4 days until AF due!!


Active Member
May 27, 2012
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This month has definitely been different for me. Since 2 days after O, (Calendar says it was the 13th of September) I have been hungry almost non-stop. Very much unlike me since I normally only eat about once a day. And I know that's bad for me. I didn't have many symptoms from O to about 7dpo except maybe heartburn and a little nausea.
7DPO (September 20) I started to have these cramps in my right side that radiated into my lower back. I have never had cramps like these unless I was ON my period. Very weird.
8DPO I still had my cramps on and off all day (again, unlike me) and my asthma started kicking in big time. That day when I went to go get my inhaler I almost couldn't make it to my bag without turning around and running to the bathroom to throw up. (I don't ever throw up. Even with my motion sickness)
9DPO I noticed my breasts were a little larger than normal, and I think my nipples getting a little darker and larger. I don't pay TOO much attention to them, but I do remember them being on the small side. Also, I noticed some clear, sticky, kind of smelly discharge from my nipples, too. Not too much at all that I was going to worry about, just though it was a sign of pregnancy.

I am now 10DPO I think. Since 7DPO I've had frequent bowel movements, excessive gas, cramps (like AF), nausea, heartburn and a little bit of acid reflux.
I think I'm going to buy a $HPT tomorrow morning when I get off work.
Just want to get your insight on if you think I am or not.
Tell me your symptoms that ended in BFP!!!

Wont know until the test, but can't get it off of my mind. Crossing my fingers!
Sounds promising. But there is no way to no for sure till you test or af shows. Good luck. Hopefully this is your :bfp:
My symptoms have been really really similiar to yours. And after ntnp for 9 months (with lots and lots of bd) i really thought this was my month. I was convinced. Acid reflux, heart burn, indegestion, feeling nauseas, dizzy, bunged up, headaches, achey boobs (totally unsual for me!!) and lots and lots of cramping right through the past couple of weeks..

Since coming of bc pill in november, Ive had a 33 day cycle, almost every month. There have been two months where it was 35 days. But never ever less than 33 days.. This month, the one month I was convinced I was pg, AF has shown up on cd 29. What is that all about!?! I wondered if it was implanation, but it lasted on and off yesterday, and fairly on today. So my hopes have been dashed. My usual af is (sorry for tmi) very heavy and clotty and dark. This is lighter, and very dilute looking. So I think im still going to test you know, just encase (because im a totally obsessed crazy lady).

I really really hope you get a bfp. :) Your symptoms sound promising. I hope af holds off for you . Good luck x
Thank you Jayjay. :] fxd for you!!
I have heard stories where people even have a type of period while they are pregnant!
Don't lose hope, yet!.

But all day today I've been having this stretching crampy feeling mainly in my right side and heartburn. Lots of heartburn.

Me and these symptoms have a love hate relationship!
Hey guys! My husband and I are trying to conceive and I have had some similar symptoms.... I believe to be about 12 dpo and am currently having tons of heartburn, and my nipples are very sore which i have never had! (not my breasts, just nipples). About a week ago I was having mild cramping and dizziness, but went away after 3 days. Any feedback? I still have 3 days until AF.... I have taken one pregnancy test each day the last 4 days and have extremely faint lines, faint to the point where i have to second guess myself each time I look at them... im just so anxious!!
A faint line is a line!. Test after AF skips you! If she doesn't show and you're still getting faint lines go to the doctor to have a test done there!!
I haven't bought a test yet.. I think I'm going to do it in the morning.
So scared, though.
I know exactly how you feel! I keep looking at the tests, and it seems the lines have become darker, and that could just be evap lines.... but from the first one i took, until the last one i took this morning, each one is darker, even if they are evap lines.... just so confusing! Baby dust to all of us!
Post a picture of them on here!
Are you using blue or pink dye?
Blue dyes are the worst...
I used them a couple of months ago and got evap..
2 in a row!
Ugh I tried to take pics but they are horrible and blurry.... you cant see anything :/
Aw that's alright! Just wait a little and get a pink dye an take with first morning urine. :)
Good luck!!
So today I decided to check my cervix because I've heard you can tell by that. It is 3 days until AF (give or take) and my cervix is high and almost fully soft!!!
I think that's a good sign!
AAAHHHH! Thats so exciting..... pretty sure Im on the same schedule as you! Cervix was the same too really soft! Well either way AF should be here before September ends, and if not its almost a 100% at that point..... im too nervous to take anymore! lol I think Im going to wait a few more days, and just see if AF comes before i test again
Still high right now and noticed some yellowish cm. :)
Took a $poas an it came back negative. Af is due on thursday, I really don't want to face her!! I'm definitely going to wait at least until this weekend. Don't wanna get disappointed again.
Good luck to you!
Still nothing for me :) I dont want to face her either...... hubby is getting me some tests right this second..... so we will see what those say! eeekk Im nervous of getting a BFN and being disappointed :/
Oh good luck!
I might be out. /: had some brown discharge with some red in it.. Maybe af making an entrance? But when af comes for me I don't get brown.. I get full on af!! If you know what I mean. Haha. So maybe I'm out. I did put a tampon in because I thought it was af and it definitely didnt soak it or anything pretty dry but still some red/brown. I sometimes get that the last day or the day after af.
Hmm. Might buy a $test tomorrow and see what that says or if this gets worse its probably just af...
Well, took 2 clear blues, one last night, one this morn. Both BFN :(...... There wasnt even any hint of a pos line..... Oh well I guess I shall just wait for AF and her ugly face to show. Maybe next month? I find it interesting we are on the same schedule.... we should keep in touch and keep each other going :)

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