33 1/2, ttc #1.

I "self-referred". I did some research on local fertility clinics and picked one based on reviews online and location. I actually work at a medical center, but wanted to go elsewhere to maintain some privacy. I'm a physician (not OB/RE), so I asked around a bit and got some info that way also.
I just called the clinic and said I wanted a "first appointment or consultation". They didn't ask for referral or anything just made the appointment. My insurance does not have infertility coverage, so I'm out of pocket, but the pre-IVF stuff is not, in the grand scheme of things, that expensive. Will have to reevaluate the financial situation if we get into the IVF range. Hoping we don't have to.
Hi ladies,
Just got back from my RE appointment, 1st one. It was really informative. I like the doctor I got, she's youngish, has done infertility treatments herself, very talkative/personable.
She went through all our history, asked about anything interesting, etc. I got the lab slip for the husband to come in for the swimmer analysis. I told her my concerns about endometriosis, given my family history and some symptoms. Best part was she went straight away to do a sono. So I got to see my uterus (which is retroverted, which I'd been told before) and my ovaries, which look normal and had a normal follicle count she said (17, apparently over 10 is normal/good). I had a HUGE cyst on my left ovary, but she said it's the post-ovulation cyst and was on the high normal side for size, but she wasn't concerned. She said she could not see my right tube (which is good, means it is not large and fluid-filled), could see the end of left tube near the big cyst, which see seemed to think was normal and not concerning. I could actually see the little fingers on the tube, which was cool.
So basically, the sono was normal, except for the retroversion, which she likens to a normal but less common trait, like blue eyes (which I also have). She said the retroversion can make some fertility treatments like embryo transfer harder, cause the bend of the instruments is not made that way, etc.
Next I get the HSG. And I go back thursday for a progesterone level/prolactin/thyroid labs.
Will see those results then go from there. I asked her about laparoscopy for endometriosis and she said since they do not see anything large on sono, at this time, it will not be the route to go, we'd be looking for something that she's not sure should be bothered to go after. Apparently this clinic believes in straight to IUI/IVF over lap (unless you have huge cysts blocking the way to your ovaries).
So we will see. Overall I felt very reassured and it was great to get some real info on what is going on in there.
Most interesting to me, I ovulated on the left. But I had very definite O pain on the right this month. Clearly, the pain is not diagnostic for ovulation…..

Hi Simpres... Glad your Dr. visit was Awesome. It's such a relief finding a dr that you feel comfortable with.

So far so good...now just time to wait for bd time :)
Anyone here use preseed? I don't get any ewcm ever. I tried preseed last cycle and really liked it, hoping it helps me get my bfp this cycle!

I use preseed! It is def expensive, so I save it for the few days around O. I only use a tiny drop too, because it's so damn slippery. Too much and the OH complains. Hard to say if it really works, but i figure we have to do everything we can to help right?
Hello friends! Just checking in. I didn't get any notifications. I think I don't quite have this message board figured out.

I'm 4dpo which means....limbo time! I feel like I am playing mind games with myself. I don't want to symptom spot all the time so I'm telling myself I have had none. Which I really haven't. But so many symptoms are things that I feel on a regular basis. Every tummy gurgle or gas bubble (tmi) cannot be pregnancy. I know this. I know this. I know this. :)

I really want to get my sex drive back up because I don't want my hubby to think that I only want to bd during fertile week. Can anyone relate?

Hi imhope! I am 3-4 dpo too! (as of today, Tue). FF says I ovulated Sat, I think it was probably Fri. It set my coverline really high, but I had a couple really high temps the day after surgery, so I think that's affecting the curve. Oh well, at least there is a confirmed O in there. I was worried I wouldn't due to my surgery. Now onto the tww. Let's not symptom spot together :)
Anyone here use preseed? I don't get any ewcm ever. I tried preseed last cycle and really liked it, hoping it helps me get my bfp this cycle!

I use preseed! It is def expensive, so I save it for the few days around O. I only use a tiny drop too, because it's so damn slippery. Too much and the OH complains. Hard to say if it really works, but i figure we have to do everything we can to help right?

It is super slippery! First we used it by applying it directly to DH, then around O time we started using the applicators. I started with a small amount (1) on the applicator and then increased it to 2. DH complained it was too slippery but since I don't get any cm I really want something safe to carry his swimmers to my eggs and oven! :)

I buy all of my ttc stuff on amazon, actually a lot of it seems to be cheaper and my main reason to shop amazon is I don't have to worry about running into someone I know while I am out shopping! The preseed I just bought was $15.79 and the time before was $19.50 - with free two day shipping with amazon prime. Wish the prices didn't change so much month to month!
Hello friends! Just checking in. I didn't get any notifications. I think I don't quite have this message board figured out.

I'm 4dpo which means....limbo time! I feel like I am playing mind games with myself. I don't want to symptom spot all the time so I'm telling myself I have had none. Which I really haven't. But so many symptoms are things that I feel on a regular basis. Every tummy gurgle or gas bubble (tmi) cannot be pregnancy. I know this. I know this. I know this. :)

I really want to get my sex drive back up because I don't want my hubby to think that I only want to bd during fertile week. Can anyone relate?

Hi imhope! I am 3-4 dpo too! (as of today, Tue). FF says I ovulated Sat, I think it was probably Fri. It set my coverline really high, but I had a couple really high temps the day after surgery, so I think that's affecting the curve. Oh well, at least there is a confirmed O in there. I was worried I wouldn't due to my surgery. Now onto the tww. Let's not symptom spot together :)

Button, let's do this! You know it is really worthless for me to interpret any abdominal symptoms. It is so common for me to have GI discomfort, stomach aches, gas... I've been this way my whole life. I think the only 'typical' symptoms that I would need to really notice would be bb pain or sudden exhaustion or fainting. Those would be abnormal to me.
I'm not feeling anything like that. I wonder if I've still got a chance? Only 6 dpi today... So I say YES!!
Hi imhope! I am 3-4 dpo too! (as of today, Tue). FF says I ovulated Sat, I think it was probably Fri. It set my coverline really high, but I had a couple really high temps the day after surgery, so I think that's affecting the curve. Oh well, at least there is a confirmed O in there. I was worried I wouldn't due to my surgery. Now onto the tww. Let's not symptom spot together :)

Button, let's do this! You know it is really worthless for me to interpret any abdominal symptoms. It is so common for me to have GI discomfort, stomach aches, gas... I've been this way my whole life. I think the only 'typical' symptoms that I would need to really notice would be bb pain or sudden exhaustion or fainting. Those would be abnormal to me.
I'm not feeling anything like that. I wonder if I've still got a chance? Only 6 dpi today... So I say YES!!

That's too funny! SavvySaver and I are cycle twins and so are you too. Very interesting. Now were are double buddies. :)
I'm going to be honest with myself: I am feeling Zero symptoms. (Outside the aforementioned gas, totally normal) This has me very discouraged. Mainly because I know we did everything we could. Well timed bd, +opks, temps followed regular patterns, Cm was even ewcm! How is it so hard to conceive even when you do everything 'right'! I don't test for another 10 days, but I'm losing hope. I thought I would feel something by now. Can someone cheer me up?
imphope, don't lose hope! I know when we feel symptoms it makes us feel better like our bodies are responding, but honestly it is still very early, it looks like you are at 7dpo. Your little bean might not have even implanted yet (usually 6-12 days). Two cycles ago I totally felt prego again with sore back, sore boobs, nausea, etc yet I ended up with AF. I think when we "look" for symptoms we noticed them a whole lot more than before we started ttc. This probably isn't cheering you up, but I wanted to let you know that it is perfectly normal to not feel any symptoms until a few weeks into your pregnancy. Hoping the next few days pass quickly so you can test soon and my fx'd for a bfp for you!! :)
imphope, don't lose hope! I know when we feel symptoms it makes us feel better like our bodies are responding, but honestly it is still very early, it looks like you are at 7dpo. Your little bean might not have even implanted yet (usually 6-12 days). Two cycles ago I totally felt prego again with sore back, sore boobs, nausea, etc yet I ended up with AF. I think when we "look" for symptoms we noticed them a whole lot more than before we started ttc. This probably isn't cheering you up, but I wanted to let you know that it is perfectly normal to not feel any symptoms until a few weeks into your pregnancy. Hoping the next few days pass quickly so you can test soon and my fx'd for a bfp for you!! :)

Thanks savvysaver! It really does help. It's helpful to vent and even more helpful to have support and encouragement from you ladies. I do appreciate it. There's a good reason why my name is imphope. I'm impatient and hopeful at the same time! :)
Thanks savvysaver! It really does help. It's helpful to vent and even more helpful to have support and encouragement from you ladies. I do appreciate it. There's a good reason why my name is imphope. I'm impatient and hopeful at the same time! :)

I think most of us here are impatient and hopeful...or at least I know I am! I wish away the days of the week until I can get my positive opk, and then I wish away more days in the tww. I can't wait to be a mommy! :)
I'm going to be honest with myself: I am feeling Zero symptoms. (Outside the aforementioned gas, totally normal) This has me very discouraged. Mainly because I know we did everything we could. Well timed bd, +opks, temps followed regular patterns, Cm was even ewcm! How is it so hard to conceive even when you do everything 'right'! I don't test for another 10 days, but I'm losing hope. I thought I would feel something by now. Can someone cheer me up?

Hope... say it ain't so...if you lose hope...what will we do??!!! :haha:

I'm glad you were able to get that off your chest. This entire process is just so hard and frustrating and I feel is only understood by others going through the same thing. Reminds me of my wedding brain.

Here's to us... staying hopeful, motivated and supportive. :flower:
I'm going to be honest with myself: I am feeling Zero symptoms. (Outside the aforementioned gas, totally normal) This has me very discouraged. Mainly because I know we did everything we could. Well timed bd, +opks, temps followed regular patterns, Cm was even ewcm! How is it so hard to conceive even when you do everything 'right'! I don't test for another 10 days, but I'm losing hope. I thought I would feel something by now. Can someone cheer me up?

Hey Imphope... have you seen this feature of FF?? https://www.fertilityfriend.com/ttc/bdtiming_module.php hopefully your score is high :D
I've been looking around the FF friend site (kinda bored) and have noticed that a lot of the analyzers rely on CM stats to try and predict o.

Personally, I have a hard time with determining the CM. It's just not that easy. I don't get all the "seasons" only creamy, sticky and dry. Very hard to determine the wet or eggwhite phase.

Sooo...there was a post on FF from a member that posted a picture of her cervix. It was ... pretty amazing. I've been thinking of getting the spectrum and trying it myself lol.

Have any of your ladies seen this or think it would be interesting?
I've been looking around the FF friend site (kinda bored) and have noticed that a lot of the analyzers rely on CM stats to try and predict o.

Personally, I have a hard time with determining the CM. It's just not that easy. I don't get all the "seasons" only creamy, sticky and dry. Very hard to determine the wet or eggwhite phase.

Sooo...there was a post on FF from a member that posted a picture of her cervix. It was ... pretty amazing. I've been thinking of getting the spectrum and trying it myself lol.

Have any of your ladies seen this or think it would be interesting?
Hi NDurham, I have actually seen that post. But truth be told, I couldn't really tell much difference between all the days. I can never tell what my cervical position is, or if it's open or closed, hard or soft. It pretty much always feels the same to me. Good luck if you try that, let us know how it works!
I'm going to be honest with myself: I am feeling Zero symptoms. (Outside the aforementioned gas, totally normal) This has me very discouraged. Mainly because I know we did everything we could. Well timed bd, +opks, temps followed regular patterns, Cm was even ewcm! How is it so hard to conceive even when you do everything 'right'! I don't test for another 10 days, but I'm losing hope. I thought I would feel something by now. Can someone cheer me up?

Hi imhope! I am now 5 dpo, according to FF. I actually feel great. Hadn't really even thought about ttc all day until now. Been busy, which is helpful. I don't think it would be reasonable for me to even attempt to symptom spot this month, as I am only two weeks post-op. The tiniest gas bubble hurts my uterus and ovaries. Sometimes my incisions hurt for no good reason. So it would be too hard to tell if it's pregnancy symptoms or surgery pains.

Keep your chin up, a lot of women don't feel anything until they're weeks in! Have you ever seen that tv show "I didn't know I was pregnant"? Those women delivered without ever knowing they were pregnant! Not everyone will be vomiting and tired 6 dpo. Don't lose hope! We're here for you! :hugs:
I rarely see any cm, if I do it is like a glob or tiny streak and that is it. Last cycle I got one odd glob of cm about 5dpo. I do not check my cervix...I keep saying "next cycle" but it never happens!
Thank you friends for the encouragement. :) I needed that boost. My hope level is back up!!! Not because of anything in particular, only because I believe I am going to be a mother someday. I have too much love to give not to do that. :blush: Now the impatience part: I think I'll just have to get used to that. I've never said that patience is my virtue. Anyway, I love having this group to keep me sane. Happy Valentines day and oodles of baby dust to all of you. An extra dose for this day of love.
Thank you friends for the encouragement. :) I needed that boost. My hope level is back up!!! Not because of anything in particular, only because I believe I am going to be a mother someday. I have too much love to give not to do that. :blush: Now the impatience part: I think I'll just have to get used to that. I've never said that patience is my virtue. Anyway, I love having this group to keep me sane. Happy Valentines day and oodles of baby dust to all of you. An extra dose for this day of love.

Happy Valentine's Day imphone! You will definitely be a mother one day, my thoughts for today are..."good things come to those who wait"! :)

It is very hard to be patient and wait as each month passes, I want more than anything to be pregnant and deliver my LO! Thanks girls for joining me on this journey - I can't wait to see some bfps out of this group soon! Special Valentine's baby dust to all!
I made it to 7 dpo today. I plan on testing on Monday, 9 dpo. The only reason is because I have an appt with my OB that day, post op check up. If I get a BFP, or even a slight one, I will ask her to order bloodwork. Fingers crossed! I'm not really watching for symptoms, but today I was absolutely exhausted. That could very well be because I only got 4 hours of sleep and had a busy day at work. I took a little nap this afternoon and had the hardest time getting up.

I'm also getting this ridiculous sharp pain near my right ovary. It comes on suddenly and shoots up my abdomen. Not cool! I don't know if it's just related to my surgery or what, but I'm getting fed up with it.

Glad you ladies are still active in here, it's def helpful to have a supportive group. :)

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