33 1/2, ttc #1.


Healing from MC 2/16
Feb 6, 2014
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Hi All,

Posting here just to say hi...

The month of Jan was very interesting. Went to the dr for the #1 since ttc last year. I'd been tracking my cycle on an app on my phone, but dr was more interested if I was O. So I got some opk that day and started testing soon after. I was worried for a few days, but when I got the smilies I was really excited. Hubby...not so much. Others have said it's too much stress on him to keep him in the know know of my va-g-g. Ok fine. So here I am...cause I have to tell SOMEBODY.

I'm doing bbt every morning an my temp is dropping so I'm worried my tww is over :blush:

Other than that, I'm excited about getting a juicier and doing a juicing challenge with my gf's. This stuff is very interesting. While I was a bfp, and will be slightly disappointed if I don't, I won't be too too upset as I'd like a due date in the beginning of the year and not the holidays.

So maybe I can use the next 2 months to do my juicing, lose a little more weight (dr. says that will help too) and hopefully then anytime there after I can get my bfp!

Being hopeful. I hope this site has an android app, as I use my phone a lot.

Hi NDurham, I am also 33 1/2 and ttc #1! I am on CD 11 so expecting O on 12 or 13. Just had surgery last Fri, but we're bd-ing anyway. It's painful but I don't want to miss any opportunites. We've been at this about 7 months now. I had a cyst removed from my ovary last friday, turns out i had a lot of endometriosis and a nasty adhesion. Dr thinks she got it all tho, so hopefully now we'll be able to get our BFP. This stuff is so frustrating. My SO doesn't want to know about my O or anything either, says it turns the bd into work. I get it. So I told him this week is our fertile week, but I won't tell him what day I O. Seems to be working so far. Fingers crossed for you!
Hey buttonbaby!

That's cool. Hopefully we can become ttcbuddies! I'm trying to remain hopeful. I have a few more days to go before with a BFP or AF...
Hi! I turn 33 in 2 weeks and ttc #1 too! This is cycle 2 for dh and I. I have been tracking my periods with an app for months. But just started temping and OPK's this month. I got my smiley 2 days ago and am just waiting for the temps to tell me if I o'd or not. I'm hopeful, excited, nervous, and impatient. Yep, that just about explains my mood these days. I hope we all three get our BFp's soon!!
Can either if you tell me how to add my ff chart to the message?
Hi imphope, I honestly don't remember how to add your chart. I actually googled "how to add chart to babyandbump forum" and found a post on this site with directions. Gotta love google!
Hi girls, I am 33 1/3 and TTC#1. We have been trying for almost a year and I recently started temping. I am on CD3 and a bit worried since my last cycle I only had a 9 day LP. Hoping I can join you girls while we wait for our bfps!

imphope, I see your chart! It looks like you probably O'd on CD15 or CD16 and FF should give you the CHs in the next day or two!
Hi girls, I am 33 1/3 and TTC#1. We have been trying for almost a year and I recently started temping. I am on CD3 and a bit worried since my last cycle I only had a 9 day LP. Hoping I can join you girls while we wait for our bfps!

imphope, I see your chart! It looks like you probably O'd on CD15 or CD16 and FF should give you the CHs in the next day or two!

Thanks savvysaver! Welcome! I am looking forward to seeing the crosshairs because this is my first cycle temping and doing opk's. My DH and I did our best to time intercourse, though we probably should have done it again last night for insurance. I think he was worn out though! Haha. I'm really hoping this works. I hope you have a good cycle and bfp this month!
Thanks savvysaver! Welcome! I am looking forward to seeing the crosshairs because this is my first cycle temping and doing opk's. My DH and I did our best to time intercourse, though we probably should have done it again last night for insurance. I think he was worn out though! Haha. I'm really hoping this works. I hope you have a good cycle and bfp this month!

My first time temping was last month and it was so exciting to see the CHs pop up on my chart. It just helped me reconfirm that I ovulated according to my opks. You got a bunch of swimmers in there waiting for your egg, that is important too! You could always BD tonight too!! :)

My DH and I BDed 5 days in a row last cycle and I think we were both wiped out at the end...we just aren't as young as we used to be! We are going to follow SMEP again this cycle which is BDing every other day until you get a positive opk, then BDing 3 days in a row and then skipping one day and BDing one final day.

Thanks, I hope you get your bfp this cycle too! I'll check back tomorrow to see if you get your CH's! :)
Yay, I got my crosshairs! FF puts my O day on cycle day 15 which means my bd days were spot on! I feel good knowing we did everything we could. So can I be pretty confident that I actually really did O based on this data?
I hope I can remain calm and patient and not go crazy symptom spotting. :wacko:

How's it going with all you other 33 ladies?
Very awesome! Looks like you had well timed BDing, now you just have to wait to test! Fx'd you get a BFP!

AF seems to be on her way out. I will start using opks in a few days. Hoping I O sooner than last cycle!
Hey Ladies! I am now on CD 14. Never got a positive OPK because I used the answer brand this month. Had to try them, they suck! I heard in another post that no one likes them and you have to have a strong surge to get a positive. Naturally I got a little nervous as I was approaching my usual O day and not getting a positive. Well, I had a temp rise on CD 13 and today on CD 14, so it's safe to say I O'd on CD 12, which I do pretty much every month.
I had surgery a week ago, so I was afraid it would mess up my hormones. I had a laparoscopy to remove a cyst on my right ovary. While in there my dr found extensive endometriosis and a nasty adhesion. She said she got all the endo and cut the adhesion, and the cyst is gone. She also did a hysteroscopy (camera inside my uterus) and a chromatubation (dye through the fallopian tubes) and everything was normal. Here's hoping that I'm all fixed up!

We dtd when I was only 3 days post-op. It hurt but I didn't want to miss our window. I asked my dr about the best timing of bd. She said he needs at least 24 hours in between sessions to build up a new sperm supply, and make sure they are matured. So we did it Mon, Wed, Fri at night. So there was 48 hrs in between. Plus I told him no self love all week ;) Hope this works!

Enough about me....imhope, glad you figured out how to get your chart up! Congrats on the CHs. You can feel confident that you O'd. You can have an LH surge without O, but you will not have a temp rise unless you actually O'd. That is why temping is so important. Congrats!

:dust: for all of us!
Hi savvysaver! Welcome to the group! It's so awesome to have so many ladies of the same age all in the same boat. We should definitely keep this group going. No offense to the young girls, but it's frustrating when the 20 year olds who have been trying for 2 months are complaining and then get their BFPs. Wait until they hit 30 and they're not all fertile myrtles anymore lol.
Hi ladies,
Do you mind if I join you? I am not 33 yet but just became 32 and a half if that is close enough :) my name is Leslie and DH and I have been ttc for a year now. I did become pregnant quick but unfortunately lost it due to miscarriage so now here we are still trying and unfortunately stressing. This cycle I decided to finally go for OPKs. I worry about too much stress with them but giving it a shot for a month could be ok. Anyone know much about them where they can give me some answers regarding time of day, should you hold your pee etc. I got first response so I have 7 in the box and one pg test ( so tempting!).
Definitely on your page regarding young girls getting pregnant with the snap of a finger with no issues. It's very frustrating!
Hope all you ladies are hanging in there!
I want to join! I'm also 33 1/2. TTC #1 since about april 2013 (NTNP for 7-8 cycles). Actively trying since 10/13 (opk, temping, etc).

Going to the RE for the first time this Tuesday since I've had 12-14 cycles off BC and no BFP….worried about endo due to family history (sister with endo, lost an ovary/tube due to endometrioma) and some pains that may or may not be normal (who really knows).

Buttonbaby I am curious, how was the recovery from the lap? I think i am likely going to need one, endo is my top concern. But my work schedule is pretty crazy, it's hard for me to get any weekdays off til July probably :( And I don't want everyone I work with asking about this (my office is a gossip fest every day). But I don't want to wait that long to investigate…..were you up and about in 2-3 days?

Excited to see what this appointment brings for me, hopefully will get some answers!
Hey Ladies! I am now on CD 14. Never got a positive OPK because I used the answer brand this month. Had to try them, they suck! I heard in another post that no one likes them and you have to have a strong surge to get a positive. Naturally I got a little nervous as I was approaching my usual O day and not getting a positive. Well, I had a temp rise on CD 13 and today on CD 14, so it's safe to say I O'd on CD 12, which I do pretty much every month.
I had surgery a week ago, so I was afraid it would mess up my hormones. I had a laparoscopy to remove a cyst on my right ovary. While in there my dr found extensive endometriosis and a nasty adhesion. She said she got all the endo and cut the adhesion, and the cyst is gone. She also did a hysteroscopy (camera inside my uterus) and a chromatubation (dye through the fallopian tubes) and everything was normal. Here's hoping that I'm all fixed up!

We dtd when I was only 3 days post-op. It hurt but I didn't want to miss our window. I asked my dr about the best timing of bd. She said he needs at least 24 hours in between sessions to build up a new sperm supply, and make sure they are matured. So we did it Mon, Wed, Fri at night. So there was 48 hrs in between. Plus I told him no self love all week ;) Hope this works!

Enough about me....imhope, glad you figured out how to get your chart up! Congrats on the CHs. You can feel confident that you O'd. You can have an LH surge without O, but you will not have a temp rise unless you actually O'd. That is why temping is so important. Congrats!

:dust: for all of us!

Hi, I noticed your dr found extensive endometriosis, did you have any signs or symptoms? I was reading yesterday about some symtpoms of endometriosis and I have a few. Not sure if I should contact my doctor or if there is a way he can check me for it. Glad you were able to handle the surgery and still BD this month. Fx'd you get your bfp this month!

I agree, I think this thread is perfect for us 33 year olds. Seriously I have told my DH that I wouldn't be worried/stressed if I was only 20 something...now that I am 30+ I am majorly worried and don't want to waste anymore time.
Hi ladies,
Do you mind if I join you? I am not 33 yet but just became 32 and a half if that is close enough :) my name is Leslie and DH and I have been ttc for a year now. I did become pregnant quick but unfortunately lost it due to miscarriage so now here we are still trying and unfortunately stressing. This cycle I decided to finally go for OPKs. I worry about too much stress with them but giving it a shot for a month could be ok. Anyone know much about them where they can give me some answers regarding time of day, should you hold your pee etc. I got first response so I have 7 in the box and one pg test ( so tempting!).
Definitely on your page regarding young girls getting pregnant with the snap of a finger with no issues. It's very frustrating!
Hope all you ladies are hanging in there!

Hi, I am sorry for your loss. Last month I used opks twice a day (I was previously using them only once a day), once in the morning and once in the afternoon. I think it is important to use them consistently around the same time each day (my times were 6am/3pm). Testing twice helps make sure you don't miss a short surge. Because of the cost I use the cheap wondfo opks (amazon) and the clearblue digital opks. I start on CD6 and once it gets to be closer to O time I use a clearblue in the morning and a wonfo in the afternoon. Last month I got a positive wondfo in the afternoon so I confirmed with the clearblue smiley face in the same cup. I use fmu with the 6am test and I try not to drink/pee after noon to test around 3pm. I also temp because it doesn't cost me anything (except the thermometer which I had). It helped me pinpoint O last month. Where are you in your cycle? I am on CD4.
I want to join! I'm also 33 1/2. TTC #1 since about april 2013 (NTNP for 7-8 cycles). Actively trying since 10/13 (opk, temping, etc).

Going to the RE for the first time this Tuesday since I've had 12-14 cycles off BC and no BFP….worried about endo due to family history (sister with endo, lost an ovary/tube due to endometrioma) and some pains that may or may not be normal (who really knows).

Buttonbaby I am curious, how was the recovery from the lap? I think i am likely going to need one, endo is my top concern. But my work schedule is pretty crazy, it's hard for me to get any weekdays off til July probably :( And I don't want everyone I work with asking about this (my office is a gossip fest every day). But I don't want to wait that long to investigate…..were you up and about in 2-3 days?

Excited to see what this appointment brings for me, hopefully will get some answers!

Hi, I am a little concerned about endo too. Thinking about contacting my doctor but not sure what to ask for. I did have a m/c in December at 6 weeks, so I am not sure if endo could cause that. I also have IBS but read that some of the symptoms of IBS and endo are the same...so that is why I am worried now.

Good luck with your appointment, hoping you are able to get some answers. Keep us posted.
WOW... HI Ladies. Who knew my little post would grow so big... wish my belly would do the same lol.

So sorry I've been MIA, I didn't get any notification that someone posted but I'll figure out the notifications.

One reason I've been MIA is that AF started on Saturday and BOY oh BOY is she PISSED. What ... trying to get rid of me for 9 months, she's like ohhh hell no... I got something for you. I usually have back pain... but the past 3 days it's been extreme. Both yesterday and today I woke up with horrible headaches. And this may be TMI, but I've been passing the biggest clots I've ever seen, over an inch. I don't know what the heck is going on. I took 9 ibuprofen yesterday alone, I'm trying my best not to take any today, but this headache won't go away and my back is still hurting.

On my last dr. visit she said if I got my af to return on CD3 for FSH blood tests and then schedule a HSG and additional FSH blood test for CD10. I have a busy day tomorrow, so I hope I'm able to get in.

It's comforting to know that I am not alone. I completely agree with the 20 some-thing's comments.

So welcome all... a
buttonbaby (458a60)
- Your determined girl! Looks like you may have just O. If you enter your CM FF will better detect your O day and you'll get the cross hairs.
- My hubby is the same way. Does not want to know a thing. I think the stress is too much for him. So this cycle I'm not telling him anything. I'm not even going to tell him about going to the Dr on tomorrow cause he'll just freak out. He's already told me he doesn't want me to get the HSG test, because it "might" hurt. Beauty is pain and a baby is even more pain. I'm used to it.
- Have you heard about the SMEP method? Check it out. savvysaver and I are going to try it this cycle.

imphope (4C9ad8)
- Glad you were able to figure our your chart. It looks good to me. Keeping my fingers crossed for your tww. I do like the clear blue easy opks. Stay stress free.
- Funny how with the BD our hormones and sex drive increases. I'm all over the hubby now. He can't handle it lol.

savvysaver (43c4f7)
- HAHA. 33 1/3 I love it. It's like we are back in elementary. Our cycles are 2 days apart hehe.
- I wish my dh and I could do 5 days in a row. Our schedules make it difficult. I too want to try the SMEP way. It's a little less stressful, although I can't really let him know that's what we're doing lol.
- I'm so sorry about your mc :(. So sad. I'm glad your back at it and not giving up! I'm interested in know more about the endo also. Important to know what's going on in there.

Leslie, Buttrflyl553
- My Dr recommended Clear blue Easy. I had got this cheap brand where it was just the sticks and I had to pee in a cup to test. I got the CBE tests and am much happier. You can use it mid stream, so it's much cleaner. They were more expensive, but in the end it's much easier for me.
- Are you charting?
- Stress is killing us all. Hopefully this group will help us de-stress.

- Good luck at the dr. I hope it's not endo... prayers your way.
- You are no along in your journey.

My name is Nona, and I will be updating my signature to include my charts.

Happy waiting...


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