2016 May Miracles

Hold the phone, it's Vanderbilt (Nashville) that's pulling that non-sense? I gotta say I'm somewhat shocked, because their normal level of care is so much better than that usually! They have a Patient Relations complaint system, you could try calling it and have them look into it. (I still have the number if you want it)

Our daughter receives her ear condition care through Vanderbilt, and I have noticed they've been slipping in some aspects, like getting a call back when promised (still waiting for them to call back so I can re-schedule the appointment she has next month, and that was after calling about it last week). But at least the actual doctors she has seen have been on point.

Estel - yay for a great scan! Congrats on your girl, I'm sure they'll all have an amazing sister bond at least. And maybe she'll be a tomboy! :)
Yes, the hospital in Nashville! ... I love the midwives I've meet with at my appointments, so I'm hoping it's just their system that's not really working out for them and nothing else. I hope not to have any more problems, and I plan to discuss my disappointments at my next appointment on Friday just to get peace of mind.
I have a lot of things I want to talk about at my next appointment, which I'm looking forward to, because I haven't had anything to discuss up until this point, so my appointments have been insanely quick!
I'm interested in donating the cord blood, so I'd like to discuss if that's something my hospital will do. I've also decided I'm going to do the Birth Boot Camp online class, and since I'll be starting that in a few weeks I think I'll mention that too.
I know the appointment after this I'll be doing the GD test, so we will be talking about that as well! .. I know some woman really dread that test, but I like orange soda, so I'm not really worried :haha: Just hope I pass, of course! Thinking about having to have a really strict diet and checking my blood all the time sounds depressing. :nope:

For those of you who work, is your pregnancy affecting your job at all? I'm on my feet most of the time at work, and I'm defiantly noticing it's becoming harder on me. Especially on Mondays, after relaxing all weekend! It's not much of a bother now, but I'm worried about how I'll feel when I'm actually huge!
I work in an archive, so now that my bump is bigger, and I need something from the stacks for a reference enquiry or whatever, I can't go get it myself, because we use huge ladders with platforms at the top to get things down off shelves, I really can't safely climb them and get boxes out and bring the box back down, so that's really the only way my job has changed. I used to work in a public library and when colleagues were pregnant, they were just encouraged to sit whenever they got the opportunity. Can your work provide a chair or opportunities for you to sit a bit more?
I'm feeling more uncomfortable at work, as well. I'm a nurse and on my feet for 12-13 hour shifts. I've been having tailbone and back left pelvic pain and have started wearing knee-high compression socks to help with swelling. My midwife has already suggested 8 hour shifts to me, but I'm hoping I don't have to do that.
I normally like orange soda but that stuff was hard to drink! I had an easier time (go figure) drinking the fruit punch one with more sugar at the 3 hr test!
My job is a mix of desk work and field work. Luckily I don't need to work on our bad sites lately (I work in environmental consulting so many of our sites have some type of contamination in the soil or groundwater). My abs are a bit sore after long stretches of standing and walking around construction sites!
Everyone told me the glucose test would be so terrible (when I was pregnant with dd) they psyched me out so bad. Honestly it was nothing.. the drink tasted like flat orange sunkist soda.. and to me that wasn't bad, I also didn't get the shakes or feel like I was going to vomit or anything.. So I'm definitely not worried about it...
I eat sugary stuff all the time so my body can handle it.. my OB said the worst thing a woman can do is limit her sugar intake before a glucose test because your body gets used to not having to process so much and then you slam it with a big ole slug of dextrose! So a word of advice eat as much sugar as you want (up until the night before) then eat a decent breakfast with protein, not cereal, but like an egg and toast! It will be fine!!!
Hi all, I've been out of the country on vacation. DH had a work conference and DD and I tagged along. I was reading along but posting on my phone is annoying. I'm glad to see everyone is doing well!

Drjo - congrats on Vday!

Ja - I'm sorry your Dr office is treating you that way. It really makes no sense why they wouldn't want to help you stop pre-term labor if you're so close to 24 weeks. I'm glad things seemed to have calmed down with your contractions.

I was really psyched out for the glucose test too but it was not a big deal at all!

Estel - congrats on your scan and your baby girl! I think it's so normal to feel disappointment when you're hoping for the opposite sex. However, I have to add that you are living my dream :). I would love to have three girls! I saw a women with three little girls while we were on vacation and was so jealous!

AFM - I'm having the worst insomnia. I'm up every night around 3am. Some nights I manage to fall back asleep after a couple of hours but there were a couple of nights last week where I couldn't get back to sleep no matter what. My little one is so active during that time, kicking and rolling around, so I know that is what is waking me up. Hopefully this will pass soon.
I just got done my 3rd anatomy scan, and am currently waiting in the doctors office to see if we're team blue or pink. The techs won't tell you at this hospital, but she did say she found out. This doctor better hurry up! LOL

Update: team pink!
Nicole, congrats on team pink! :pink:

Em, I had insomnia with my first pregnancy and it sucked! For me, I think it stemmed more from restless legs, but it was still so annoying to be laying there trying desperately to sleep and watching the minutes tick away. I hope it gets better soon. :hugs:

As for the glucose test, I agree with Pink. It wasn't nearly as bad as I was worried it would be. Just like soda with no carbonation. Plus I just chugged it down in like 30 seconds (the nurse was impressed :haha:).

Anyone else really struggling with their other kids? I feel like lately I just have no patience and am just emotional and tired and frustrated easily. I'm hoping it's just pregnancy causing this, because I don't feel like I'm winning any mothering awards lately. :nope:
Spiffy I know what you mean. Been much less patient with dd when normally I'm so patient and loving and lately she has been really driving me batty... it's the hormones and as soon as I realize that when in the moment I can change my attitude and give her what she needs... BUT I also sometimes have to just have me time. I either give her a phone (:blush:) or tell my dh I just need a minute or run to the store alone while dh cares for her.. always helpful to just get away and get your mind in order :hugs: it is hard sometimes!!!!
Oh spiffy just this morning has been bad enough with my dd! Feeling so wrung out!

I wasn't worried about the glucose test but then ended up borderline with my dd. I have started to occasionally test my blood sugar at home since I have a meter and have been good so far so hoping that keeps up! I eat more protein now than I did in the past though so hopefully it's enough to keep the GD away!
DEFINITELY lacking in the patience department... :nope: I am also able to catch myself but there is a lot of deep breathing going on over here... My son is an especially bad sleeper and being crazy sleep deprived and pregnant... no thank you... I really lost it this weekend b/c my husband was here all weekend and just jetted out to the barn (his work space) without taking our son. Not even one time! I finally just had to tell him i needed a break and they went for a drive but dang... :nope: Your not alone mommas :hugs:

afm: more family drama... ugh, trying to stay out of it but it is just ridiculous. Everything pregnancy wise is going lovely, baby kicks frequently through the placenta so I'm so happy about that. And weight is still only 3 lbs gained. :happydance: And still hoping for a vbac!
Spiffy - yes, absolutely lacking patience with my DD (and poor DH) lately. It's got to be the hormones. I usually put a video on for my DD and take a few min for quiet mommy time. I always said my kids wouldn't watch TV but that was before I actually had kids lol.
Spiffy - yes, absolutely lacking patience with my DD (and poor DH) lately. It's got to be the hormones. I usually put a video on for my DD and take a few min for quiet mommy time. I always said my kids wouldn't watch TV but that was before I actually had kids lol.

Oh my gosh, YES. Before having kids, I thought I'd never let them watch TV when they were young, but some days it's the only thing that saves my sanity!
Today was V-day for me! My office was closed due to the weather, so it was a lazy day for me.
Friday is my next midwife appt, so I'm looking forward to that, and Friday is also when I'll be down to just 100 days till my due date! Crazy that I'll be down to double digits, really I think I already am, because I think he'll come on the earlier side.

We should all make a prediction on when we think our babies will come!
Congrats on your vday Ja!

For some reason I have a feeling my little guy will be early too. I keep thinking two weeks. I'm hoping he stays put though! I have a scheduled repeat csection at 39 weeks but if he comes early I have the option to try for a vbac. I'm nervous about a vbac though so hopefully he will stay put and I won't have to make that decision.
Happy vday!!! I'm due 27 may, but I think baby will come on my birthday (3 June)

I had to go to the hospital last night as I have been having breathlessness but it got really bad, er moved me into l&d, I have never been through the er system so fast, when I saw how serious the staff were treating me I started to get worried. It turns out was having an asthma attack, I do have asthma but didn't recognise it because I wasn't weezy, which is how it usually feels. They also did a bunch of tests to be on the safe side. Baby was fine :) I could feel him moving when i wqs in assessment which made me feel better. I had to have a follow up from my gp and she ordered me off work until next week and I have some steroids to get my asthma under control. It was pretty scary, I'm completely exhausted now. Any other ladies onhere have asthma? How have you found it? Up until this I hardly needed my blue inhaler
Nz- I also have asthma. I haven't had to use my inhaler at all yet, but I definitely notice breathlessness occurs quickly, even just going up a flight of stairs. The congestion that comes with pregnancy doesn't help either. Hopefully you're on the mend now!
I have no experience with asthma, but sounds scary! Hope you're feeling better now. :)

Also, I wrong about being 100 days from my due date on Friday, it's 100 days til May! I have it on a countdown app and didn't realize I had it set for the 1st.
You're not that far off double digits, Ja. My dates have been forward to 28 April, although I still have 1 May in my head as my unofficial due date, so I still like you hang around in here. Your post has reminded me that I've now just broken through into double digits, according to my official date, and just one more week until 2nd tri. I think I may go just a few days before my due date, maybe 25th April.

I also don't have any experience of asthma and can only imagine how scary it must be. I hope it's under control again now and you feel better soon.

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