cerilou.. i burst into tears with happiness for you!!! Congratulations girl!!! So so so pleased for you.. hoping i will join you soon... fingers crossed eh!you've given me hope it might happen for me...
Enjoy and try not to worry too much- you are right to be cautious but just remember pms is a powerful thing and try to be optimistic as much as you can even though you will have moments of being scared!!!
Hugs and lots of love and congratulations....keep us posted- go to your gp and ask for an early reassurance scan at around 6-7 weeks as you should be entitled to one and that might help put your mind to rest....
Enjoy and try not to worry too much- you are right to be cautious but just remember pms is a powerful thing and try to be optimistic as much as you can even though you will have moments of being scared!!!
Hugs and lots of love and congratulations....keep us posted- go to your gp and ask for an early reassurance scan at around 6-7 weeks as you should be entitled to one and that might help put your mind to rest....