32 weeks....one thing after another

Such a short time for the metformin Lou, don't feel bad! I hope it does help with the sugars! My diabetic nurse told me that after 35 weeks the insulin resistance lessens so moving onto insulin in the next few weeks isn't likely??

I have had such a crazy up and down journey through this GD... I had about 2 weeks of 5.8 fasting (32-34 weeks), but since then it's come down to 5.3-5.5 consistently so even though that's "high," apparently it's not high enough for insulin and they don't do oral meds in BC/Canada... combined with a growth and fluid scan being right on track and belly measuring on track they're keeping me off insulin! It's just crazy. I feel like I"m right back where I started if I never even had all these extra appointments.

I don't understand why they give me a fasting goal of 5.2 if they're not going to take any action at 5.3-5.5. Just weird, and stressed me out majorly through my third tri :/
It's great you are being kept off 😊 I have been given a slow release metformin to try starting today because of the other giving me loads of wind! One at breakfast is what they are starting me on. Ive had a 8.8 an hour after breakfast. I had shreddies. Need to stay away from cereals!!
How have you been Lou? Metformin helping or finding some easier foods to tolerate?

Since I hit 37 weeks my fasting numbers have come waaayy down. Which is normal for the end. Still really need to watch my daytime with diet but at least the Ones out of my to control are good again. I splurged on a donut the other night (I really don’t cheat so every once in a while is ok ;)) but my 2 hr was 8.4!!!! I don’t even want to know what the 1 hr was. But honestly at this point I don’t feel like eating much anyways. My stomach is so squished and everything I eat gives me nausea.

How much longer do you have? 2 more weeks and I can eat sweets again... I’m so desperate. I ordered treats on my grocery order this week to put in my hospital bag — licorice and a mango coconut dark chocolate bar XD

I'm still just on one a day, but I'm suspecting they may increase it tomorrow. I've had a couple of high readings. One was 8.1....but I had a McDonald's �� and then the following morning I had a 5.7 fasting. That was yesterday morning. They have been ok since and this morning was 4.8 so that's good.

They said I will be induced by 39 weeks if I haven't had her before then. I'm 36+6 at the moment. I'm seeing the consultant tomorrow and having my last planned growth scan.

I'm still really really struggling mental health wise as I cannot stop worrying �� I just want this over ��
Oh sounds like you’re doing great then! A few highs here or there are really not a big deal. I had high fasting numbers for weeks 8/

Obviously any medication isn’t ideal, there aren’t any long term studies done on metformin. But I would take a lot of comfort in the fact that tons of women have taken it in their pregnancies without any noticeable affect on the baby!! Not too long to go either!! And a 39 week baby would be ideal. They are really nicely developed by then but you don’t have to do that last week of torture XD

Now that induction is off the table for me I’m paranoid I’ll go to 40 weeks lol. My Midwife will do a sweep for me tomorrow at 38+2 so hoping that boots her out!! So done with it all! Especially the diet. At least you could eat McDonald’s and get an 8.1... that’s so not bad. If I ate that I’d get a 10 probably!!
Well....They have kept me on one a day for now. They will ring me on Monday to see how the week has gone. Then there will be one more week after that and I will be induced if she hasn't arrived before then. My induction date is 8th May. Nervous about induction ��

She's measuring 7lb 5oz at moment...So possibly be 8lb ish...
Lou and Reiko, you both sounds like your're doing well!!

I don't understand the UK numbers (as when I had GD I was here in the US) but it's normal to have some ups and downs.

How much is your one pill of Metformin, Lou? I take 1000 mg a day and everything I've read said it's nothing but helpful for pregnancy. It may have helped me not get GD this time! It also may be helping with my blood pressure. It can do so many good things. Try not to worry. I'm on a lot of medication and that's one I'm not too worried about at all.

Only a few more weeks. I'm not gonna lie, being induced is no fun, but 39 weeks is a good time as your body will be ready.I was only 38 and 3 thanks for hypertension and baby wasn't in a great position so it wasn't the easiest labor. But at 39 baby will be more ready and in a good position!!
If you do need to induce early I would recommend homeopathics. I’m not super into that stuff but a few of my friends had taken some and they had good labour’s. So I did it last time and it was a quick easy birth after a sweep. Our midwives here give “mother’s cordial” or on Well.ca they sell Mederi EZ birth. It helps baby get into a good position so it might be helpful for an induction! I took it for 10 days before my last baby showed up. Just a thought!!
Here's hoping she shows up before the 8th! Bloods are ok-ish st the moment. Im on 500mg once daily Allie. The midwife is going to call me again on Monday to see how I've been doing. I had a bit of s naughty lunch today at the pub....veg lasagne, a bit of garlic bread and half a portion of chips. Frozen yogurt for after and I got a 6.4 1 hr after. Went for a long walk after that reading as I was a bit worried might keep going up! 9 more days before induction....will I still have to keep doing readings during induction? I know it's important to keep blood sugars down during labour but didn't know if bloods need monitoring every meal etc...

Also, I'm seeing the breastfeeding specialist on Thurs who is going to show me how to harvest colostrum...anyone else done this??

I'm feeling exhausted....but can't sleep well at night. Best get used to it I guess!!
They will take your sugars during induction probably. I know for sure they do with insulin, not 100% with metformin though.

I harvested 5ml of colostrum. I’ve heard women having 15-20 frozen but for me I feel 5 is good enough for one or two top ups. Probably spent 20 mins getting each mL but some people are a lot faster if they have more supply. Good luck!!
Induction day tomorrow....I'm terrified ��
Thanks!! She was born after 2hrs 23 mins of labour. 3 mins of pushing.
Yay congrats super speedy mama!! GL with the newborn days <3 and enjoy not having GD ;)

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