My sister just had Harmony done because of her age (you can opt out of knowing the gender, she did because she's Team Green). I would love to have it done, but I don't think our insurance will pay for it since I'm low risk, and the Women's Health clinic here on post is super hands off unfortunately (I won't even get an ultrasound until 20 weeks!). I looked into doing it out of pocket, but you still have to have a doctor refer it, boooo.
But definitely contact the company and ask what it costs out of pocket. I think they still bill your insurance, and then send you a bill for whatever it doesn't cover. Usually it's a crazy amount, but you just have to call them back and they reduce it down. There are other companies out there as well, so you can shop around (Materniti21, Verifi, etc).
I did find out that the hospital on post now has private rooms as of last month instead of the old double rooms. I was prepared to deal with it to avoid having to pay anything out of pocket for the birth at a civilian hospital (although I still believe that the $300 I paid to have my epidural was worth every penny

), but I'm super stoked to have a private room instead!