Just out of curiosity, who here is from the UK? I'm US born and raised but have been living in England for some time now so I'm familiar with both health care systems, but it would be nice to establish who else is UK based so we can compare appointment times etc.
Just out of curiosity, who here is from the UK? I'm US born and raised but have been living in England for some time now so I'm familiar with both health care systems, but it would be nice to establish who else is UK based so we can compare appointment times etc.
I had my first appt this morning. I had an ultrasound and bloodwork. The us showed the sac and start of the placenta forming. No sight of little one yet. The dr said its still early but what he saw looked good to him. So he couldn't give a due date yet but I get to have another scan on the 6th!
I'm being consider high risk bc of age only so far. We did elect to have the chromosome tests at 10 weeks. I didn't know that my age means that i get tests that moms under 35 dont need.
Yea Sugargully I'm 39 almost 40 so I Figured I was High risk but my FS is not wanting me to be but Im gonna lush for it Again Tommorow I WANT that's test and I want extra Care incase I have issues w my MTHFR later On !!
T minus 10 Hrs and 45mins unil scan and I'm a Mess as Usual!!
Morning all after some thinking we've decided to rearrange our private scan for in a couple of weeks at least that gives the bleed a chance to heal fx and can check everything's ok it makes more sense and we saw baby yesterday and I should have my 12 week scan via the nhs a couple of weeks after that as well so it'll help reassure us to so you'll have to wait a little bit longer to see pics but it'll also give me something to look forward to lol
Hope everyone's doing well x
Butterfly and Littlemiss: very happy for you, good news and hoping for the best for you two!
Sugargully: good that the dr gave you some reassurance and everything is looking good. Looking forward to the next scan!
Em: Great number! hoping for the best for you too
Busytulip: According to the the last u/s my due date is May 13 also
let's see what the OB sees on Oct 2...
Sis: Thinking about you today! Good luck in your scan
It's so funny...i even dreamed about Mac n Cheese
The chicken aversion has kicked in...well i can eat it if i dont smell it (grilled chicken over salad maybe). the smell of chicken soup for me is the worst.
Feeling much more optimistic and relaxed about this pregnancy.Reading this forum helps me a lot, I think we all freak out from time to time but even when something scary happens there is much hope and so much that our babies can do to develop quickly....its just beautiful how they grow so fast. Am 7 weeks today according to the scan!!!!
Sorry I haven't been on much the last few days, but I was convinced we weren't going to see a heartbeat today and was kind of preparing myself for it. Hubby had a nightmare that I miscarried, and honestly I've felt almost completely normal for the last two days.
But we saw AND heard the heartbeat, and the lady said everything was present that should be there right now. It was a private business place, so she couldn't give any medical information, but overall everything looked perfect.
Heartbeat was 158, there was only one present, and baby is RIGHT on my bladder. Figures! So I ovulated from the right side and implanted on the left.
Just so darn relieved, I almost started crying.
busy, I'm switching my due date to May 6th since that's technically what it is based on LMP, and that's what the lady guessed me at (but couldn't confirm, but I'll still take it) - if you can move me when you have a chance, pretty please. (I'm also Team Pink, and hubby is Team Blue and/or another monkey)
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