3rd C section and really scared!


Apr 10, 2012
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Hello, Im Laura, and im new to baby and bump.
i am currently 37+4 weeks pregnant with baby number 3, and am scheduled to have my 3rd c section on april 24th.
Both my previous sections have been last minute, my 1st was an emergency section at 37 weeks due to pre eclampsia and baby being very small, my second they tried to start labour (i wanted a v bac) as baby had low fluid, it didnt work so i ended up with a second section within a few hours.
so having had 2 previous sections, my consultant basically told me from the get go that this would be a planned section, so i have known from day 1 that this would be a section.
this is where i think the problem lies, ive been ok up until i hit 30 weeks, when i started googling sections and the risks and so on, and have been getting incresingly scared. now i actually have my date (2 weeks today) i am going out of my mind with fear, breaking down crying constantly, dreaming about it that something will go wrong and that i will never see my other 2 children again. some people may read this and think im being over the top, but this is a genuine fear i have, the closer it gets the more i feel like i cant cope and am going to have a huge panic attack, so much so im not getting to enjoy my last couple of weeks of being pregnant (as this will be my last)
can anybody who has had 3 or more sections give me any advice? or i anybody going to have a 3rd and can relate to how im feeling?
thankyou for taking the time to read this.
I have not been in your situation but if you can try to think of how well you coped with to emergency sections, and how healthy your kids look from your avatar pic anyway ;)
that a planned C-section is much safer and easier than an emergency one is also recovery should not be as bad either. I would look at your two lovely children and the fact you are still here, pregnant and very close to delivery and healthy and have recovered and survived two emcs procedures :hugs: its a wonderful thing and you are not going to be in the emergency situation again :hugs:
Thanks so much, your words are very calming, I never looked at it that way.xx
thats alright :) it helps to look back and see how well you have done and how far you have come :hug:
Hi i am going in tomorrow for my 5th section i know how your feeling been like it for few weeks my 3rd and 4th sections were the best recovery was great i am hopeing for the same with this one x
I'm having my 4th c-section in about 3 months time. I'm terrified!! I hate hospitals, operations, procedures, etc. like I guess most of us do. And knowing what waits for me makes it worse, LOL. All 3 my previous ones were EMCS as well. The first, after I was in labour for about 10 hours. The 2nd at 37 weeks because the placenta failed, and the 3rd because I went into labour naturally at 37 weeks. So I have no idea if I'll ever make it to an elective c-section date. I'm hoping to go into labour naturally again, this time. The thought of knowing when the c-section is terrifies me too much. I simply won't be able to sleep the night before!

So ya, I know exactly how you feel. My advice would be to force yourself NOT to read or google about what can go wrong. Baby has to come out one way or another. Try not to scare yourself into fearing the negatives, but try and remember that most c-sections goes without any hickups. You'll be in the best of hands, with everything the doctors need right at hand, to help you in case anything does go wrong. Trust them, they do this every day. Good luck! :hugs:
hi. i could have wrote your post myself lol im having my 3rd c/s on the 24th aswell . even though i have had 2 already im still terrified . :flower:
The risks involved in a 3rd section are about the same as a 2nd and you have already made it through a second :) As someone said already a planned section or even semi planned is better than a full emergency section.
hi. i could have wrote your post myself lol im having my 3rd c/s on the 24th aswell . even though i have had 2 already im still terrified . :flower:

Hey, did you have your section yet? I'm all ready to go in the morning, can't sleep I'm that nervous!!xx
Just wanted to wish you the best of luck for tomorrow. Don't be hard on yourself, it is perfectly natural to be scared and worried but you will be fine. Just concentrate your mind on seeing your little baby and it will soon be over.xx:hugs:
I'm having my 4th c-section in about 3 months time. I'm terrified!! I hate hospitals, operations, procedures, etc. like I guess most of us do. And knowing what waits for me makes it worse, LOL. All 3 my previous ones were EMCS as well. The first, after I was in labour for about 10 hours. The 2nd at 37 weeks because the placenta failed, and the 3rd because I went into labour naturally at 37 weeks. So I have no idea if I'll ever make it to an elective c-section date. I'm hoping to go into labour naturally again, this time. The thought of knowing when the c-section is terrifies me too much. I simply won't be able to sleep the night before!

So ya, I know exactly how you feel. My advice would be to force yourself NOT to read or google about what can go wrong. Baby has to come out one way or another. Try not to scare yourself into fearing the negatives, but try and remember that most c-sections goes without any hickups. You'll be in the best of hands, with everything the doctors need right at hand, to help you in case anything does go wrong. Trust them, they do this every day. Good luck! :hugs:
hi was just reading your post, ive only had 2 c sections and so want another baby, and i can really sympathise with the lady is so scared..all i do is google and its plays with your mind.i know as you say 'NOT' to google is true but i suppose we cant help it..have you had your 4th section?
i also think iam going to burst open haha, if i got preg again..did you have a problem free preg.and how was your scar throughout.
thanks :flower:
Hi there!! Yes, I've had my 4th section! Around 37 weeks my scar started to thin out, and I went into labour. My dr did the c-sect and everything went beautiful. No complications at all. She did mention though that she was happy to do the sterilisation I requested, since my uterus was very thin and she was scared another pregnancy would've been too much for it.

Both my 3rd and 4th pregnancies were quite easy, compared to my first two. I did struggle with UTI's, but I'm very prone to them. My scar didn't rupture, but in both the 3rd and 4th it did thin out and caused a burning pain towards the end which is a sign to go to the doctor.

I'm very, very happy that I took the leap for both a 3rd and a 4th baby. They're my world!! If your doctor gives you the go ahead, trust him. I asked mine before falling pregnant each time if it will be okay for me to have another. Good luck with your decision!
Can't be of that much help but I've had 2 sections. My first was scheduled....second I labored for 19 hours and then went to have one....my daughter was 10 lbs. 6 oz! I have some major claustrophobia issues so during the first one I had a full blown panic attack. The second one was 100 times better though I still freaked out. I was given Valium after the baby was out which was a life saver. I'm not sure if I'm in the minority but recovery was 1000 times easier the second time. I swear it's because the my scar is still numb so I think the pain was less. I actually requested to get up and shower a few hours after surgery lol they said no! I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with a planned section...even if you're as crazy as I am :) One thing that I've learned is to tell you anesthesiology all of your fears and they will help ease them The worst part about recovery for me was not holding my son (he was 4 at the time) for a few weeks. Good luck!

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