Hi, I noticed your dr found extensive endometriosis, did you have any signs or symptoms? I was reading yesterday about some symtpoms of endometriosis and I have a few. Not sure if I should contact my doctor or if there is a way he can check me for it. Glad you were able to handle the surgery and still BD this month. Fx'd you get your bfp this month!
Hi savvysaver, it's kind of a long story, but I'll try to give you the abridged version. When I was about 22 or 23 I started getting the bad periods, spotting in between periods, a lot of pain during intercourse, etc. My mom's family has a bad history of endo. She had a full hysterectomy at 31. When I was 23 my ob at the time put me on Lupron, which puts you into chemically induced menopause. That was fun...not! I did that for 6 months. The hope was that the endo would die off. It didn't really do much.
When I was about 25 or 26 another OB put me on lupron again, this time for 3 months. Nothing came of that either. I also had a pulmonary embolism when I was 20 (due to BCP) so I can't have hormones. So I decided to get the Mirena IUD when I was 28. I kept that in for over 4 years. While I had that I never had periods, but that's when the cyst started rupturing.
The cyst would rupture every 4 weeks like clockwork. It was excruciating pain. I missed work because of that stupid thing. Sometimes I would have to leave work in the middle of my shift because I felt it starting to rupture. Of course it grew and grew over the 4 years I had the IUD. I also had a lot of other annoying issue with the IUD, so Dec 2012 I had it taken out.
I was afraid the endo symptoms would come right back. But the weird thing is, my periods have never been better. They are regular, every 26-27 days. And now they only last 2 days! So weird. In June we decided to start trying, and as the months went on we got worried we weren't getting pregnant.
First we did hormone tests, all good. Semen analysis, fine. HSG, clear! So that left the laparoscopy. We did an ultrasound of the ovary, the cyst itself was the size of a golf ball. Unfortunately you can't see the endo or adhesions on an ultrasound so we had no idea what to expect.
The dr told me if she found anything she would try to remove it all. She also mentioned the possibility of losing my ovary if the blood supply to the cyst damaged the blood supply to the ovary. When I woke up from the surgery I asked the nurse how it went, and she said "Good....the dr removed your right ovary" I was like WHAT!? Then she looked at the chart and said "Oh wait, not the ovary, just the cyst" Jeezus christ woman!
When my OH came in to fill me in, he told me that the dr said she found extensive endo, but she was confident she got it all. There was also a nasty adhesion, I'm not sure what side it was on, but she cut it out. I was upset to hear that I did in fact have endo. I was so positive that things were good, and it was just the cyst.
The good news is, I'm all fixed up, so hopefully that was the reason we haven't gotten pregnant yet and now we can.
So much for a short story lol. Hope that helps