Baby boy is currently in an unstable transverse lie which means if my waters go then there is a chance of cord prolapse which is serious.
I hope all goes well Claire! That's exactly what I'm worried about too... I was told I have a high volume of amniotic fluid, which makes it a lot more difficult for baby's head to engage (it just bobs in and out), and if my waters break and baby's not engaged, there's the risk of cord prolapse, which really scares me... I have an appointment with the doctor next week to discuss it, I'm just hoping nothing happens until then (i'm 37+5 today...).
But being at the hospital, you're in the best place to be taken care of!
I feel for you so badly right now, this is what happened with my third
I ended up with an EMCS with a cord prolapse, you are certainly in the right spot. My little boy was born at 37 weeks exactly but quite unwell at birth (apgar of 2). Are you looking at vaginal birth if he does turn? Such a hard decision not knowing how things will go for sure, thinking of you
Wow Aliop, that sounds so scary. Were you in the hospital already when that happened? How is you little boy doing now (if you don't mind me asking...)