Aliop, my toco readings were in the 60's when I was admitted on Weds & my contractions were going into the 70's. Apparently the number itself isn't what they use, but the pattern of the tightenings. Normally my numbers are lower, it can depend a lot on how your lying etc. My natural contractions weren't that bad & mostly felt like an IBS attack I was having regular contractions after they broke my waters, every 1-2 mins apart & they just felt like period pains that would come & go. Not really too painful at all! The MW was amazed I was 3cm already, then 5cm 2 hours later as they weren't that bad at all. The hormone drip was another matter. I hate that they forced me to have it in the end!
Oliver is just settled in his incubator after his first night feed. The mws are being weird with me because of how long he feeds for (this feed was 1hr45mins). They're talking about giving him some breast & then topping up with formula, but I'm not really sure why?? The paediatrician was happy for me to exclusively breastfeed, and that was after I explained he might be out of the incubator for at least 2hrs! During the day, he feeds for 30mins-1hr & can then sleep solidly for 4hrs!
Anyway, I'm rabbiting on. Lol. I need to start a parenting journal! Maybe when I get home. I ought to get some sleep soon, next feed in 2hrs! Only 11hrs until DH is allowed back on the ward.
That's crazy it's completely normal for babies to cluster feed in the evening.Aliop, my toco readings were in the 60's when I was admitted on Weds & my contractions were going into the 70's. Apparently the number itself isn't what they use, but the pattern of the tightenings. Normally my numbers are lower, it can depend a lot on how your lying etc. My natural contractions weren't that bad & mostly felt like an IBS attack I was having regular contractions after they broke my waters, every 1-2 mins apart & they just felt like period pains that would come & go. Not really too painful at all! The MW was amazed I was 3cm already, then 5cm 2 hours later as they weren't that bad at all. The hormone drip was another matter. I hate that they forced me to have it in the end!
Oliver is just settled in his incubator after his first night feed. The mws are being weird with me because of how long he feeds for (this feed was 1hr45mins). They're talking about giving him some breast & then topping up with formula, but I'm not really sure why?? The paediatrician was happy for me to exclusively breastfeed, and that was after I explained he might be out of the incubator for at least 2hrs! During the day, he feeds for 30mins-1hr & can then sleep solidly for 4hrs!
Anyway, I'm rabbiting on. Lol. I need to start a parenting journal! Maybe when I get home. I ought to get some sleep soon, next feed in 2hrs! Only 11hrs until DH is allowed back on the ward.
That's crazy it's completely normal for babies to cluster feed in the evening.Aliop, my toco readings were in the 60's when I was admitted on Weds & my contractions were going into the 70's. Apparently the number itself isn't what they use, but the pattern of the tightenings. Normally my numbers are lower, it can depend a lot on how your lying etc. My natural contractions weren't that bad & mostly felt like an IBS attack I was having regular contractions after they broke my waters, every 1-2 mins apart & they just felt like period pains that would come & go. Not really too painful at all! The MW was amazed I was 3cm already, then 5cm 2 hours later as they weren't that bad at all. The hormone drip was another matter. I hate that they forced me to have it in the end!
Oliver is just settled in his incubator after his first night feed. The mws are being weird with me because of how long he feeds for (this feed was 1hr45mins). They're talking about giving him some breast & then topping up with formula, but I'm not really sure why?? The paediatrician was happy for me to exclusively breastfeed, and that was after I explained he might be out of the incubator for at least 2hrs! During the day, he feeds for 30mins-1hr & can then sleep solidly for 4hrs!
Anyway, I'm rabbiting on. Lol. I need to start a parenting journal! Maybe when I get home. I ought to get some sleep soon, next feed in 2hrs! Only 11hrs until DH is allowed back on the ward.
That's crazy it's completely normal for babies to cluster feed in the evening.Aliop, my toco readings were in the 60's when I was admitted on Weds & my contractions were going into the 70's. Apparently the number itself isn't what they use, but the pattern of the tightenings. Normally my numbers are lower, it can depend a lot on how your lying etc. My natural contractions weren't that bad & mostly felt like an IBS attack I was having regular contractions after they broke my waters, every 1-2 mins apart & they just felt like period pains that would come & go. Not really too painful at all! The MW was amazed I was 3cm already, then 5cm 2 hours later as they weren't that bad at all. The hormone drip was another matter. I hate that they forced me to have it in the end!
Oliver is just settled in his incubator after his first night feed. The mws are being weird with me because of how long he feeds for (this feed was 1hr45mins). They're talking about giving him some breast & then topping up with formula, but I'm not really sure why?? The paediatrician was happy for me to exclusively breastfeed, and that was after I explained he might be out of the incubator for at least 2hrs! During the day, he feeds for 30mins-1hr & can then sleep solidly for 4hrs!
Anyway, I'm rabbiting on. Lol. I need to start a parenting journal! Maybe when I get home. I ought to get some sleep soon, next feed in 2hrs! Only 11hrs until DH is allowed back on the ward.
Totally completely normal!!
I'm shredded here, been having contractions that amount to nothing, am very sore and sleepless and emotional x