35 Day cycle TTC ladies

I would give it a few days and then test again. I know it is so hard to wait. I was on a 31 day cycle and then this month I was late and made it a 34 day cycle and I was actually relieved and excited to tell my husband AF came. I tested and got a BFN so I was glad not to wait anymore.

I was on the pill for 8 years and stopped last February. I had a MC in July so at least I know I can get pregnant it's just getting pregnant is not easy.

Ohh i see.. Yeah I guess ill wait I have no other option. And especially that I don't work waiting is even more painful cuz I have nothing to do! lol
Well lets hope we xmas brings us babies!! [-o<

babylove I know what you mean, I'm in the same position, I'm not working either so I've got too much time on my hands that I feel like a mass conspirator! :haha::haha: I've probably thought up every possible symptom/cause for whats going on, my af is due in 2 days but I've had no sign of af and I'm getting :bfn:!!! grrrr I wish one or the other would just happen, all my symptoms dissapeared last week so I'm just hanging on a thin thread now, best of luck that af stays away :) :dust::dust:

Lol good to know im not the only one..its so hard not to think about TTC and what is going on! All my symptoms are gone now, 4 days late and havent tested today, i had a BFN yesterday...will try to hold it and test this wknd. Hang in there and stay positive, try to occupy yourself so time can go faster :P keep posted, hope we get BFP!!
Hi all, I have a 35 day cycle and generally O CD21/22 this cycle it was CD22/23 but expected a small delay as have taken soy isoflavones which should strengthen my O. First cycle with soy and all have noticed is increased EWCM around O, hoping for BFP but only few days past O today so wont be testing til December as hate to get BFP then to lose it in late AF. Chem PG are so unfair.
I would give it a few days and then test again. I know it is so hard to wait. I was on a 31 day cycle and then this month I was late and made it a 34 day cycle and I was actually relieved and excited to tell my husband AF came. I tested and got a BFN so I was glad not to wait anymore.

I was on the pill for 8 years and stopped last February. I had a MC in July so at least I know I can get pregnant it's just getting pregnant is not easy.

Ohh i see.. Yeah I guess ill wait I have no other option. And especially that I don't work waiting is even more painful cuz I have nothing to do! lol
Well lets hope we xmas brings us babies!! [-o<

babylove I know what you mean, I'm in the same position, I'm not working either so I've got too much time on my hands that I feel like a mass conspirator! :haha::haha: I've probably thought up every possible symptom/cause for whats going on, my af is due in 2 days but I've had no sign of af and I'm getting :bfn:!!! grrrr I wish one or the other would just happen, all my symptoms dissapeared last week so I'm just hanging on a thin thread now, best of luck that af stays away :) :dust::dust:

Lol good to know im not the only one..its so hard not to think about TTC and what is going on! All my symptoms are gone now, 4 days late and havent tested today, i had a BFN yesterday...will try to hold it and test this wknd. Hang in there and stay positive, try to occupy yourself so time can go faster :P keep posted, hope we get BFP!!

I'm occupying myself by becoming a lazy bum :P I've been watching films all day and eating lots of comfort ice cream lol I'm due tomorrow and still I don't think af is going to come because I'm getting no symptoms grrrrr I hope she just comes now or doesn't come at all!!!! I'm going to try and wait til next week to test because I'm pretty sure my af is just being a betch and not showing up on time, Gooooood luck :happydance:
I'm also on a 35-day cycle. I'm on Provera and now Clomid. I'm also charting. I don't ovulate, so that's why I was put on Clomid. I'll let you know when I ovulate with it when it happens. As for ovulation when you're charting...you'll when AFTER you ovulate that you ovulated on a chart. When your temp goes up, that means you ovulated:). I hope that helps!
I would give it a few days and then test again. I know it is so hard to wait. I was on a 31 day cycle and then this month I was late and made it a 34 day cycle and I was actually relieved and excited to tell my husband AF came. I tested and got a BFN so I was glad not to wait anymore.

I was on the pill for 8 years and stopped last February. I had a MC in July so at least I know I can get pregnant it's just getting pregnant is not easy.

Ohh i see.. Yeah I guess ill wait I have no other option. And especially that I don't work waiting is even more painful cuz I have nothing to do! lol
Well lets hope we xmas brings us babies!! [-o<

babylove I know what you mean, I'm in the same position, I'm not working either so I've got too much time on my hands that I feel like a mass conspirator! :haha::haha: I've probably thought up every possible symptom/cause for whats going on, my af is due in 2 days but I've had no sign of af and I'm getting :bfn:!!! grrrr I wish one or the other would just happen, all my symptoms dissapeared last week so I'm just hanging on a thin thread now, best of luck that af stays away :) :dust::dust:

Lol good to know im not the only one..its so hard not to think about TTC and what is going on! All my symptoms are gone now, 4 days late and havent tested today, i had a BFN yesterday...will try to hold it and test this wknd. Hang in there and stay positive, try to occupy yourself so time can go faster :P keep posted, hope we get BFP!!

I'm occupying myself by becoming a lazy bum :P I've been watching films all day and eating lots of comfort ice cream lol I'm due tomorrow and still I don't think af is going to come because I'm getting no symptoms grrrrr I hope she just comes now or doesn't come at all!!!! I'm going to try and wait til next week to test because I'm pretty sure my af is just being a betch and not showing up on time, Gooooood luck :happydance:

Haha ice cream and tv is my best friend :P I never got AF symptoms either, AF was supposed to show up on monday and its friday already, got another BFN ugh. Keep posted and we all need to stay positive we can do it girls!! :happydance:
Any luck here with working out when you ov??

I am still waiting for AF to arrive, had a BFN Wednesday. Going to test tomorrow again I think!
my cycle has been all over the place the last few months, so mines not 35 days, but i think i have the answer to you question:

The time between our period and ovulation is usually the inconsistent part of our cycle, and our LP (from ovulation to day 1 of next cycle) is usually always 14 to 15 days. Sometimes 16!, so if your cycle is 35 days, you should be ovulating at day 21 (maybe 22 or 23). Hope this helps:flower:x
Hi Everyone - Thanks very much for your replies so far - it seems there are a fair few of us in this club!!!

Is it just me or is there a bit of a pattern with some of us (brown spotting, neg OPK tests....just seems very strange eh!)

Anyhow, I have temped and tested all month so far and NADA - not a sign of ovulation at all!! I am going for another progesterone test tomorrow to see what that comes out as, I dont think I am ovulating at the moment, cycles only stabilised to 34 days for last 3 months after coming off Cerazette 2 and a half years ago!!!!!!

Interested to know if any similar stories re: Cerazette or any other POP pill and long cycles.........

hey ladies, I have roughly a 35 day cycle, last month was 31, previous 36, previous 42 etc etc. I have just got a BFP!!!!

So thought I would post what I posted about 17 days ago when I was asking for advice etc - I hope this helps:

thought I would copy what I posted on another thread, 17 days ago. I dont know how long my cycle would have been when we conceived, but we worked roughly on a 35 day cycle.

"I am on day 23 of my cycle. I dont know how long my cycle will be, longest Ive had is 48 days.

I havent a clue when I ovulated, as I did the clear blue ovulation test on days 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 and didnt get a smiley face. Decided to stop testing and will try again next month.

We BD on day 17, 18, 20, 21 and 22 I think."
based on when we bd'd I must have ovulated around then sometime, but maybe I did the OPK's at the wrong time of day??? I was doing them first thing in the morning.
hey ladies, I have roughly a 35 day cycle, last month was 31, previous 36, previous 42 etc etc. I have just got a BFP!!!!

So thought I would post what I posted about 17 days ago when I was asking for advice etc - I hope this helps:

thought I would copy what I posted on another thread, 17 days ago. I dont know how long my cycle would have been when we conceived, but we worked roughly on a 35 day cycle.

"I am on day 23 of my cycle. I dont know how long my cycle will be, longest Ive had is 48 days.

I havent a clue when I ovulated, as I did the clear blue ovulation test on days 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 and didnt get a smiley face. Decided to stop testing and will try again next month.

We BD on day 17, 18, 20, 21 and 22 I think."
based on when we bd'd I must have ovulated around then sometime, but maybe I did the OPK's at the wrong time of day??? I was doing them first thing in the morning.

Congratulations twinklestar!!!! So happy about your BFP!!! It's also reassuring to see the BFP's with the long and/or irregular cycle gals! Definitely gives me much needed hope!!!

I've heard that you should take opk in the late afternoon and not with first morning urine so that could be why you never got a positive. There is also a chance that you O'd after cd 22 and the sperm lived for a day or two to meet the egg. Can I ask if you were taking any special supplements or anything that you think may have helped you get the BFP?

Best of luck to you and stick little bean stick!!!!
Hi all, I have a 35 day cycle and generally O CD21/22 this cycle it was CD22/23 but expected a small delay as have taken soy isoflavones which should strengthen my O. First cycle with soy and all have noticed is increased EWCM around O, hoping for BFP but only few days past O today so wont be testing til December as hate to get BFP then to lose it in late AF. Chem PG are so unfair.

Congratulations on your BFP moggymay!!!! So happy to hear the good news.

I'm very interested to hear about the soy isoflavones and what they are supposed to help with? I met with a fertility specialist Monday and was told I have a thin uterine lining and that my eggs are small for the point of my cycle that I'm at. I'm currently drinking lots of Red Raspberry Leaf tea and taking vitamin B complex to help strengthen/tone uterus and increase my luteal phase.

Thanks and again congratulations! Stick little bean stick!!!
I have been taking pregnacare for about 2 months before ttc, but thats it. This is what I took when I conceived my first child, I dont know if it helped, but did everything the same this time as last time. Last time I got a positive opk, this time I didnt.
I have a roughly 30 something day cycle (when not having delayed O due to stress at that time) and have been charting temps and CM for a few months so thought that I would share the info with you all.

Mar-24 35 day cycle ov-cd23 Luteal length 12
Apr-28 32 day cycle ov-cd20 Luteal length 12
(May-30 50 day cycle ov-cd38 Luteal length 12)
(Jul-19 41 day cycle ov-cd41 Luteal length 12)
Sep-10 35 day cycle ov-cd23 Luteal length 12
Oct-15 28 day cycle ov-cd19 Luteal length 9
Nov-12 ?? day cycle ov-cd19 Luteal length ??

When having a normal cycle, I ovulate around day 20 and pretty much always have my AF 13 days later i.e a luteal phase length of 12 days regardless of whether ovulation was late or not.

I confess that I am sad enough to have made a chart of all this info but hope you find it interesting!!!
HI fluffystar, thanks so much for sharing your cycle information. I have spreadsheets and charts galore going back several years before we even thought of ttc and now that I discovered Fertility Friend I'm on that site at least 2 or 3 times a day entering info and checking my chart, it's an obsession!

Quick questions for the ladies on here, what do you count as your day of ovulation if you're only using tests and not charting? The past few cycles I used the Clear Blue Fertility Monitor and am not sure if I should count the first day of a positive/peak result or should I count the second day or the day after? They say you ovulate 24 to 36 hours after a peak result, so I'm guessing I should count the 2nd peak day (I usually get 2 peaks) or the day after? My luteal phase borders on being short so I want to make sure I'm counting properly!
Hi Ladies,

Anyone got a 35 day cycle on here? I have had 35 day cycles for the last 4 months and am TTC, last month didn't ovulate but I am temping etc this month and wandered what day others tend to ovulate on a 35 day cycle

Thanks ladies


I am a 34 day cycle girl and I tend to ovulate between CD 17-20. I have been 34 days for the last 4 months so that is a pretty accurate O day for me.:thumbup:
Quick question for everyone. I saw a fertility specialist and had a transvaginal ultrasound on cycle day 12. He indicated my lining was thin and my eggs on the small side for where I'm at in my cycle. I explained I have longer cycles so my cd 12 may be more like a cd 7 for someone who has the avg cycle of 28 days. I don't think he really took what I was saying seriously, so I'm going to ask you guys who are much more knowledgeable. Have any of you been told you had a thin lining early in your cycle but then found out that closer to ovulation it was the proper thickness?

At the appt I was probably 10 days away from ovulation so to me that's still plenty of time for the lining to get thicker and those eggs to plump up! But I have also been having midcycle spotting (not due to ovulation or implantation) so that could also indicate a hormonal problem. Just not quite sure what to think at this point. I started drinking 2 cups of Red Raspberry Leaf tea each day (heard it tones the uterus and can help regulate cycles) and have also been taking vitamin B complex supplements to help lengthen my luteal phase (around 10-11 days I think but will verify this month with charting hopefully).

Well I guess that wasn't a very quick question, but thanks for bearing with me!!
Hi Bernina - Have you had any progesterone tests done? I have low progesterone which means that my lining breaks down too early....hence the spotting throughout the month.

Over the last 2 months I have been taking Pregnacare Conception and Agnus Castus and surprisingly, last month, I had NO spotting at all.

Just a thought..............And I agree - the doc's don't seem to understand that a lot of ladies don't have this infamous '28' day cycle!!!

Let me know how u r getting on xxxx

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