Thanks, ladies. Still nice and calm today with only a spattering of contractions.
And Kitteh, he did do better with the needle this time.
Except for some reason there was a ton of blood running down my leg afterwards, so I'm not sure how that happened.
Cookie, tentative congrats on your girlie! If they were pretty sure at 20 weeks, I'd count on it, because my boys were pretty dang obvious at that gestation.
Pink, I love the last weeks of pregnancy, too. Labor watch is so fun! It's like being in the TWW again.
Each of my kids has come two weeks earlier than the one before, so I'll start watching for labor signs at 33 weeks this time, though obviously I don't want him to come that soon!
Kitteh, some days I wish my bump would deflate a little. I had a lady the other day say, "So you have 3 and 1/2 kids?" then she looked at my tummy and said, "Or should I say 3 and 3/4th kids?"