2nd Tri loss due to IC anyone?


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2011
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Just thought I'd put this question out there for you ladies on this part of the forum.

I have been doing a fair bit of research on IC and it seems to bring up the same info on every site I read.

I am convinced this is what caused my loss and want to find out some more on it especially as I have my consultants appointment a week today (I am sure this is going to be the only thing they come up with as a cause). So really I wanted your experiences & anything I need to request for my next pregnancy and have this written down in my notes.

I know that 25% of second trimester losses are due to IC, and they tend to diagnose it if they find no other cause.
You are more likely to have an IC if you have had treatment on your cervix - which I have.

The one thing that confused me is that they say you do not get contractions. I have pains/felt uncomfortable for about 24 hours before my waters went (thought they were growing pains), the last couple of 'pains' were super intense then the waters broke. Could this be the sac descending & causing pain? Then it ruptured?

As I say any info / experience you are willing to share would be great as I really dont want this to happen again & want to push to get strategies in place to prevent having to lose another baby.

Thanks xxxxxx
they never found an assignable cause for my premature labour...they don't believe it was IC but couldn't rule it out, as the only exam I had before things went wrong was a visual internal check. I don't really have a lot of information on it, I don't really think myself that's what my problem was, as I had definate contractions for hours (I think even a couple of days) before my waters broke.

however, to be safe, this time around they have comitted to checking my cervix length at my 20 weeks scan - from then on, if it looks okay I will also be checked at 24 and 28 weeks. If my cervix shows cause for concern at 20 weeks we will discuss what needs to happen next, whether I should have a cerclage or be monitored more closely.

I will also be getting vaginal swabs at 12, 16, 20, 24, 28 weeks to check for any infections- a change in my discharge is what caused me to take myself to the hospital in the first place, thank god I did. Mother's intuition that something was wrong was correct in my case, unfortunately.

(Also group b step was found in my daughters lungs, but they don't know if it caused premature labour or was the result of it, as she was 24 hours without waters. I was told it's debatable what to do if they find this again, but we will discuss this if it becomes necessary)

Sorry, went a bit off track from your original question about IC but just wanted to let you know what the docs are doing for me this time around, even though they dont have a definate cause, I'm comfortable the possible reasons are being covered this time. I think there's a few others on here who had IC diagnosed who can probably help more with the details.

Thanks for the reply. I read the risk of IC causing premature labour increases significantly at 16 weeks. For me if they do decide that I should be monitored I want to be seen at 16 weeks if not before to measure the cervix length, as my waters broke at 19 weeks. Could there be a possibility of the cervix being even weaker next time & cause it to happen earlier if there is no intervention in the form of a cerclage do you think?

I'm glad they are monitoring for infection at regular intervals....this is something I have been worried about. I guess its reassurance I need so I know that us ladies do actually get treated with more care in the next pregnancy.

In terms of not ruling out IC for you, I was never measured so they wouldnt know if mine had shortened either.

For me, hindsight is 20/20. If I would have realized all the things that were happening, I would have gone to the doctor sooner, but it was only after the fact that things made sense.

The over night from Oct 27-28, I woke up in the middle of the night with terrible cramps. I went #2 and they seemed to resloved enough for me to go back to bed, but they continued happening. I woke up the next morning and still had bad cramps. I also noticed an increased mucousy discharge throughout the day.

I finally called my doctors office around 2pm on the 28th. I had been having cramps, increased discharge, and was not feeling the baby move much (and I had been feeling him move since about 16 weeks, feeling him more and more as time went on). The nurse told me that it was probably just round ligament pain and not to worry about it, that at 22 and a half weeks they get so many calls about cramping and that's all it is. She said as far as not feeling him move, that many women don't even start to feel their baby until now and that he could just be in a different position. So, I felt a little relieved after that conversation but I just knew that something wasn't right.

I continued on with an 9 hour shift at work! Keeping track of when I was having cramps (that were actually contractions). They were very painful, worse than a period, and made my lower back almost burn. They were not regular though. Around 11pm that night I was spotting. Finally at midnight when my shift was over, I called the on-call doctor and told her what had been happening, and she told me to come in.

When I got to the ER, she told me that the bag of water was already through my cervix and that I was quite dialated. So much so that the chance of a cerclage working at this point would be about 5%. The high risk doctors were not optimistic at all. There was soooo much information being thrown at us it was hard to take it all in and know what to do. I felt like such an idiot for not knowing I had been in labor and for waiting too long. People say it's no one's fault, but it's pretty difficult to not feel guilty when I KNEW deep down that something wasn't right. If I had gone to the hospital sooner, maybe things would have been different.

I had Mateo at 6:26pm on October 29. After what I think was probably about 36 hours in labor.

With my next pregnancy, between my doctor and the high risk doctor I will be at the hospital getting my cervix measured weekly. I will also have to go in much earlier for my inital appointment. At 12 weeks they will place a cerclage in my cervix to help stabilize it and hold the weight of the baby. An epidural is needed for this procedure and most doctors order "pelvic" rest for the remainder of the pregnancy (no sex OR orgasms). My doctor said that an early cerclage is usually successful and the woman does not need to be on bed rest, but we'll see.

Hoping that January is our lucky month!
I can't believe that your doctors are waiting so long to begin monitoring for IC. Like I said, my first appointment will likely be soon after I get a bfp and then almost weekly from the start. I'll have cerclage placement at 12 weeks (when the risk of m/c greatly decreases). I would not feel comfortable at all waiting any longer.
For me, hindsight is 20/20. If I would have realized all the things that were happening, I would have gone to the doctor sooner, but it was only after the fact that things made sense.


Do you know what, all the things that you experienced are so similar, the pains, carrying on as usual & going to work etc! However my waters broke just as I phoned the hospital to get some advice, literally as the woman said "Hello can I help."

I'm glad they know what caused you to have Mateo too early, I know this doesnt help him or you, but at least it can protect future LOs. It seem like they have a good care plan in place for you too with is really reassuring. I would have thought that like you they would start monitoring for cervical shortening way before the 20 week scan (especially as the risk increases from 16 weeks significantly) and seeing as I never quite made my 20 week scan I wouldnt feel comfortable waiting that long. I think I will demand a cerclage even if they cant give me an a definate diagnosis of an IC.

'Pelvic rest' sounds interesting.....think I could handle that but dont think my poor OH could!:xmas13:
Hahaha, you're right, the fact that they have such a clear plan for next time does make me feel better about this not happening again. I've already told OH that I don't care how stupid it is, I'm going to the doctor for anthing I feel like going for. Not calling, GOING IN. If that stupid nurse would have said, it's probably nothing but you should be checked, who knows how things might have been.

I'm with you on the cerclage, there are risks, but there are risks if you don't get it as well.

And I've already discussed this pelvic rest and he is fine with it! Unfortunately his ex wife lost twins at 6 months along 9 or 10 years ago so Mateo is actually his third baby lost. People forget about what the men go through sometimes!
Yes I agree with you about going in to get checked....thats what does my head in as they might have been able to see that my body was going into premature labour & might have stopped it. So many what ifs but just cant help these things running through my mind!

Gosh your OH has been through the mill too poor guy x
just to say my mother had a IC and went on to have three healthy children, and that was 30 odd years ago!

keep the faith xx
I don't have a definite diagnosis either but they thought it was a possibility, though thought to be solely because of twins. I had no cramps or contractions until 6 days after my waters broke when my body them went into labour so I did dilate silently - I was 3cm by the time I got to the hospital, but that was the afternoon af the next day after the waters had gone, as I had to get choppered down there due to closed roads (snow). In hindsight I had some small signs - I lost one snotty clump that would have been plug and started to get a watery discharge but just put it down to pregnancy. I had BH all the time from about 8 weeks, painless though but pretty constant.

I think if you experienced CTX then it may be more a case of prem labour proper but they don't seem to be able to differentiate very well. I've seen progesterone mentioned as a potential treatment to prevent but I don't think it's proven.

In my next pregnancy I have been promised an early scan as soon as possible after a BFP, then cervical monitoring weekly from 10 weeks, and cerclage placed immediately if any change is detected. I will also be demanding swabs too, though I know my OB is quite resistant to giving antib's but I'll fight that fight if I ever get to that stage, he's quite approachable and will negotiate. I could always just go to my own GP and pay for them - I will if I have to. I have also read that the risk of loss due to IC is greatest between 16 and I think 28 weeks? As this is when the weight of the baby is enough to cause the cervix to open and after that the baby is big enough to block it's own exit.

I found this site a good resource: https://www.keepemcookin.com/symptoms.aspx
I don't have a definite diagnosis either but they thought it was a possibility, though thought to be solely because of twins. I had no cramps or contractions until 6 days after my waters broke when my body them went into labour so I did dilate silently - I was 3cm by the time I got to the hospital, but that was the afternoon af the next day after the waters had gone, as I had to get choppered down there due to closed roads (snow). In hindsight I had some small signs - I lost one snotty clump that would have been plug and started to get a watery discharge but just put it down to pregnancy. I had BH all the time from about 8 weeks, painless though but pretty constant.

I think if you experienced CTX then it may be more a case of prem labour proper but they don't seem to be able to differentiate very well. I've seen progesterone mentioned as a potential treatment to prevent but I don't think it's proven.

In my next pregnancy I have been promised an early scan as soon as possible after a BFP, then cervical monitoring weekly from 10 weeks, and cerclage placed immediately if any change is detected. I will also be demanding swabs too, though I know my OB is quite resistant to giving antib's but I'll fight that fight if I ever get to that stage, he's quite approachable and will negotiate. I could always just go to my own GP and pay for them - I will if I have to. I have also read that the risk of loss due to IC is greatest between 16 and I think 28 weeks? As this is when the weight of the baby is enough to cause the cervix to open and after that the baby is big enough to block it's own exit.

What is CTX? Can't figure that out? Thanks for sharing,glad you have a plan of action in place...good advice I think with the swabs. I hadn't thought that after 28 weeks that baby will block the opening,I had wondered why it decreased.

Thanks Hun x
I found this site a good resource: https://www.keepemcookin.com/symptoms.aspx

That is a great checklist. They give you so much crap when pregnant in the bounty packs in the UK surely this in the 2nd tri as a precaution would save massive amounts of heartache for us women who lose in the 2nd tri x
Looking back ... I did experience extra vaginal discharge 1.5 days before the loss. Perhaps that was my mucus plug.

Reading this thread triggered me to read up on my discharge form from the hospital. In the 'review of case' section, the OB on my case wrote for future pregnancy, to consider Clindamycin 150mg in 1st trimester and role of cervical cerclage. I have yet received the lab results on the placenta & 2nd round of blood test. I will get them on 07 March with a doctor who specializes in 2nd tri losses, I was told.

1st round of blood test - OB said my infection rate was only 7.7 rating vs the usual 100++ that causes miscarriages so it COULD have been the low lying bacteria but she highly doubt so. I guess if all other results come back negative, they would rule me to have IC? I understand with IC, it starts to get dangerous from 16 weeks onwards but I was only 16 weeks + 5 days along. I am a housewife and I do nothing but sit on my ass most of the days... shouldn't that have helped with whole situation?

Hubby said the sweetest thing to me last week when I was just rambling on about IC - how I think that was the cause and how it will happen again in future pregnancies but with cervical cerclage, it can help but I might be bedbound for a long time. I asked him "Can you imagine how your life will be if I am bed-bound? Are you ready for that life?" He replied without hesitation "Yes I can and yes I am". I cried ... :blush:
Ah ur hubby sounds sweet! Think mine would feel like his right hand had been chopped off if I was bed bound as I literally do most stuff round the house!

I guess if u have an IC and no stitch you are at risk even if you don't do much...so that could be why you lost at 16 weeks,especially as this is the start of the danger zone.
I found this site a good resource: https://www.keepemcookin.com/symptoms.aspx

Wow, I had 7 symptoms of preterm labor on that list. Wish I had known then what I know now....

That is so sweet yellowyamyam. My OH has been sweet as well. He said he doesn't care if he has to do all the laundry and cleaning. He's like I'll bring everything you need to you. And I know he will, he is so amazing and caring. I am very lucky to have an OH who is so understanding and caring. As scary as this next pregnancy will surely be, I know he'll be with me every step of the way.
I didnt start having contractions until I was about to Deliver when my water broke I had no pain at all but a week later is when it started..I also had like this slime discharge...it was nasty...so I am thinking maybe I had some kind of infection....when I delivered I was 1cm but when they were giving me the epidural I went from 1cm to 5cm in a short amount of time...so maybe they will have to watch my cervix from now on since I had a LEEP too....I only want One Healthy Living Baby :(
There is hope. Between 30 and 50 percent of women who experience preterm labor will ultimately deliver their babies at term.

That sounds good
I had lots of the symptoms too! I am so convinced I have an IC.

Dueseptember - I was never examined after they initially did so when I arrived at hospital. She said my cervix was closed. But that was about an hour after my waters broke and all the pain had completely stopped. Before the intense pains when my waters broke I was pretty much having dull pains all the time, off and on. They didnt examine me again, I think they just wanted to wait and see if nature took its course. By the time I called the MW in when the pains started to get really bad they got bad really quickly and I dont think there was much time to examine me as she was trying to get me pain relief, and a little while later maybe 30 mins I gave birth. I dont know how dilated I was.

I hate IC!!!!! I kind of hope it is this that caused it as it seems that things can be done to stop it happening again.
I had lots of the symptoms too! I am so convinced I have an IC.

Dueseptember - I was never examined after they initially did so when I arrived at hospital. She said my cervix was closed. But that was about an hour after my waters broke and all the pain had completely stopped. Before the intense pains when my waters broke I was pretty much having dull pains all the time, off and on. They didnt examine me again, I think they just wanted to wait and see if nature took its course. By the time I called the MW in when the pains started to get really bad they got bad really quickly and I dont think there was much time to examine me as she was trying to get me pain relief, and a little while later maybe 30 mins I gave birth. I dont know how dilated I was.

I hate IC!!!!! I kind of hope it is this that caused it as it seems that things can be done to stop it happening again.

Yeah...I am not sure they didnt say anything to me about that...They never did an internal scan...I would have thought they would have with you because you had LEEP...they didnt think of doing an internal?

If I didnt have IC then I am thinking maybe I had an infection somewhere but who knows...sigh

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