Ladies, I'm not sure if many of you still remember this thread but it really helped me when I was feeling at my lowest.
I thought I would share my news because it shows there is hope... I'm on vacation right now which is nice to get away from everything and the stress.. (But i did bring a First Response test with me).. and at 9 DPO.. I GOT MY POSITIVE!! I mean, I just couldn't believe it because I've been getting so used to the negative results. I know I should be posting this in the BFP section but I felt like i wanted to share this with you all more.
It was so reassuring to know and hear about other woman that have went through the same thing as me. And it gives me hope that we all can get our BFP. Doesn't mean we won't still stress about it, because I hated it when people told me to relax and it would happen. I know its good advice but its so hard to follow. And frankly, this bean was conceived when I was super stressed so it can still happen. I still haven't fully absorbed the news and frankly, I didn't have any signs either so it almost doesn't seem real yet.
Anyway, just wanted to say thanks to you all and I really hope more of us get our BFPs soon.