30 something and TTC #1 for a year

Hi Mrs Bea. Thanks for your kind words. I OPK'd for 3 months and temped for two of those. I also temped another month without OPKs. Both indicated ovulation. Initially my temps were a bit erratic but perhaps that was because I was getting into the swing of temping. Who knows what is going on eh? I just need to stay relaxed... somehow!

How are you doing today?
I'm so sorry, mk8, it takes its toll, doesn't it. I'm feeling pretty low myself, but I know logically that we'll bounce back. It's just hard to feel that, sometimes.

I can say that I think you know the wrong bunch of people. :haha: what I mean is, most of the ladies I know who have gotten pregnant have been trying for quite some time, years rather than months. It's not just us. ;) I hope that your scans turn up an easy fix to correct your course.

Thanks Rosered. It is comforting to hear of success stories from people who got their BFP naturally after a "longer" period of time. I just dont get why I am around so many fertile myrtles! I am of course happy for them, but it makes me wonder whats wrong with me.

Hope you cheer up soon Rosered. x
Hi Girls!! :hi:

Can I join you please?!

I'm 30 yrs old (31 in the summer) and ttc since Jan. Just coming to the end of cycle 5 now and beginning to feel like it'll never happen :-( Every month I get all excited during the 2ww and secretly convince myself that I'm pg only for af to arrive bang on time! (I bet that's a familiar story in here!) Really didn't think it'd take this long...*sigh* I think I was convinced I'd be one of the lucky ones to get a bfp nice and fast :dohh:

First cycle ttc I took EPO...
Second cycle - EPO and grapefruit juice
Third cycle - EPO, grapefruit juice and opks
Fourth cycle - EPO, grapefruit juice, opks and temping
Fifth cycle - EPO, grapefruit juice, opks, temping and cough syrup...

Are ye seeing a bit of a pattern developing here?!!! :blush: Dunno what I'm going to add to the mix next cycle - maybe Instead Cups?

My af is actually due tomor (or Thurs, but tomor is more likely) Was feeling very hopeful because my temp took a serious nose dive below cover line at 8 dpo. They've been falling again the last few days though so I'm fairly certain the :witch: is on the way...

Looking forward to getting to know you all! :D Hopefully it won't be too long before we all see a big shiny :bfp:!!!!!! Sending lots and lots of :dust:
Hi ladies,
I'm in the same boat (except a bit older I think than most of you). 33, ttc # 1 for 6 months. For 4 of those months, I've been charting and using OPKs as well as a CBFM. I'm definitely ovulating and my cycles are totally regular, so I'm getting scared that we have a sperm issue...Anyway, I'm 7 DPO right now. I can totally relate to the roller coaster. Last month it took me a lot longer than usual to climb out of the post-AF depression I fell into. This month if it doesn't happen, DH has agreed to get a sperm analysis (such a relief that he was totally open to that). I'm really hoping this is our month, but at the same time, it's so hard to continue to hope when it's taking so long! And when you know it's not a simple reason like missing BD during the fertile period.
Anyway, good luck to all of you. Such a relief to know there are others out there like me!
<html>Hi mk8,
I have been trying for not so long now, but not 6 months yet. I am 31 yrs old and I am crazy about having babies the natural way. One of my neighbours had a baby after a yr of trying and my best friend is pregnant too. <br>
I am very desperate and so the name. I am in the two week wait too now. I had BD on the day of the EW cervical mucous which is the time of ovulation. I think it is right and I am hoping for a positive result. <br>
I’ve had a few tests like ultrasounds and blood tests for the hormones. The results of the ultrasound was fine except for cysts on the ovaries and a fibroid in the uterus. According to my father and sister who are doctors, it is nothing to be alarmed about. But my father says we shouldn’t delay any further.
I hope it worked this month.<br>
33 TTC... so frustrated because I got pregnant so fast with my first child. But, that was 13 years ago and that prob has something to do with it. That, and the DEPO of course. Been trying for 7 months. Have had 3 normal cycles. Have taken soy isoflavones. Hmph!
Mk8 - How are you today? Hope you are feeling better. I know what you mean about being around fertile myrtles though, my friend and I went off BCP at the same time because we planned to have kids at the same time (and I thought all you had to do was go off BCP ha) she got her BFP after a couple of months and is now 5 months pregnant and I am still trying to get a regular cycle booo. She was around on Sunday and gave me the whole oh if you just relax crap, I could have slapped her lol.

Rosered - I hope you are feeling better today after a good nights sleep.

Workingttc - I am 33 as well, 34 in December and I hear that clock ticking louder and louder everyday.

Welcome to everyone else that has joined the thread.

Fairy dust to all.
Hello! I am 30 years old. Trying since November 2010 for #1. I'm currently in the TWW. Like most of you, I didn't realize how long and difficult this process could be!

Good luck to all you ladies!
Well girls, I can understand you're frustrated and impatient, but please don't say it will never happen to you at only 5 or 6 months TTC.

I am 27 and it took me 14 cycles to get pregnant (13 months). Needless to say that after 12 months, I thought me or hubby had an issue and would need treatment. We didn't. I know quite a few other ppl who only had a BFP after a year or almost a year. One it happens, you forget all about the TTC wait

I know it's easier said than done right now but try to take your minds off it as much as you can. Having been on the same boat, I know how difficult it is especially when you have friends or relatives who get pregnant by looking at their hubbies. But don't lose hope. In the meantime, enjoy not having morning sickness, etc while it lasts!

Best of luck to you all
I have been TTC no 1 for 11 months now. Have started acupuncture and reflexology this month as well as using a clear blue fertility monitor. Didn't expect to be close to my wedding anniversary and not pregnant. It is frustrating esp as others seen to manage it much quicker. Anyhow fingers crossed.
Hi ladies :hi:

I've just turned 30 last month & have been TTC for 9 months, no pill in my system, no NTNP before that & have been using opk's & pre-seed since the beginning so I expected it to happen within the first 4 months. Started Agnus castus on month 3 to shorten my cycle (which it did) & improve my LP (which it didn't) & I just came off it last month as I think it gave me mid cycle spotting & made me ovulate late. Been taking pregnacare conception for approx 5 months, but have now swapped this for Boots own brand pre-natals. Been taking EPO which I've also now stopped, & have swapped the pre-seed for conceive plus. DH takes wellman conception & Maca, I also take Maca & we're onto our 5th month now so hopefully it will start working! :thumbup: I temped for 4 months but now I know I ovulate fine I have stopped as its too stressful! I've recently had my thyroid level checked which is fine & am waiting for DH :spermy: results to come back. My doc has said we need to wait for 16months before theyll refer me for tests :growlmad:.

Sending you all lots of :dust: x x
Well girls, I can understand you're frustrated and impatient, but please don't say it will never happen to you at only 5 or 6 months TTC.

I am 27 and it took me 14 cycles to get pregnant (13 months). Needless to say that after 12 months, I thought me or hubby had an issue and would need treatment. We didn't. I know quite a few other ppl who only had a BFP after a year or almost a year. One it happens, you forget all about the TTC wait

I know it's easier said than done right now but try to take your minds off it as much as you can. Having been on the same boat, I know how difficult it is especially when you have friends or relatives who get pregnant by looking at their hubbies. But don't lose hope. In the meantime, enjoy not having morning sickness, etc while it lasts!

Best of luck to you all

Thank you, that definitely pgives me hope! :thumbup: x
Mk8 - How are you today? Hope you are feeling better. I know what you mean about being around fertile myrtles though, my friend and I went off BCP at the same time because we planned to have kids at the same time (and I thought all you had to do was go off BCP ha) she got her BFP after a couple of months and is now 5 months pregnant and I am still trying to get a regular cycle booo. She was around on Sunday and gave me the whole oh if you just relax crap, I could have slapped her lol.

Rosered - I hope you are feeling better today after a good nights sleep.

Workingttc - I am 33 as well, 34 in December and I hear that clock ticking louder and louder everyday.

Welcome to everyone else that has joined the thread.

Fairy dust to all.

Thanks, MrsBea, I am feeling a bit better. I had some really, really good sleep last night! Left a window open to hear the rain pattering down, and snuggled under the blankets. :sleep:

I've been weaning off my anti-anxiety meds whilst trying to concieve, and it's dealt a blow to my positive attitude the past few days. I will be off it entirely before too long, and I hope that helps me regain some equilibrium.
Hello ladies

Any fellow 30 something year old TTC-ers out there who have been trying for a while? Wanted to see how you ladies are doing and hope that you are feeling optimistic still.

I remember when I first started my TTC quest. Whilst I have heard it can take up to a year, I thought it would happen at the click of my fingers on the basis that most of friends appear to have hit the jackpot the first month they commenced BD. As the cycles have gone on, my moods have gone on a bit of a roller coaster ride. Sometimes, I am hopeful, during the TWW, I have been anxious, when AF arrives, I have been sad. Yet at the same time, I have also been optimistic. I never expected it to have been this tough emotionally. Also, whilst my cycles are 27 days long, the way my period comes has changed since I started TTC. I am having weird brown discharge just before my period (not normal for me). I have also been experiencing pains on both sides at sporadic times (not around the time of ovulation) so went to see the docs. He is concerned it may be something sinister like cancer so admitted me for tests (internal scan and bloods). Results out next week. Typical! All this palava when I want to have a baby!

I am however still trying to remain hopeful. Hope is a good thing right?!

In terms of the practical side of things, I have OPK'd a few months and tried temping. I even tried cough syrup last month for more EWCM. I tried taking preganacare prenatals and a couple of months, I tried vit B6 as my LP wasn't as long as "ideal" (10-12 days). I also tried SMEP for 3 months. But I have chucked all that away this month. I was obssessing and it just stressed me out. SO trying to relax a bit more this month. Here's hoping that my BFP will come out to say hello soon.

Hope you ladies are doing well. WOuld be good to hear your thoughts, game plans and of course success stories to get me through this journey.

Baby dust all. :thumbup:

Really hope there's nothing sinister there hunni! :hugs: My spotting also started after starting TTC. There's a good thread on it, can't post a link as I'm on my phone but its on my profile under posts called 'spotting week before AF anyone else?' Hope it helps x
I know quite a few other ppl who only had a BFP after a year or almost a year. One it happens, you forget all about the TTC wait

You're so right! My co-worker friend and his wife have been married for 2+ years, and talked openly of wanting a baby well before that. Over the past couple of years, he's made some comments about her wanting him to get her pregnant, etc. (she's not shy!). Well, they announced last month that she's due in September, and they're so excited. :). But when I was talking to my co-worker about my own efforts to concieve, I said "you guys were trying for a while, weren't you?". To which he said "well, we were not trying, not preventing". Which made me laugh because 1.) he's already forgotten about the pressure and wait time and 2.) HE may have been ntnp, but SHE was definitelt ttc! :haha:
Wow, so much activity! Welcome to all the newcomers. :) Thank you so much for your sweet messages also. I wish you all the best of luck in getting that lovely BFP soon too!

Celi- Thank you so much for your kind message. Certainly gives us hope.

Another positive story, A friend of mine said her best buddy took 1 yr to conceive naturally. She now has a beautiful baby boy :)

Gettingbroody- did the witch get you? Hopefully you have some happy news to announce. Babydust to you!

Babydust to all in fact. :)

How is everybody today?
Gettingbroody- did the witch get you? Hopefully you have some happy news to announce. Babydust to you!

Babydust to all in fact. :)

How is everybody today?

No witch yet... Had some really pink spotting/cm yesterday morning and then nothing all for the rest of the day and was beginning to get my hopes up - but there's a bit of brown spotting this morning again and temps still dropping :-( Im sure she'll be flying in on her broomstick at any time now - Wicked :witch:!
My doc has said we need to wait for 16months before theyll refer me for tests :growlmad:.

Sending you all lots of :dust: x x

Can't believe he's making you wait so long! I thought it was more the norm to start tests earlier once you hit 30? And even sooner after 35? Has he given any reasons? :growlmad:
My doc has said we need to wait for 16months before theyll refer me for tests :growlmad:.

Sending you all lots of :dust: x x

Can't believe he's making you wait so long! I thought it was more the norm to start tests earlier once you hit 30? And even sooner after 35? Has he given any reasons? :growlmad:

Hi, well I expected her to say a year as i thought it was 18mths for under 30, a yr for 30-34 then 6 mths for 35+. But :nope: said the policy is 16mths under 35! If I get to a year :growlmad: I will challenge it, as also I don't know who's policy it is - the surgery or the healthcare trust. My friend has been told by a different doctor 18mths-2yrs & she's also 30! :saywhat: x

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