Natasha question for you. Did you get clear solid dark lines with your girls? And was it different with his pg?
I can't even remember what dinner was last night let alone tests years ago haha. It was different with both of mine. Summers I found out at docs at about ten weeks, the tests were consistently negative.
Maci - I had implant removed May 5th and got bfp June 4th. I just knew something had changed in my body. I did a digi with maci so not proper lines either.
This one, I'm sure it's a boy. My symptoms are different so far. With both my girls I had awful headaches, extreme tiredness right from the beginning. This time I've had more energy, no headaches, aching boobs which I've never had and a metallic taste in my mouth on and off. And I've lost 10lbs through going off food.
I got my bfp this morning and it's still very faint. Will test again tomorrow and hope for a slightly stronger line.