2016 May Miracles

So I got a call from the doctor this morning and they already had my test results! Wasn't expecting them til next week! But everything is normal and its a girl! So excited for my DD to have a sister! Though the boy cousins will be bummed to get even more outnumbered!
Looking for some quick ideas to announce to my husband when he gets home from work. Any ideas? It will be a total surprise for him!
Congrats TTDuck! Several team :pink: ladies, hopefully one of them have an idea to offer up (as I don't have a creative bone in my body :haha: )
I'm not either so I just starting making cupcakes to fill with pink frosting. It's the same thing we did with my DD 😂
Congrats on :pink: TT!
So many little girls on their way.

I picked up my envelope today...... the one from our OB that we're handing to the baker saying it's either a boy or a girl. We want to be surprised along with our family so we're not going to find out until the reveal party. But I have to say I'm very glad they taped the envelope shut. It's veeeeerrry tempting to find out.
Yay a team pink!!!!!

Ooooooooooo krissy I'd be so tempted!!!!!
TTDuck, congrats on your little girl! The cupcake idea sounds good. :flower:

Krissy, we did that with DS1, and I wasn't tempted to look, because after the ultrasound, DH and I were both so convinced it was a boy, so it didn't end up being much of a surprise. :dohh: When is your reveal party?

Sis, I'm sorry. I know how hard it is to want a certain gender, not get it, and then see everyone else getting what you want. :hugs: I just looked on the first page, and it looks like two other ladies are team blue, and I'm sure many more will come as soon as the rest of us find out. :hugs:
Thank you all for your kind thoughts and prayers for Maisie.

I am happy to say she is doing a lot better though it has been a rough few days. She ended up needing CPAP and even then her breathing had not improved as much as they had hoped, so the decision was made to intubate her and transfer her to a new hospital in a different city.

Fortunately she has improved a LOT, and she was successfully extubated this morning. Her breathing issues are resolving and she is doing well on CPAP but they will closely monitor her blood oxygen and carbon dioxide levels before reducing her from CPAP to nasal cannula oxygen. There were initial concerns that she had a problem with her heart but after a very clever ultrasound of her heart, fortunately there are no cardiac problems.

Sending love to you all x
Alea that must have been so scary for you! Sending hugs and prayers xxxx

I can't believe you're all finding out your babies genders already and I'm sitting over here sulking that I have to wait another six weeks, ha.

So, I have an anterior placenta (or so my ultrasound report says), so I wasn't expecting any movement for a long time yet. But this evening I got a shock when I felt a popcorn popping, tapping sensation in my lower left abdo... And I thought "no way, can't be baby", but everything I'm reading says that's exactly what baby should feel like.. Any opinions? I'm kinda excited, but keep telling myself it's probably just gas :haha:
Alea I'm glad to year Maisie is recovering well sounds like a very scary few days but great news her heart is all fine.

Flossie sounds like baby to me :hugs:
Alea - :hugs: so happy to hear Maisie is on the mend. That is wonderful news her heart is fine.

TT - congrats on :pink:!

Krissy - ooh you are stronger than me I would have peeked for sure!

Sis - I'm having a boy!

Flossie - that's exactly what baby moving felt like for me. I think I started feeling my DD around 16 weeks but I've heard earlier is possible.

AFM - I had my nuchal translucency ultrasound earlier this week and everything looks great with my baby boy. He has grown so much! It was so fun to see him moving around and sticking his tongue out. I did the maternit21 test too so those results should be in next week.
Alea how very scary. Continued prayers for Maisie's recovery. :hugs:

Flossie Yay for baby movements! That's what they've always felt like in the early days for me as well. :)

Em so happy to see that your little guy is doing well :thumbup:
Alea, glad to hear Maisie is doing better. :hugs:

Flossie, that sounds like baby to me! As for the anterior placenta, I had one with DS2, but felt him really early because the placenta was a little higher up, and he was still low down, so all my movements were felt lower until he got strong enough to kick me through the placenta.

Em, glad your NT scan went well!
Glad to hear Alea!

There's been a run of all girls at work. Several coworkers all had baby girls within a couple years.
Alea...wishing your little girl a speedy recovery.

Afm...Feeling very apprehensive tonight as I have my nt scan tomorrow. First official scan although we did have one at 7 weeks but that seems a life time ago now!

Looking forward to being able to go official and hoping that I will finally be able to accept that I am pregnant!!!
Praying for a great report tomorrow hereishoping. Hopefully you can manage some sort of sleep
Flossie- sounds like baby to me! I've been feeling a sort of popping sensation for a few weeks now and I'm only just over 12 weeks! I love feeling early movement, so reassuring even if no one believes you!
AFM- I'm excited but apprehensive about tomorrow's scan! Though I think it's more actually telling my parents and brother than anything else! I'm having to pretend contraception failure to make myself feel like they'll accept it! Totally ridiculous as a married 27 year old mum of 2!

Our gender reveal is the Friday after thanksgiving, so less than two weeks to go!

Alea - So glad to hear that Maisie is doing better :)

Em - Glad the NT scan went well! And if those measurements were fine, the cell free DNA test well probably be good too :D Just a nice way to find out the gender.

Hereishoping - Best of luck today with your NTS!
Hi ladies

I hope its okay if I join, I'm due 28 May. I was to nervous to join a group until after my 12 week scan (which was today) so here I am, and I'm so happy to be here!

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