It was a good acupuncture session; if nothing else I got to lay quietly in a warm, dark room.for an hour while someone else took care of my kids! I have been having a lot.of contractions since, but nothing that has settled into a pattern or felt "real". I also slept REALLY well Friday night.
I have an appt w my doctor tomorrow morning, and she plans to sweep my membranes. Then I have another acupuncture appt in the afternoon. I can convince my rational mind that I'm not even 38 weeks yet, and just need to be patient. However, my hips, back, and part of my mind that wants a giant glass of wine disagree.
jessicaftl - sorry to hear you frustrated hun, did you speak to the midwife?
Rhiannon137 - your acupuncture session sounds great! A nice little break for you how did the sweep go? The last few weeks are definitely the hardest, almost there mumma xx
Jessicaftl - oh wow! How far along will that make you by Friday? Either way LO is going to be here so soon!!
Nothing much happening over here, cramps, sore back and Braxton Hicks everyday. I have another OB appt on Friday and he’s going to do a ‘good sweep’ for me. Last time he done this I had my DD the next day so fingers crossed otherwise we’ll just keep waiting
Oh my soul, are your doctors not considering inducing you now? 43w super late. What a bub..sooo comfy in there.I'll be 43w on Friday!
Fx that you'll be in labor soon, good luck with your sweep, hoping it goes well for you, keep us posted
Ahhh thats wonderful news! Congrats mama! Welcome little petal! Rest time now for u mama. Enjoy every moment.They did want to induce but I planned to wait until I was 43.... no matter I had her naturally this morning at 353 am, was 9cm when I got to the hospital around 2 am, had gas and air and yellow bump turned pink for me!
Sweeps never really worked for me, just got my parts riled up lol. Hoping you get some action soon!