4 dpo crampy on chlomid?

Yea they are still above but still not as high as I want the. Ok, pma pma. You too sweetie. Pma pma pma. .......
Espacey I kindof love you too ;). You are too cute !

Sunshine. Didn't temp this cycle. I think I'm out. Ya?
I mean tomorrow is 12 dpo.

Feels like everyone on here gets BFP on 10dpo

This is what happens when I try and sneak on here at work- I miss things. 12dpo is not out, you're not out until AF shows. When I was looking up what day to test I found that some people don't show a BFP until after their AF was due. These ladies are right, PMA! All the best sweetie.
AHH! PMA! I really have that today actually. It's okay. I'm breathing today haha
Haha thank you LILLYFIRE :))

Isn't that more the exception than the rule?
LOL don't be mad at me haha!

Okay! So... In the spirit of PMA ( espacey )

One good thing is. Usually I start spotting a week before AF ( due to low progesterone )
I've had NO spotting this month at all. And period was due yesterday. So even if I am not pregnant. Chlomid is causing a stronger ovulation. Which means my progesterone levels are higher! ( I'm sure you already all know this stuff) but I am HAPPY about that! ;)
Symptoms are.... Cramps off and on the whole 2 ww
And lack of symptoms haha! Usually I have a book full by now!
Yesterday I was super light headed. Does that count?

What are yours?
My boobs are sore. This is something I'm not imagining, and rarely have sore breasts before AF (but it has happened). I'm excited about the Clomid helping our LP though! It's done the same for mine I think. My temps are staying well above cover line.

I have been COMPULSIVELY looking online about testing etc. I'm sure you have to. It seems like there's a fair amount of people who didn't get BFP until their period was due. Some after. I'm hoping I find out earlier, but a BFP is BFP and I'll take it when I can get it! haha

I would definitely think being lightheaded is a sign! When I was pregnant I absolutely couldn't stand up quickly (before I found out) or I would feel faint. FX for all of us!

I want to be just like LILYFIRE right now!! haha :)
I'm with you guys.. fx'd for us all. I can't focus on work right now, my period comes usually at 13 dpo. I'm so nervous is gonna show in 2 days. Hold my hand girls :blush:
I wish I could! I am happy Clomid has seem to make my LP a little stronger, I'm afraid it's just going to make AF late and really make me nuts. I'll be holding on to all those 18 dpo BFP stories! :cry:

I'm going to try to stay positive. There's nothing I can do either way now anyway.
My symptoms today have been MAJOR mood swings, irritated as all get out with the DH one second then crying about something the next and I NEVER cry. I always am able to hold it in so no one sees me cry haha but there I was crying infront of the DH about something very very insignificant.. if thats not a sign for me I dont know what is! If Im not preggo then something is wrong with my body anyway for my hormones to be this crazy! My back hurts too :/ and I feel a little bloated and gassy again too.. :dust: to us all!!
OH odd story too, when I was pregnant with my DD back in 2007 I didnt get a BFP for about 1 month after I missed AF! Just fyi :)
Frisbee, how many dpo are you now? I keep crying too! I've been an emotional mess for the last 3 days...

How did you find out you were pregnant with DD?? That's crazy!!
Im about 6 or 7dpo I think.. well I was not even thinking about being pregnant because the DH and I werent even trying nor would we BD but maybe once a month! I guess it was my month.. I took multiple tests when AF was late but simply thought that maybe my cycle was just longer that month and didnt even think about it. I was driving home from a college class one November morning and suddenly felt nauseated.. That was when a tiny little lightbulb kindof went off in my head telling me I should test again haha. I had conceived her the 13-15th of October and found out the last day of November into the first day of December! It was quite the shocker hahaha
That's so amazing!! Seriously. DH would DIE if I told him we were out this month and then found out in a few weeks! He would probably be mad, thinking I hid it until I knew everything was good! (We had a pretty devastating missed miscarriage two years ago)
Hahaha, I just talked to my RE, he thinks I'm nuts. If that makes you feel better Glowbug! He told him he didn't want me to call yelling at him again until 14dpo! I love him! He just laughed at me.. made me feel so much better.

Also, he said temps start to drop about 3 days before AF, usually. If that helps anyone temping..
that totally makes me feel better! i was very down after temping last couple days. nothing i can do except pma. no af so dh said it's as close to a bfp as we can get and trumps all the temping/nausea/cramping/bloating.
THAT'S SUCH A GOOD WAY TO PUT IT!!!! No AF, is a great sign! Best symptom EVER!! haha :)
Hey fertilesoul.

I love your username :))

Welcome!!! I have an LP defect too!

What is letrazol ? I can't believe this is something TTC that I hVe not heard of hahaha

Hi Glowbug, thanks for the welcome. Letrozole (aka femara) is another ovulation inducer. It's what they switch you to if clomid gave you cysts or a thin lining. Seems to have less side effects and less chance of twins with letrozole when compared to clomid.
Hi sunshine,
I am 6 dpo and am taking this month off from temping. Last month I charted temps, was 4 days late then BAM, AF came -- it really messed with my emotions so I went with every other day bding, then 2 days straight once I got my one day of EWCM.

I am also the opposite of a POAS addict -- I am so terrified of seeing a negative test that I go to the doc's office when I am 7 days late and ask my doc to do the test for me. No HPTs any where near me.

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