great to have you back!!!
Dandi, guessing the nurse wouldn't outright lie to you (At least I really, really hope not) Sending you positive thoughts!
Yay for a nice scan gp!
Welcome new ladies.
Afm...omg, my ds2 just nursed a little and it felt like he bit me, but no, it was just my poor nipples that feel like they are being jabbed with hot needles.
Don't have time to skim through everything right now.
Just wanted to say that this morning we saw one healthy baby with a heartbeat measuring 7w1d. A few days behind, but that's nothing to worry about at this stage.
Delighted to hear your scan went well gp. I'm so jealous of all of you who feel well. I feel so rough it's hard to deal with the kids. 4 of my boys have a birthday I February so we are a party tomorrow I hope I'm well enough to get through it and make it fun.
EDD of October 30th here! (Though, if my last pregnancy is any indication, this one will end up being a November Baby).
Hi Ladies! I got a BFP on Sunday afternoon but starting last night have had bleeding and cramping. Went to the dr this morning and she ordered blood work and put me on bed rest. Checking my hormone levels ever 2 days until Monday.
Any one else having/had this? Bleeding like a normal period, cramping is just mild but noticeable. I'm getting worried and trying to stay positive!
Aliop how did the scan go??
Wow allforthegirl welcome back!!
So glad things are well with us all. GP as I said in the other room.. Great news!! x
I'm a little sad right now, I called to book my NT and 18-20 week ultrasounds, and they made me cancel my dating ultrasound on March 10th because it was not a 'twin slot'. Apparently they take 2 appointments to do twin ultrasounds.
So now I have to wait until April 1st, and if I announce that day everyone will think it's an April Fools Joke!