2016 May Miracles

Alea, happy 5 months to Maisie! I'm glad she is doing better. :)

Pink, what a cute reveal! Your little girl's adorable!

It's great to read what everyone is guessing their baby's gender is. I'm excited for everyone to find out as scans come up in the next couple of months.

NZKiwi, when is your gender scan?

Laurenj22, welcome! What great timing for your scan if you do decide to find out the gender!
Hmtb, congrats on your boy! See, team blue is catching up! :winkwink:

Lauren, welcome! :wave:

Pink, love the reveal! Your little girl is adorable. :flower:

Alea, so glad Maisie is feeling better now.

So I'm feeling baby all the time now, which is great. At first it was the tapping feelings, but now I feel the squirming, too (feels like a goldfish swimming in there). My OB yesterday said I'm probably in for it with this kid. :haha:
Thanks, Spiffy! Congrats to you as well on team blue! It's so exciting you're feeling baby moving a lot and squirming. I had some flickering in the last couple of weeks but wasn't sure if it was the baby or not. A couple of days ago, I felt a lot of movement at once like the baby was rolling around in there but since then, just some flickering again. I can't wait until I feel a lot of movement, too!
my gender scan isn't until the New Year, I see my midwife again in two weeks which is when I get the referral for it. I'm worried about the timing with the Christmas break, as getting an appointment might be rather difficult.

Hi Lauren, such a cool date for your scan!!

I think last night I felt some bubbles low down, in my uterus, but I have no idea if I' just imaging it or not, still seems to early?. Ladies who already feel movement, when did you first feel it and what did it feel like??!!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

NZkiwi, I felt my first at 16 weeks, my second at 17 weeks, my third at 11 weeks, and this one at 9 weeks. For me, at first it just feels like tiny popping feelings, so little that you just freeze and wait to see if it happens again. Then it progresses to little taps, and then as baby gets a little bigger, to squirms, and then finally to full-on kicks.

I say, if it feels different than what you're used to, it probably is baby. I feel like this whole, "It's probably just gas!" thing that everyone says makes moms (especially first time moms) doubt themselves and miss out on some of the very early movements.
Hi Ladies:
Spiffy: We found out in the NT scan, but the midwife yesterday told us its no so accurate. I turn 20 weeks in Christmas Eve, so my anatomy scan will be rescheduled for the first week of January...I really want to confirm if its a girl eventhough we are delighted either way. Maybe that's why i haven't bought a thing for my baby yet...
Congratulations to every mummy that found out the gender this week!
Very cute reveals and very cute big sisters/brothers!
Im extremely grateful cause i havent felt nauseaous for a while...still waiting to feel more energetic though:haha:
Am considering cloth diapers, any suggestions?
I do cloth diapers. Have for all of dd1's life!! :) I will say though it's hard work. I've tried every suggestion out there and finally found something that works for us to get them clean and stink free. For the first 6 months when she was exclusively bf it was super easy no problems at all. It wasn't until she hit the eating solids that I started having problems.
One thing I desperately wish was that I didn't believe every article that said it was so easy and if I did XYZ I wouldn't have any issues and they would never stink... WRONG!! I believe that every diapering person has to find what works for them. I also have a variety of prefolds, covers, pockets, different inserts, all in 1's , all in 2's, mostly one size but I also have the little Joey all in one newborn size, they are adorable but need to be changed often they don't hold much peepee, we had quite a few leaks with those. We also had sized newborn sized pockets , I love Charlie banana . But I also have a ton of cheapie diapers that work just as well! Some I actually prefer over the expensive diapers. I love the double gussets! You can't find many with them but they really do help to contain the mess!!! I've also never found a solution to dd leaking at night once she started sleeping 12-13 hours. We constantly had leaks every morning I'd have to wash her bedding so we do disposable at night only for her. For this new baby we will do cloth exclusively until she starts sleeping through the night too!!
Hey guys - how exciting seeing all the boys and girls coming :)

I have my 20 week scan booked for Christmas Eve so planned a sex reveal on Christmas day...however I am waaaaayyyy too impatient and went for a private gender scan last night.....

I am having a little boy :) I was so sure it would be another girl so I was surprised but I'm very happy. Me eldest daughter is over the moon - she wanted a little brother. I just can't wait to meet him now.

I've been having a look at boy clothes but there is just no where near as much choice as there is for girls. I've been spoilt all these years with so many pretty clothes to choose from.

Also, due date has been moved to 8 May.
Hope everyone in the states had a happy thanksgiving! I went Black Friday shopping and got a good amount of clothes for baby Bennett. I also plan to start buying diapers and wipes soon, so I can be watching out for the best deals and stockpile.
18 weeks today! Woohoo! Starting to feel bigger. I had a strong feeling this was a girl, but now I'm not so sure...gender scan will probably be in a couple weeks. :)
hi i havent updated in a while - i was put back a week so due end of may now - but still will be induced mid may anyway due to my diabetes.

Bby is a fidget - other 2 wasn't as bouncy as them! haha

I still bleed and fund i have alow lying placenta that needs to move so that i don't need a c-section. (i put off a section with both girls but a placenta issue isn't something i can change so just hope it moves of it's own accord!)

hope you're all well!
So according to my doc, I'm not eating enough. Baby is okay, but it's affecting me. I'm dizzy and breathless all the time and have zero energy. The problem is I feel like I'm eating heaps! Also, I've become a super picky eater with this pregnancy, and cant seem to come up with nutritious & filling meal ideas for myself. I tried google, but all the pregnancy recipes on there just sounded yuck :( Any suggestions for food that are easy, nutritious, AND easy to eat, or am I asking too much? Lol
Flossie, I'm having the same problem, still no weight gain, become a very picky eater because nothing really sounds good or tastes good. I like all the wrong foods.
I've been on pinterest looking for help but am having a hard time too :/
I have to have fresh stuff in whatever I'm eating - like fresh fruit or veggies. unless it's junk food! lol!
Add one more to team :pink:!!
Our reveal was a big success, although everyone was expecting a boy, we couldn't be happier. I think Mia will be soooooo happy having a little sister, and DH and I are very proud of how we raise a little girl.

IMG_8874.jpgIMG_8884.jpgIMG_8904 (2).jpg

Now just to get past our anatomy scan on Dec 2nd, and I'll make an official FB announcement by the end of the week. :D
Awe krissy congrats!!! I can't wait to see my dd as a big sister to her baby sister!!! So sweet!!!
congrats on the little girl Krissy!!

I'm having the food issue too, luckily here its coming into summer so I have been living on salad, I have it with everything, I have even started taking carrot sticks to work just because I was concerned about baby getting enough good nutrients since I have gone off so much food, so I'm afraid I'm not much help atm either, I weighed myself at the gym the other day and I have only put on 200 grams

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