4 weeks and 5 days pregnant with my 5th child and full of anxiety..From being worried about what my husbands family will say (they aren't real big "kid" people) to what affect our ages will have on the baby. Not so much mine but my husbands. My first child i had when i was 20 and I really didn't worry about much at all (blissfully ignorant LOL) Its going to be a long 8 months. I have been dealing with morning sickness already since about 3 weeks 4 days and the last day or so it hasn't been that bad, so of course that makes me worried..I had a chemical pregnancy just last month so i am paying very close attention to my symptoms, i know i cant stop it from happining if its meant to but i want to be prepared...again so happy to be pregnant again but will be relieved when we reach some milestones