I would give it a few days and then test again. I know it is so hard to wait. I was on a 31 day cycle and then this month I was late and made it a 34 day cycle and I was actually relieved and excited to tell my husband AF came. I tested and got a BFN so I was glad not to wait anymore.
I was on the pill for 8 years and stopped last February. I had a MC in July so at least I know I can get pregnant it's just getting pregnant is not easy.
Ohh i see.. Yeah I guess ill wait I have no other option. And especially that I don't work waiting is even more painful cuz I have nothing to do! lol
Well lets hope we xmas brings us babies!!![]()
babylove I know what you mean, I'm in the same position, I'm not working either so I've got too much time on my hands that I feel like a mass conspirator!I've probably thought up every possible symptom/cause for whats going on, my af is due in 2 days but I've had no sign of af and I'm getting
!!! grrrr I wish one or the other would just happen, all my symptoms dissapeared last week so I'm just hanging on a thin thread now, best of luck that af stays away
Lol good to know im not the only one..its so hard not to think about TTC and what is going on! All my symptoms are gone now, 4 days late and havent tested today, i had a BFN yesterday...will try to hold it and test this wknd. Hang in there and stay positive, try to occupy yourself so time can go faster