29 ttc#1 14 months, wanting a buddy!

Woohoo awesome Feb, hope you celebrated the 6 months :)

I too wish to hear from Hena, dying to know the outcome!

I have hopefully ovulated, i had a blood test two days ago that was inconclusive and another today.. sadly due to sickness I did not get to BD anywhere near close to O day so will be out for sure this time round. There is always next cycle huh?

Glad you have your appt booked, that will be great for you to get to discuss options and things. Sorry to hear you got AF again right away though, that sucks!!

How did the second blood test go?? How soon can you get your results after you have ur blood taken? 4 more sleeps until the dr apt!!:happydance:

Hey Feb!! Woohoo - not long till the doctors now! Cant wait to hear how that goes for you!

I never heard from my doctors (slack aye) so i rang them this morning. Apparently it rose from 18.7 to 24.4, I have no idea what that means or if its good. Hopefully will hear from the doctor as to what it all means soon!

How is everything else going with you? I have had a bunch of work dramas going on this past week but finally have come out the other side and am feeling much better for it. Cant wait for AF to come this weekend so I can get on with a new cycle and hopefully no issues come up to prevent BDing this time round!!
Hello Ladies! Well it kind of looks like AF may be leaving on her own!!! Its really light today!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! :)


Tomorrow is my apt with the GYNO 1030! woot woot. Not too much else is new, I' m heading to the lake for the weekend with my hubby in about an hour:) Tomorrow will be our first day off together in 30+ days!!! It was so difficult, but now our schedules will match up quite nicely! How are all of you doing?

Waiting is work staying calm for you? I hate when things at work get like that. Its so stressful!

:hugs: and :dust: to all of you!
Hello Ladies! Well it kind of looks like AF may be leaving on her own!!! Its really light today!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! :)


Tomorrow is my apt with the GYNO 1030! woot woot. Not too much else is new, I' m heading to the lake for the weekend with my hubby in about an hour:) Tomorrow will be our first day off together in 30+ days!!! It was so difficult, but now our schedules will match up quite nicely! How are all of you doing?

Waiting is work staying calm for you? I hate when things at work get like that. Its so stressful!

:hugs: and :dust: to all of you!
Hey Feb!! Great to hear from you! So super glad that AF is leaving you now and that its your appt time!!! How exciting, I cant wait to hear how you get on!

Fantastic that you are getting to go away with your husband, not having time off together would be super hard going.

Work is settling down a bit now, I basically accepted a voluntary demotion this week because the expecations were too high on me and I dont want to spend all my life working. Im happy with it and my boss was okay with it too so all good. Looking forward to the weekend and relaxing. Im due af in a couple of days and cant wait to be on a new cycle!
Hey Feb - how did you doctors appointment and your time away go??
Hey Feb - how did you doctors appointment and your time away go??

Just got home! woot! The weather was amazing this weekend!AND AF completely vanished on Friday so Greg and I spent A LOT of time :sex:

I had a wonderful apt on Friday! The Dr. was so nice and patient with us, she made sure we didn't leave feeling rushed out and allowed us to ask as many questions as I wanted. She prescribed me a drug called Metformin... this drug should help my hormones level out (fingers crossed) thus allowing me to ovulate! (<--- in a perfect world!)She explained that because my hormones are out of wack my brain has been telling my body that I'm pregnant (which is not the case) and then i don't get my period for a long time... When my brain finally clues in, it figures out that I'm not pregnant and AF shows up. The reason why I got my period for so long this time along is because my uterine wall kept getting thicker and thicker and finally collapsed ( large blood clots and tons of blood) Hena totally eased my mind a month back about ovarian cancer etc... but it was still in the back of my mind ( dear friend same age as me had it...) SO I ask the DR about it... and of course I do the ugly cry...:cry: :dohh: I hate crying in front of people!!! I'm blaming the hormones for that episode. lol

I'm nervous to start taking this drug.. the side effects can be pretty awful. I'm supposed to slowly wean myself on them starting at 250mg a day and increasing to 1500mg by 6 weeks. Once I've been on 1500mg for 3 months, I'm too go back for a follow up apt! I'm feeling very optimistic about this! I've read many good reviews on this drug from women, and some of them even get pregnant after one month being on them! I'm pumped about getting my hormones back on track! I will start the drug tomorrow night with supper I gave myself the weekend off and drank a 6 pack of my favorite beer (Alexander Keith's) It was divine! I wont be drinking any alcohol once I'm on Metformin... which is ok! I'm just calling it practice for when I do get my baby! So that's my little update. How about you guys???
Hey Feb

So glad your doctors gave you time to ask your questions and didnt make you feel rushed. I hope it has put your mind at rest a bit more.

I would be nervous about taking the drugs too, but the side effects they warn about dont always affect everyone so I wouldnt stress too much on that. The plus side will be regulating your cycle a bit more! How exciting huh!

Im glad you had a break and a few drinks and fun with your DH, you need to take time for you and him, and time to relax from it all every now and then :)

Im still waiting for AF myself... I know I ovulated 15 days ago, but still no signs yet. Im dying to get onto a new cycle myself!
Hey Feb

So glad your doctors gave you time to ask your questions and didnt make you feel rushed. I hope it has put your mind at rest a bit more.

I would be nervous about taking the drugs too, but the side effects they warn about dont always affect everyone so I wouldnt stress too much on that. The plus side will be regulating your cycle a bit more! How exciting huh!

Im glad you had a break and a few drinks and fun with your DH, you need to take time for you and him, and time to relax from it all every now and then :)

Im still waiting for AF myself... I know I ovulated 15 days ago, but still no signs yet. Im dying to get onto a new cycle myself!

Has the witch arrived yet?????? Maybe this is your month?:happydance: UPDATE please:)
Yup witch arrived.... Just later then I thought.. Hopefully next month
Yup witch arrived.... Just later then I thought.. Hopefully next month

Darn it!! SO do you have plans for baby making this month? SMEP? and herbs or extra vitamins?

IM on day 4 of Metformin, Ive been feeling a little bit sickly and had other "flu" like symptoms. im really glad my Doctor suggested weaning my self onto the drugs cause some of the reviews ive read from other ladies are horrific! They were put on a fairly high dose right off the bat, and they got really sick and gave up taking them:wacko:
Hey :) Yup I have plans for this cycle, I am temping, charting and im going to use OPKs, need to ensure I cover the right days seeing as my cycle is so unpredictable!!

How many days do you take metforim for? Im taking vitex this cycle to try and help even things out a bit more, will see how i go on that. Stink that it makes you feel a bit fluey though does that last long?

Nope no word from Hena, hope all is well in her world.
Hey :) Yup I have plans for this cycle, I am temping, charting and im going to use OPKs, need to ensure I cover the right days seeing as my cycle is so unpredictable!!

How many days do you take metforim for? Im taking vitex this cycle to try and help even things out a bit more, will see how i go on that. Stink that it makes you feel a bit fluey though does that last long?

Nope no word from Hena, hope all is well in her world.

Im not too sure how long I will me on the MET... I know that once im on my full dose of 1500 mg for 3 months I need to go for a follow up with my dr:) Hopefully I go in and im pregnant already !:thumbup: I heard Vitex has helped A LOT of women... I wonder if I can take that with MET? Ill have to do some research...
Today actually wasnt too bad for me, although i got to sleep in until 1030! So i think the more sleep the better? Some women have no side effect at all, and some have them the whole time they are taking them... I think that the majority (from what ive read) only have them from 2-6 weeks. So im willing to feel sick for a while if it helps be get pregnant!

I want to hear all about your OPK's :) Im not going to use them this month... im not really gonna do anything this month other then :sex: a lot:happydance: I wanna see how long this cycle is... If it is shortened I will do the OPK;s next cycle! Anyways im exhausted! nite nite !
If anyone is reading this and hasn't joined us yet!!! feel free to join in!
Hi everyone! I just got back from my holiday, and caught up on your posts.

KC and Feb, so sorry about the dx, but glad you can start moving in the right direction to get those BFPs!! Feb, you sounds super optimistic, and that's half the battle! How do you feel with the meds?

Waiting, sorry AF got you, fingers crossed for this cycle!

As for me....AF came right on time so I never even needed to test. I actually ovulated the day I flew so we were able to BD before I got on the plane and had a bit of hope, but alas. I took it much better this time around but am no less impatient. ;-)

I don't think I've ovulated yet, which means it's quite late (today is CD 20). I had some almost positive OPKs last week, and then they slowly got lighter and I never had a temp shift. It's odd. :shrug: We've been taking it pretty easy this cycle anyway, being on holiday and all so I guess we'll just see what happens and get back into obsessive ttc in a week or two!
Hi everyone! I just got back from my holiday, and caught up on your posts.

KC and Feb, so sorry about the dx, but glad you can start moving in the right direction to get those BFPs!! Feb, you sounds super optimistic, and that's half the battle! How do you feel with the meds?

Waiting, sorry AF got you, fingers crossed for this cycle!

As for me....AF came right on time so I never even needed to test. I actually ovulated the day I flew so we were able to BD before I got on the plane and had a bit of hope, but alas. I took it much better this time around but am no less impatient. ;-)

I don't think I've ovulated yet, which means it's quite late (today is CD 20). I had some almost positive OPKs last week, and then they slowly got lighter and I never had a temp shift. It's odd. :shrug: We've been taking it pretty easy this cycle anyway, being on holiday and all so I guess we'll just see what happens and get back into obsessive ttc in a week or two!

It so great to hear from you HENA!!!:thumbup: You'll get it next month for sure!!! Just keep the positive thoughts rolling! How was the rest of your Vacation???!!!:flower: IM on day 6 of metformin @ 250mg only side effect now is some headaches:happydance: normally i wouldn't be excited by a head ache lol, but im just glad i dont feel like I have the flu!!!
OMG - how did I miss seeing these updates! I must have accidently opened the thread on my phone and never read.

Hena - great to hear from you, have been wondering how you were doing! Is your ticker correct that you are back on cd 1 today?

Feb, how are you doing? how do you feel after the metformin? Has it helped at all? Have you ovulated yet?

I think I ovulated over the weekend, so now am in the TWW, pretty excited this time round as have more idea on things, I know when I ovulated and I know how much BDing I got in :)
Hi Everyone! Long time, no updates!

I've been working out getting back into good eating habits and keeping a relaxed attitude

The result? I'm on CD 45 today :wacko:

So I don't know what to think...I've done two tests, one on each of the last two Fridays, and both BFN. I thought travelling and grief might have caused a delay in O, but this is getting rediculous. My longest ever cycle before now was 40 days DH wants me to test again, but I'm going to wait another day or two. I always feel so crushed when I see a bfn, I'd rather let af show up. Besides, I have literally no symptoms.

Anyway, I am hoping to be able to get online and keep up with you lovely ladies more regularly now that my schedule has returned to normal.

Hugs to all! I hope all the silence means you're busy baby dancing!!!
Hey Feb! Just been thinking of you and thought I would post on here to see if you still around? How is it all going, how was taking metformin?

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