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3 weeks and 3 days until our scan!! Eeeekkk

Happy happy

Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2011
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Good morning ladies,
How are we all today??
So I've woken up feeling so excited and just really positive about being pregnant. .upto now I've been worrying about various things, as a lot who have had a mc or mmc will, but I'm just feeling really good and know that we will see our little baby in just over 3 short weeks!!
My DH doesn't like to talk about it and isn't a bit excited as yet and won't believe it until we've had the scan..kind of upsets me but I think it's just guilt of him not being at the scan last time round (when I found out the hb had stopped) or at the hospital as much as he should have been when they suspected a molar pregnancy.
I'm totally over all that and want to look forward to the future and giving our DD a baby brother or sister!!
So freaking excited!!
Have a great day everyone
Our first scan is in three weeks and two days so I'm guessing ours is the day after yours! I spent the first fortnight of knowing I was pregnant worrying about miscarriages and blighted ovums (I have previously miscarried at about 9 weeks, before I had my daughter). I'm much more chilled now though. I'm trying to ignore the whole thing before we have the scan - I'm not going to let myself get excited until I see a baby on a scan! I have told hubby not to get too excited either but he is quite a positive person so he thinks everything will be fine (!).

Fingers crossed we both get to see a little brother or sister for our children when we have our scans!
My scan is in 3 weeks too! Last week I was an emotional wreck. All I could think about was miscarrying again...but this week has been better. I promised DH and myself that I will enjoy being pregnant and I will stop talking in terms of "IF" and start using the word "when"....
Ahhh I've been a nervous wreck for the first few weeks of knowing but have started to feel more positive and excited..have to hold myself back though as, as most of us will know, anything can happen. Can't freaking wait for my scan though...3 weeks today!!! If all goes well I'm treating myself to some new clothes as I've already started filling out due to lack of gym visits .. barely eating but still have a right tummy on me!!
Good luck to all of us!! Have a lovely day/evening xoxo
Can understand your anxiety :)
we have another 20 days to go for our NT scan at 12 weeks and i m nervous like heck... extremely paranoid..! :|
I'm treating myself either way that day...if the news is bad, I'm "treating" myself to sushi and margaritas...if I get good news, I'm gonna get a mannicure and pedicure... So in a way I'm giving myself something good to looks forward to...
I finally got to hear a heart beat 2 days ago. And my doctor wont be scheduling a scan till im 20 weeks. but im going to pay for an elective one at 17 weeks to see if we are having a little girl or boy :) I know i could probably wait till 20 weeks. but i really dont want too. I want to see my healthy baby on a big screen.
I finally got to hear a heart beat 2 days ago. And my doctor wont be scheduling a scan till im 20 weeks. but im going to pay for an elective one at 17 weeks to see if we are having a little girl or boy :) I know i could probably wait till 20 weeks. but i really dont want too. I want to see my healthy baby on a big screen.

Yay! Great news!
I'm treating myself either way that day...if the news is bad, I'm "treating" myself to sushi and margaritas...if I get good news, I'm gonna get a mannicure and pedicure... So in a way I'm giving myself something good to looks forward to...

I Iove this!! I requested a specific date for our scan as we have my belated birthday bbq the following weekend so if it's good news we will be announcing it to our family and close friends but it's if bad news I shall be getting extremely drunk!! Xoxo
I finally got to hear a heart beat 2 days ago. And my doctor wont be scheduling a scan till im 20 weeks. but im going to pay for an elective one at 17 weeks to see if we are having a little girl or boy :) I know i could probably wait till 20 weeks. but i really dont want too. I want to see my healthy baby on a big screen.

That's fantastic news, in the UK they generally don't let you listen to the heartbeat until your around 16 weeks so they can be sure it can be detected easily and not freak out the mummy to be.
Ahhh that's awesome too, not too long to wait!! I'm still not made up on whether I want to know the gender or not .. I keep changing my mind..my DH will go with whatever I decide as, ultimately, it's my decision..sounds harsh but with what we go through as women plus the mc we went through last year made him realise it's me that has to grow this baby then introduce it to the big wide world!!...eeeekkk! ! Xxx
Yes it definitely really comes down to us :) its easier on me to know the sex so i know if i have to buy all new baby girl stuff or get to reuse Camerons stuff that be barely wore :) He will be 13 months when this little one is born.
Yes it definitely really comes down to us :) its easier on me to know the sex so i know if i have to buy all new baby girl stuff or get to reuse Camerons stuff that be barely wore :) He will be 13 months when this little one is born.

Ahhh that's such a close age gap..They will be best friends growing up...then probably worst enemies when they are older!! Yeah that's what my DH says as we've saved all my DDs baby clothes but got unisex pram/bouncer/walker etc so I really don't know and probably won't decide until the day!! Haha xx

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