YAY spiffy, full term!!!!!!!
JA I hope they didn't get too upset with you, I know I couldn't get upset with someone being so far along!!!!
I too get the momentary fleeting freak out times.. But I remember them from before dd so I just let it go and roll with it!!!
Em, good luck at your nst. I am sure all will be well!! I have a growth scan tomorrow. Maybe we will both come back tomorrow with some pics to share
Glad you are getting the house unpacked.. I can not even begin to imagine your exhaustion!!
AFM: I had my chiropractic appointment today (missed the last few weeks) and it was amazing. I feel great now and as soon as I was done I felt baby down really low, so alignment is a good thing
Plus they give a complimentary massage with every adjustment, so I got 45 minutes of neck/shoulders/back/hips and thighs massaged... ugh it was pure bliss!!!! I feel like a million bucks now!!! (they wont go below the knees because of the pressure points that can trigger labor, but I was totally like.. umm yeah go ahead
but they didn't
) O well.. so the last few days I've been getting the worst menstrual type cramps in my front side. And just today it's turned into a menstrual backache that wraps around the front. I'm wondering if this is anything. And the last few mornings I've woken up to very painful boobs/nipples. Anyone else experiencing any of these things? I almost wish I'd lose some plug or something exciting!!!