I hate when you get a long post written out and then it gets erased.
TTDuck I'm also taking the generic, only (gulp) 75mcg. I'm happy to hear that you aren't suffering from any averse effects. I haven't really noticed any either, my main concern is that I'll gain a lot of weight with this pregnancy and then have a really, really hard time getting it off.
Esperanza I just want to send you big hugs

I hope that your scan goes really well tomorrow and that your anxiety just melts away when you see your little baby.
Alea I am so sorry that the GP treated you that way. When will you be able to get into the midwives? I'm sure they will be more understanding and accepting. I personally think it is beautiful and sweet how close you children will be.
Hi luvymom :wave: Nice to see another large family

I'm still nursing my 10 month old as well and she is very much a milky baby. Is using nipple cream offering relief at all? I use either Lansinoh or Earth Mama Angel Baby. If you get very sore you could also try tea bags.
AdriansMama EEEeeeekkkkk!!!! Look at that sweet little bean!!!!!

Yay! I'm so happy for you
Sis4Us I'm lovin' that positive attitude!!
Ooh Baker I think you and Pink are scan buddies.
Loads of scans and 1st appt.'s coming up. It's so exciting!
AFM I have a massive head cold. Hopefully it flees just as quickly as it came on. I have way too much going on to deal with this nonsense.