's probably not shoveled. I really need to figure out how to report that to the city. Normally I'd just trudge through it, but I don't want to risk a fall.

I need to look up more sample birth plans, I think. And see if there's one in our birth class workbook. Since my preferences match the midwives' and hospital's policies so closely, there are really only a few things I can think of that I need to make note of.

I have to figure out a time when we can meet our doula, too. So much to do, and I can't do any of it til DH does the heavy lifting. I'm tempted to ask him to take a day off to get things done, but he'll be taking time off after the baby comes, so I know he won't want to take extra time off now. I'm really bummed that he took yesterday off for appointments (he's only met the Monday midwife once), because he usually has Tuesdays off, and they closed the office yesterday anyway, so he could have had an extra day. It figures, the one Monday he requests off ends up being a snow day.

30 days left! That's less than a month! :wacko:
I think I may have started to lose a little of my plug today (I know it's not an indicator of anything). I wiped and there was quite a bit of yellowish snot. Not a lot, but more discharge than I've had in a while. So it motivated me to clean the bathroom which was a task that needed doing desperately. I did everything except scrub the floor, which I'm sure DH will be happy to do :D
Then I made jello and pudding, defrosted the chicken for dinner, and am sitting with a huge pile of pillows between my knees because my hip is killing me now. I can't believe how close we are to the end!
Aaaaah it's getting so exciting to start seeing posts about things possible starting to happen! I was reading on another thread in the third tri section I think, that the cervical pain may indicate dilation. Not sure if its' true, but wouldn't mind if it is!
I got some great news today :D I go to view that house Thursday and sign up so I will finally have a house just have the worry of carpets etc now :D
So happy for you mummy_smurf. Hopefully you can get settled quickly so you can have some stress free days. How are you beyond the moving stuff?
I admit that I don't make myself that familiar with my own body, but just randomly decided to check my cervix when I was showering the other day and while I don't think I'm dilated at this point (maybe a finger tip), it's really freakin' low to the point where it's nearly outside my body (or so it feels). I'm guessing that's probably really normal for late pregnancy though?

My 34 week appointment is tomorrow (I'll be 34 + 2). I expect that it'll be a quick appointment. I'm just seeing the NP, not one of my OBs and I had a SUPER fast appointment the last time I saw her. I do need to ask or make mention of my pubic bone pain to her. I told DH about it and while I'm sure it's just a relaxin + late pregnancy thing that I will just have to deal with, I want to assure him that I've talked to the doctor about it.

Working on getting the rooming situation sorted out. DH and I are going to relocate to the guest room, the girls will be moving into our room to make way for baby brother to take over the nursery. We're mid-move right now and have one full size bed set up for my older daughter in our bedroom. We will keep DD2 in her toddler bed for the time being. Once she is in a full size bed there will be minimal space in their room and certainly no room for playing. That depresses me a bit. In my head I thought they would have more room than that. :(

I have to decide on a theme for baby boys room. Between hubby and I the choices get extremely limited. No sports, elephants, turtles, whales, monkeys, or nautical themes... So basically I think we are down to teddy bears! ;)
You know, for all the reading and research I do, I have no idea what the cervix is supposed to be up to right now. I know all about dilation and effacement and so on, but I'm clueless up til that point. I keep thinking I should check mine, but I don't know what I'd do with that information, so I guess it's best not to mess around until the curiosity overwhelms me.

Would the girls do better with bunk beds or something? I know it sucks to get rid of furniture you already have - I'm bummed that I won't get the final stage full bed use out of our convertible crib, but there's just no way to make it work in our house.

Anyone know how long it takes to get Group B Strep results? I didn't even think to ask. It looks like I can avoid the IV at birth altogether (barring complications) if I test negative, so I'm really hoping for good results...

You may do better just skipping a nursery theme at this point! Ours will feature an assortment of animals, but that's just kind of our style in general. Any excuse for cute baby animals ;)
That's great, Mummy Smurf! When do you move?
Depends how quick I can get carpets fitted but my mums hubby has booked works van for me so I don't have to pay for one for a week on Friday

So happy for you mummy_smurf. Hopefully you can get settled quickly so you can have some stress free days. How are you beyond the moving stuff?

Great thanks other than bsbys movements hurting now lol oh and I'm getting another soar throat :(
Great news mummysmurf! I bet you can't wait to get settled in and nest!

How are all the ladies in big blizzard zone doing? Mrs k I kind of have this weird mental image of your knit club being like some kind of fight club scenario in a dark basement with pregnant ladies knitting at each other with intent!

Gosh, how fast has the talk of hip pain and mucus plugs rolled around?! I'm sure we are going to have some babies arriving in the next few weeks. Am I the first of the scheduled lot? Mine is three weeks tomorrow.

Made the decision today to finish work next Friday which will be 38 weeks. I think that's enough! If I had a desk job I could go on, but I'm on my feet all day and my hip is killing me suddenly.

Back to the OB tomorrow for the NST, BPP and appt. Going to get my hair cut as well for what will be the "delivery hair cut"! What's everyone else pre- delivery beauty regime going to involve? A friend of mine went all out, tan, eyelashes, full waxing everywhere you can possibly wax, tattooed eyeliner - the works! I'm a bit more minimalistic myself!
Haha! There is one other pregnant lady, but we haven't dueled yet ;) I opted to stay home, it started snowing again, and it just didn't seem like a good idea to go out. One lady emailed to say she's still snowed in! I guess I ought to at least do some knitting at home.

I really admire you sticking to an active job this long. There have been times I don't think I could have managed a desk job, let alone being on my feet all day, and I feel like I've had it pretty easy compared to a lot of other mamas.

My beauty routine is simple. I'm going to attempt to keep up with leg and armpit shaving frequently enough that it doesn't look like it's been a month :D I'd go in for one last haircut, but I just got one before my shower, and my hair is too short to cut that frequently. I do regret not finding the time to go to my usual hairdresser because she's a genius and I love her, but I just couldn't manage it and got a cheap chain salon cut instead. Overall, though, I just can't imagine that labor is a particularly attractive process, and I'm not going to stress about my appearance when I should be focusing on my mental and physical strength and abilities. I have enough to worry about! I'm fully motivated by extreme laziness, for the record, not some kind of more natural than thou superiority complex ;)
Hubby more than I cannot bear to not use these cribs to their full potential. When the time comes that the girls want their own rooms (eventually there will be another bedroom in the basement for one of them), it will be great that they have full size beds.

I've been looking on amazon and there is a Chocolate teddy bear bedding & nursery decor set that seems pretty extensive and well priced, so I might choose to go with that. The room we will be using is already painted in a beige/chocolate motif (we've been accenting with pink for the girls in there). Only bummer is the set is all browns and I'd LOVE to throw some other color in the mix. Blue or green or something...
The teddy bears sound cute. Is there some other way to add more color? Wall art or lamp shades or an area rug or something?
It is exciting to see talk of bodies getting ready for babies to come. Though I am at the beginning of March, I don't think mine is doing anything yet!

For adding colour to a room, you have so many options! You could buy a cute teddy to add to the mix in your colour of choice, or like MrsK said, an area rug, lamp, or you can add maybe a cute teddy bear picture with colours in it, a pillow.... You could even do all of these things! Since you're going chocolates, so many colours can go with it. I love blues paired with chocolate! My professional advice for the day :winkwink:
There is another teddy bear set with fewer pieces that is green and brown... I could get that one and supplement the other decor pieces I want with the more extensive set. If they don't vary too widely (and I don't think they do).
I would rather do blues, but the particuar set I'm looking at comes in a pink labled "girl" and green labled "neutral" so I would expect they also make it in blue, but can't find it anywhere!
How odd that there isn't a blue "boy" version. Brown and blue is such a popular combination, it's not like they couldn't make it look good.

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