3rd Times a Charm***Round 3 of Clomid (TTC#1)

Oh Hun I am so sorry! Trust me I have been where you are in regards to IVF and I suffered many weeks of anxiety attacks. Our next step is IVF also but there is no way we can afford it now and I am not mentally ready either. You and I both got pregnant naturally once, so I feel like we can do it again, it's just our bodies need a break. Maybe all of our ttc stress is having a negative affect on our bodies? I think most specialists say IVF is because of the success rate but I honestly think we can do it again without. I was googling the other night how long it takes to fall pregnant after a mc and I read on one post that taking up to a year after a mc is still considered normal. Just because you fell pregnant easy the first time doesn't give you a head start......reading that kind of made me feel better.

How do the menpour injections work? Are they expensive in comparison to clomid and trigger?
Thanks, Hope. I just can't seem to wrap my mind around all of it. A year ago we were just starting to think about ttc, now I've had a mc and we're being told that we should pursue IVF. I'm just overwhelmed and honestly, kind of terrified. It's such a huge financial committment. There's no way we could afford it right now, we'd have to save up until the summer at least. I agree with you about getting pregnant naturally. We'll definitely keep ttc naturally if we decide to wait and do IVF. I know that with PCOS you sometimes have a weak ovulation, which may have happened last time. I most likely just wasn't producing enough progesterone to support the pregnancy. So I'm kind of afraid to try completely on my own. My FS says that she monitors me every month in the meantime though and she'll check my progesterone level, so if I do o and it's weak she'll put me on progesterone supplements for the rest of that month just in case.

The menopur injections are definitely expensive in comparison to everything else. Each vial of Menopur is about $75 at the mail-order pharmacy I use. Right now I'm using 2 vials a day for 6 days. It comes as a vial of liquid and a vial of powder, you mix the two and then inject them in the same place you inject the Ovidrel. I haven't really noticed side effects, the Letrozole and Menopur are nothing compared to the mood swings, hot flashes, and panic attacks I was having on Clomid! The doctor thinks that the Menopur should help with my lack of CM and thin lining too. On Letrozole and Menopur last month I had a lot of CM but still a thin lining, this month I'm just doing Menopur.
So sorry to hear that hope. Fingers crossed for u. Hope u conceive very soon the natural way, give it a try as I've heard loads of stories of ppl coming off clomid n Bam,,, !!!!
Good luck sweetheart
How's everyone doing? Any news?

I had my 3rd and final IUI today, I had to do a trigger shot twice because I didn't o after the first one. But my levels started to rise today so the nurse thinks I will o tonight. DH had 215 million swimmers and my lining is finally 8mm, so maybe tho month will work out?
Everything sounds good Stayhopeful! Dh numbers sound really good. Hopefully this final round of iui will be your golden ticket :)

Nothing new with me. I take my last clomid tonight and i go back on thursday for follie check. Most likely i will have my iui on friday. This 100mg is really doing a number on me tonight...im getty blurred vision and slightly dizzy. Thats a side effecr right?
That's no fun, Hope! I've heard that's a Clomid side effect, but I never had it. I also never went above 50mg though. GL with your collie check!!!
Hi ladies, how is everyone doing? Are there any updates? Nothing new with me, I had my third and final iui on the 16th so I will find out Saturday if it worked or not. I had two follies at 23 mm on my right so I'm hoping for the best. If af shows up, we will be taking the natural approach until further notice as IVF is too expensive and we pay it all out of pocket. My cousins wife is getting induced tomorrow and next weekend is my cousins baby shower...oh and this past weekend was my best friends baby shower....fun stuff right -smh-
I totally understand how you feel. We've been trying for almost 2 years still nothing. Last weekend, one of my good friends told me she was pregnant. Guess how many months it took??? One! I just don't understand. I acutally called today to try clomid again for 3 cycles. If that doesn't work, then I'm not sure what to do. I'm not a huge fan of the whole IUI process and definitely not a fan of the IVF stuff. We'll see though. It's quite hard to be positive month after month. I had no symptoms this past cycle during my TWW so I thought that was a good sign. AF showed up today while I was at work...two days early!!!!

Oh well. There is nothing I can do. Just trying to get it to God, but that's hard as well.

Good luck with your IUI! I hope you get your BFP!
Thanks Swtshae. I was not a huge fan of IUI either but it wasn't so bad and IVF just really scares me, but at the end of the day I will exhaust all options to give myself and dh our baby. We never know where our journey is going to lead and I hate when women who fall pregnant so easily make comments that you just want to slap them in the face! ughh, I know 3 people as well who only took 1 month to get pregnant (two cousins and my best friend) and they are all due 1 month apart...actually one of my cousins is having her baby today! I just never imagined it would take this long, especially since i fell pregnant the 3rd cycle the first time around before the mc.

Sorry af got you....hopefully you will get a nice xmas or new years surprise :)
GL, hope! My blood test yesterday was negative, so now I'm waiting for AF. That was our last cycle before IVF, so I'm devastated. We'll most likely do it, but I want to start saving now and do it this summer (I'm a teacher so we have to do it at a time when I'm off work) and DH doesn't want to put that much financial stress on us and wants to wait longer. I can't stand the idea of waiting any longer. We got in a huge fight and I spent the night at a friends house, first time I've done that since we got married. We're doing okay now but still haven't resolved anything. It's been a really rough few days. I just can't wrap my head around all of it. I was pregnant less than a year ago and now it's IVF or adoption.
StayHopeful, so sorry to hear about your stressful last couple of days. :hugs:

I can only imagine the strain it's putting on your marriage. Typically life situations do that, especially when they're not going as planned and expected. In total, how long have you guys been trying? I would think that at some point you guys would get pregnant again and wouldn't need IVF as an option being that you mentioned you were pregnant before. When we went to the fertility specialist and they mentioned the price of an IVF, we knew immediately that wasn't an option. Hopefully, you guys won't have to do that.

This is one area of my life that I truly feel I have no control over and just at a loss for words. Though my husband and I are trying so hard to stay positive about it and haven't reached the point of IUIs and IVFs, I want so badly to give him a child. Shoot, he wants one more than I do! It just literally saddens me. I'm just not sure what to do anymore!
im so sorry stayhopeful!!! did you do 2 or 3 iui's and do you remember the follie sizes at all? sorry if you mentioned it before, i havent had a chance to read back. i am dreading the next few days as well because i know, come saturday, i am going to be either extremely excited that i got a bfp OR im gonna curl in a ball and cry my eyes out for the rest of the weekend.

you and i are very similar in that we both fell pregnant once naturally, only to mc....so deep down i feel like we will be able to conceive again naturally. i think we are putting too much stress on our bodies and that is working against us more than anything. maybe these few months ahead for you will be more "relaxed" and you will get your bfp even before you consider ivf.
I totally understand how you feel. We've been trying for almost 2 years still nothing. Last weekend, one of my good friends told me she was pregnant. Guess how many months it took??? One! I just don't understand. I acutally called today to try clomid again for 3 cycles. If that doesn't work, then I'm not sure what to do. I'm not a huge fan of the whole IUI process and definitely not a fan of the IVF stuff. We'll see though. It's quite hard to be positive month after month. I had no symptoms this past cycle during my TWW so I thought that was a good sign. AF showed up today while I was at work...two days early!!!!

Oh well. There is nothing I can do. Just trying to get it to God, but that's hard as well.

Good luck with your IUI! I hope you get your BFP!

Hey Swtshae...have you tried Femara before...I was on Clomid for 5 cycles and did not work for me at all...I was on Femara during my August cycle when I was told by RE that we are probably not going to be able to conceive on our own due to all kinds of stuff he has found in blood work and I also developed cyst from Clomid...o yea and he has put me on thyroid meds as that was messed up as well...so when I have gone to get my cysts checked to see if they have disappeared and as he was telling me again that I needed to be more proactive and was giving me pamphlets on IVF...he did not even entertain idea of IUI because apparently my eggs are not very good…so while he was doing a U/S to check and see if cyst have cleared up I have found out I was 6weeks and 2days pregnant…it was a very nice surprise since I did not think it would ever happen because we were not finically able to do IVF…and have been trying for about two years and never had BFP…Femara is sometimes not covered by insurance but someone on one of these threads has told me that if you have Costco near you it only costs $12 for generic…Mine was generic…I was not even suppose to take them but he did not do u/s before prescribing them as we have just gone for consultation…if he has seen the cyst he would have not prescribed it to me…with all that said not sure if it was Femara or thyroid meds or just my eggs going we will show you or lots of praying or combination of all but something worked and I am glad as this was also putting so much stress on our marriage…and I have became a person that I did not want to be…

Lots and lots and lots of baby dust to all on this thread...and praying for lots of BFP's
Swtshae, we started trying a year ago next week. I came off the pill, o'd 3 weeks later, and mc at 5 weeks. Then I went in for a 6-week follow-up after my mc and hadn't o'd so my doctor did some tests and we found out about my PCOS. One symptom, low progesterone, may have been what caused my mc. So I started on Clomid for 5 rounds, then started with the fertility specialist. This was my 3rd IUI. We'll definitely keep trying while we save, and I'm going to start Metformin to hopefully regulate my cycles a bit. I'll also go in to the FS on CD21 each time to check my progesterone. That way if I o they can give me progesterone supplements and if not they can induce a period. IVF is definitely expensive. Right now we've been spending about $1500-2000 a month between monitoring, IUIs, and meds. So I want to try and save that much each month and do IVF this summer. But money has been really tight and DH is tired of that, he wants to relax a bit more with money so we take longer and save less each month. We haven't really looked into adoption yet. I'm adopted so I know how well it works, but even then it's hard to take the step saying I may not carry my own child.

Hope, I have everything crossed for you! This was my third IUI. I had an 18mm follicle and another one that was 12 at my scan that may have released as well. I am going to try to relax a bit more now. I feel like TTC has taken over my life. I don't want to plan too far in advance for thing in case of a bfp, don't have a glass of wine or a coke or very much chocolate, I don't work out very hard so my heart rate doesn't get above 140... I'm going to try to get out of that mindset. I'd really like to get back into working out, PCOS makes me really struggle with weight and I'd like to lose about 30lbs. My FS hasn't been worried about my weight, but it would help my body image a lot.

The whole thing just sucks.
Sasha, thank you for that information. I'm actually going to the fertility specialist tomorrow for ultrasound, bloodwork and clomid so I'll ask about femera instead. Especially because in the past the clomid did give me a fibroid which caused my cycles to be very painful and heavy. I'll let you know what is decided tomorrow after my appointment.

StayHopeful, sounds like you guys have been through a lot trying to get pregnant. We haven't come to terms at the fact that an IUI may be something we have to do. The fertility doctor felt that we should get pregnant on our own, but since that hasn't happened yet, I'm just very hopeless.

We'll see how this next cycle goes. It would be wonderful to have a BFP bringing in the new year!!!!!
Hi ladies. I started this thread almost a year ago and in my case my third round of clomid wasnt the charm...instead my third iui was!!! I got my bfp a week ago after 15 months ttcal.

Stayhopeful please so not give up. Our situations are very similar and i know in my gut you will fall pregnant naturally again, no ivf needed. Take the time you wanted for yourself and once your ready try again. I am praying for you :)
Congratulations, Hope!!! I am so excited for you! I was really hoping that the fact you didn't post right away meant it was good news! Have a happy and healthy nine months and keep us posted on how everything is going!

Hey @ hope , massive congratulations to u n ur family , I'm really so happy for you . Still early days be very careful n look after ur self well. Eat plenty ;)
@ stay hopeful see there's another example in front of you, please do Not give up, if u conceived in the past , u obviously CAN conceive AGAIN! Hang in there, some times it's all a matter of luck even if everything's going fine , u still don't conceive , pls adopt a carefree attitude towards it ( like I did - have always been such a pessimist ) it will happen.

Stress is only going to make it more difficult . I suggest you , to use CLEARBLUE DIGITAL OVULATION TEST , with a smiley. That really helped me. Y not give it a try!!!

Take care everybody !!!!
Thanks, egg muffin. This month I am just trying to forget about TTC. I just need a break from everything. I used the ClearBlue ovulation test while I was on Clomid before I started going to the FS and I did really like it, the problem is that with my PCOS my cycles are all over the place without Clomid and the ClearBlue sticks are pretty expensive. I've started Metformin to hopefully regulate my cycles a little bit, but in the meantime I have no idea when I'll o. So I'm just temping and checking cm and we'll bd every couple of days to cover our bases. We'll start saving for IVF in January, as soon as we finish paying off our last IUI. And I definitely hope that I will get a bfp naturally in the meantime! I know that a lot of people do, it's just hard to be hopeful about it after bfn after bfn...
I am very hopeful for you that you will fall pregnant again naturally. I really think our bodies want it so bad that they are rejecting it. I think these next few months not "focusing" on ttc will help a lot. I just know it! :)

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